Private Yingcai Academy High School, looking at the academy sign being dismantled and packed, Bai Mo felt neither sad nor happy.

After taking a look at the workers working at the school gate, Bai Mo talked to the security guard and found the teacher’s office on the first floor of the teaching building.

Because of the merger of multiple schools, the teacher’s office of the private Yingqiu Academy, which has been renamed, is also noisy.

After all, teachers from four or five schools are all gathered together, so there will naturally be some confusion.

Looking at the scene in the classroom office, Bai Mo, who was standing at the door, knocked on the door and said,”I’m here to see Teacher Yamanaka Sawako!”

Hearing Bai Mo’s words, a voice immediately rang out in the noisy office:”Bai Mo-kun? Here, here!”

Looking at the female teacher waving at the workstation, Bai Mo also walked straight over.

Looking at Bai Mo, who was 1.85 meters tall, with a tall figure, faintly visible muscle lines under the white shirt, and full of masculinity, Yamanaka Sawako’s eyes couldn’t help but narrowed.

She just graduated from college this year and came here to work as a music teacher. Didn’t expect that the first student she met would be such a handsome kid?

What a lucky guy!

While Yamanaka Sawako was in a daze, Bai Mo put the bag he was holding on the table.

“”Teacher Yamanaka, these are some apples my family sent over. You can try them~”

Bai Mo still knows the ways of the world.

Looking at the red and crispy apples in the bag, Sawako Yamanaka, who came from a well-off family, immediately knew that these apples were not ordinary varieties and wanted to refuse them immediately.

However, Bai Mo continued,”I’m sorry, Teacher Yamanaka, you said that some files need to be modified. How long will it take? I have to go to Chiba in the afternoon.~”

“Very quickly~” Yamanaka Sawako came back to her senses and immediately replied:”There are five documents to sign, which are just a few words.~”

“Bai Mojun, you can see that school is about to start, and everyone seems to be in a panic. After all, it is the merger of five schools, and it is the first time in Tokyo’s history~”

Yes, freshmen don’t need to worry about it, but how to make the seniors of the original school smoothly transition to the new school is indeed a difficult problem.

However, this has nothing to do with Bai Mo.

Under the guidance of Yamanaka Sawako, Bai Mo looked at the contents of the documents and signed his name on several applications and contracts.

After doing all this, Bai Mo also stood up and prepared to leave.

“Ah~, by the way, Bai Mojun, you are a transfer student from abroad, do you need me to take you to see where you are studying? Just so you can get familiar with it in advance~”

However, just as Yamanaka Sawako finished speaking, a voice sounded beside them:”Hey~ Is this junior also a transfer student from abroad?”

“That just so happens, our school has two transfer students from abroad this year, so let me show you around the school!”

Looking in the direction of the voice, Bai Mo saw a woman with long straight black hair, and behind her was a girl about 1.3 meters tall.

Mother and daughter?

No, no, no~

“Ah~ It’s President Amakusa. This is Amakusa Shino, the former president of the student union of the private Sakurasai Gakuen High School. Is the person behind you also a freshman this year?”

“Yes!” Amakusa Shino replied with a smile:”This is the returnee who transferred back from England this year, Ogimura Rei, a genius with an IQ of 180! I just invited her to join the student union, and now I am planning to take her to visit!”

“After all, this school is where I once spent my bodily fluids and youth, so naturally, no one knows it better than me!”

I always feel like something is wrong~

“Then I’ll leave it to you, President Amakusa!”

“Leave it to me~”

After leaving the teacher’s office with Bai Mo and Ogimura Ling, Amakusa Shino couldn’t help but smile at the man and woman standing next to him:”I have to say, Bai Mo-kun and Ling-chan, there is still a big difference between you~”

After all, one is 1.3 meters tall and the other is 1.85 meters tall, the gap is indeed a bit big!

And Ogimura Ling on the side looked at the unusually tall Bai Mo, and there was a hint of envy in her eyes.

But the feeling of only being able to see the other person’s abdomen when looking straight at each other is really unpleasant!

“Hum~ President, didn’t you say you wanted to introduce the school? This guy has something else to do later, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes. Let me show you around the school.~”

“This is the health room. The beds here are quite soft.This is the women’s locker room. Oh, it seems that after the merger, a men’s locker room was added. It seems to be several classrooms away from here.~”

“This is an empty classroom with no one here usually, but I don’t know if there will be any clubs applying to hold department activities here in the future. It would be terrible if people disturbed us~”

After arriving at the sports goods warehouse, Amakusa Shino looked at Bai Mo and continued:”This is the sports goods warehouse. The concealment of that corner is quite good, and only a few people have the key to the warehouse, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed.~”


Bai Mo tilted his head in confusion, then took another bite of the apple in his hand.

“Sorry, I want to introduce the places that boys will get excited about first.” Amakusa Shino apologized,”But where did you get the apple, Bai Mo-kun?”

“Do you want to eat?” Bai Mo took out two more from the backpack behind him:”Don’t worry, they have been washed, and I didn’t put any other messy things in them!”

Messy things~

Hearing this, Amakusa Shino’s legs twisted unnaturally twice

“Ahem, there is another place ~ I’ll take you there!”

“This is a music classroom, you can use the grand piano as you like, but remember to clean it~”

Amakusa Shino’s performance was as outstanding as ever.

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