After finding a more open space, Bai Mo directly set up two large pots to prepare today's dinner.

Tsukuba Ryo and Caidou, who had just tasted Bai Mo cuisine at noon, were also extremely excited.

It seems that they can taste Bai Mo’s delicious cooking again!

Before preparing the food, Bai Mo also released all his current Pokémon.

Sunflower Monster, Farfetch'd, Slowpoke, Milkman, Jigglypuff, Jigglypuff, Yo-Yo and the last Kokoro

As for Nidoran and Nidoran, they have been sent to the world of food by Bai Mo.

Even Sunflower Monster, Slowpoke and Yo-Yo will be sent into the world of food by Bai Mo.

Their potential is insufficient. Even if Bai Mo works hard to develop them, they can't compare to the others.

And the main purpose of capturing them is to obtain food, so after Bai Mo is ready to send them into the food world, he will inject them with food cells to make them more delicious.

If Slowpoke and Yo-Yo evolve, Bai Mo will have no way to get their food.

The same is true for Miltank, but Miltank has great potential. After injecting gourmet cells into it, Bai Mo will bring it out and treat it as his own battle Pokémon again.

29 After all, the rolling milk tank in the Manjin Gym was once one of Bai Mo's nightmares in the game.~

After Bai Mo released his Pokémon, Tsukuba Liang and Caidou followed suit and released their own six Pokémon.

Tsukuba Ryo is indeed a rich young master. In addition to the Rhydon he used before, the remaining Pokémon he has are Nidoking, Sandslash, Onix, Dragonite, and Nonsense.

It seems that he is a trainer who specializes in ground and rock types, which is quite consistent with his identity.

As for Caidou's Pokémon, they are quite normal, including Armstrong, Goli, and Superstrong, Octopus Warrior and Wrestling Hawkman, and finally the Scallion Soldier of Galar.

Looking at the thick green onion in Cong Youbing's hand, Bai Mo couldn't help swallowing.

"Ahem~ Miss Caidou, can I borrow the onion in your Congyoubing's hand?"

"Yes, you can, but what are you going to do?" Caidou asked doubtfully.

""Ahem~" Looking at the fresh green onions, Bai Mo couldn't help but say,"In fact, there are many ways to cook green onions, such as braised sea cucumber with green onions, stir-fried pork with green onions, braised chicken with green onions, pork and green onion buns, and scallion pancakes made with green onions!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the scallion soldier's eyes suddenly became fierce:"Ha ha ha!"

"You said that the only way to get you to put down your knight's spear and shield is to wait for you to die on the battlefield? You don't have to be so absolute, right?"

Bai Mo pointed at his Onion Duck and said,"Look at the onion in my Onion Duck's hand. He has changed it three times and he didn't say anything!"

However, in response to Bai Mo's words, the Onion Duck made a few helpless"quacks", as if to complain that this was not its original intention.

"Well, anyway, the green onions I provided are much better than what you had before, right? Besides, they are consumables, so it’s okay to consume more. The most important thing is, don’t you feel delicious when you eat them?"


Bai Mo's words made Onion Duck fall into autism. It hid in the corner and drew circles while holding its onion with a sad face.

"By the way, I wanted to ask this before, Bai, can you really communicate with Pokémon?"

"Well, you can indeed know what they are talking about~" Bai Mo did not hide it:"For example, this nonsense tree of yours is saying that you are wandering outside again, and your mother will nag you when you return home!"

It seemed that what Bai Mo said was right. Hu Shuoshu waved his hands repeatedly in the face of Tsukuba Liang's gaze, but finally nodded dejectedly, indicating that Bai Mo was right.

"What a convenient ability. Can you tell me what my Pokémon have to say?"

Hearing Caidou's words, Caidou's strange power immediately became excited and started to dance with joy.

"This guy told you not to train so hard anymore. After all, there is a big difference between the human and Pokémon bodies. If you keep pushing your body like this, it will only break down like I said before!"

""Strange power, strange power!" The strange power on the side also nodded repeatedly, echoing Bai Mo's statement.

However, in response to Guai Li's persuasion, Cai Dou only hesitated for a moment and shook his head:"I want to be the strongest fighting-type Pokémon trainer. If I can't achieve the set goals, then what qualifications do I have to continue training them!"

"Weird strength, weird strength, weird strength!"

Although the Pokémon such as Guai Li are full of worries, they are also full of trust in Cai Dou.

"She said you have done enough, and all of their Pokémon agree with your leadership, so you should take a break!"

After conveying the words of the strange force, Bai Mo looked at Cai Dou and asked,"So, to what extent do you think you have achieved your goal in martial arts practice?"

"Is it being able to defeat a Fighting Pokémon with bare hands? Or being able to fight a Pokémon that is using all its strength? Or is it being able to defeat a legendary Pokémon with just your fists?"

Without waiting for Caidou to refute, Bai Mo pointed at the dream demon that was wandering in the distance because of the night.

"Do you think that no matter how good your fighting skills are, you can defeat the incorporeal ghost-type Pokémon?"

Hearing this, Caidou's spirit dimmed.

Yes, no matter how much you train your fists and feet, it will be useless if you can't hit the opponent.

For fighters, ghost-type Pokémon are really their natural nemesis!

"So, try to trust your partners more!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Super strength!""Super strength!""Just~"

Looking at the Pokémon gathered around him, Caidou seemed to have figured something out.

After bowing respectfully to Bai Mo, Cai Dou, who had been keeping a cold face, also showed a rare smile:"Thank you for your teaching, maybe I was too focused and ignored the beautiful scenery along the way!"

"I will not give up martial arts, but I will also accept the efforts of the strange forces in the future. After all, as you said, 460, they are all my partners on the road ahead!"

Facing the changed Caidou, Bai Mo and Tsukuba Ryo beside him also smiled.

"Fighting skills?" Bai Mo rubbed his wrist and said,"It just so happens that I also want to do something. Tsukuba, it shouldn't be a problem to make some noise here, right?"

"It’s okay, no one will care about this place in the wilderness!"

In Tsukuba Ryo's opinion, how big could the commotion that Bai Mo was talking about be?

After hearing what Tsukuba Ryo said, Bai Mo nodded and jumped more than ten meters high.

Then Bai Mo punched the mountain wall in the distance.

"Kaihu, Explosive Fist!"

With a strong tremor, at the moment when Bai Mo's fist wind touched the cliff, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread wildly in all directions with the point where the fist landed as the center.

The air was torn into pieces by this force, making a sharp whistling sound.

The rocks on the cliff surface, which had been eroded by wind and rain for tens of millions of years, seemed to become fragile at this moment. They burst and turned into countless fragments, splashing all around.

Then, the entire cliff began to shake violently, as if a sleeping beast had suddenly been awakened and was struggling hard.[]

The crack spread rapidly like a spider web, spreading from the point where the fist landed to the surrounding areas, getting bigger and deeper.

Finally, with a thunderous roar, the cliff collapsed, and dust and rubble covered the sky, completely submerging Bai Mo's figure.

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