Looking at Super Bangla and Heracross standing in front of him, Dantei's eyes were filled with solemnity.

That guy is indeed not an ordinary person, and as he said, this is a battle, not a competition. It seems that I have to take it seriously.~

"Flame Ace, Thousand Faces! You two come together!"

The two Pokémon that appeared also went straight to their opponents.

The fire-type Flash Ace versus Heracross, the water-type Thousand Faces Chameleon versus Super Banjira, playing with attribute restraint

But Bai Mo won't give them this opportunity

"Bangira used Mud Shot on Flash Ace, and Heracross used Missile Needle on Chromis!"

"Want to exchange opponents? I won't let you succeed!" Seeing this, Dandi immediately launched a counterattack:"Flash Flame Ace Energy Accumulation Flame Attack! Thousand Faces Evasion Water Wave!"

In order to gain a greater advantage, the four Pokémon directly entered the melee, looking for opponents whose attributes were restrained, but the other companion always���Disrupt the opponent's attack to achieve the purpose of cover

The main attacker on Bai Mo's side is naturally Super Bangila, and the flying Heracross is also supporting him.

However, these two Pokémon are just Pokémon of a group of poachers, and naturally they are no match for the three starters carefully cultivated by a regional champion.

Therefore, Bai Mo was also able to notice that Bangila and Heracross were already showing signs of fatigue, and defeat might just be a matter of time!

Bai Mo noticed this situation. As a Dan Emperor with rich combat experience, he naturally also noticed this situation.

Seeing this, he smiled and immediately gave his Pokémon orders:"Flash Ace, use Fire Ball, and Shroud, use Water Stream Slash! Let's go all out and win this battle!"

A football made of flames was formed under the feet of the Flash Ace, and the hands of the Thousand Faces Evil began to accumulate water power and prepared to use the water flow to blast.

The power of these two skills is quite impressive. If Bangila and Heracross were hit, they might be in great danger.

But Bai Mo is not the kind of person who sits and waits for death.

Since you can’t win, then don’t fight!

If Bai Mo hadn't been afraid of exposing his identity, he would have punched each kid in the face long ago. Why would he need Bangila and Heracross to help him now?

But since I'm going to forge a fake identity to move around in this world, I naturally can't reveal my true abilities.

When Dandi was preparing to pursue his victory, Bai Mo also had a remote control in his hand.

"Well, goodbye, the Quilt King of the Galar region~.!"

The moment Bai Mo pressed the button, Flash Ace and Thousand Faces Evil immediately realized that something was wrong and wanted to rush to Dan Di's side to protect him.

Bai Mo also took this opportunity to take back Bangila and Heracross.

After more than ten seconds, there seemed to be no movement.

Looking at Bai Mo's smile, Dan Emperor couldn't help but curse:"Damn it, you actually use such a dirty trick!"

"It's useful. But do you think I will really plant the bomb next time?"

After Bai Mo finished speaking, a Yongjira appeared behind him:"Well, King of Quilts, see you later.~"

"Don't even think about running! Flare Ace, Flame Vortex~"

However, the only response from Dan Emperor was Bai Mo's disappearing figure. The flame vortex that was cast a little late did not succeed in trapping Bai Mo.

Looking at the empty scene, Dandi couldn't help but clench his fist and hit himself helplessly.

I didn't expect that after so many days of hard work, I still couldn't catch these people.

The battle between Dandi and Bai Mo naturally exposed their location. With the arrival of the Alliance Investigators, Dandi immediately asked people who were good at sketching to start drawing Hao's face according to their memories, and issued a regional and even global wanted notice.

"By the way, when we were fighting just now, I noticed that there seemed to be a red letter R on the guy's clothes under his cloak."

Dan Di opened his phone and started searching:"I remember there seems to be a criminal organization with R as its logo in Kanto and Chengdu, it seems to be Team Rocket!"

"They all have Pokémon that can teleport, so we must deal with this next time!"

Looking at the information about Team Rocket on his phone, Dantei smiled."It is indeed the same logo, but isn't Team Rocket mainly active in the Kanto region? How did they end up in the Galar region?""

"I immediately contacted President Ross and asked him to contact the Pokémon League in the Kanto region to find out what this Team Rocket is up to!"

"Please clean up the place and check if there is any missing information!"

"Please rest assured and leave it to us~"

When Dan Di left, Bai Mo, who had returned to his original appearance, had returned to the hotel.

After comforting Jigglypuff and Jigglypuff, Bai Mo fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

Meeting the Galar Champion Dantei was not in Bai Mo's plan, but this is more perfect.

I just wonder if the angry Dan Emperor will go directly to Kanto to cause trouble for Team Rocket?

Pray for the poor Rockets for a second!

As for Xiao Hao? Who is that? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next morning, Bai Mo got up from the bed and prepared to go downstairs for breakfast. He immediately saw the wanted poster playing on loop in the hotel lobby.

Looking at the photo and the introduction that kept scrolling on the side, Bai Mo couldn't help but take a closer look.

The wanted poster also lists the Pokémon owned by Hao: Vashon, Heracross, Brawlhalla, and the evolving Banjira!

The danger level is marked as extremely vicious. As long as you provide effective clues, you can get a reward of 50,000 Alliance coins.

It can be said that the Galar League has regarded Gou and Team Rocket as the most wanted criminals in the region.

Unfortunately, after a night of searching, no one found anything, so they had to mobilize people from all over the area to help.

After all, if Team Rocket continues to wreak havoc in Galar, the Pokémon in their region will definitely suffer heavy casualties, and the ecological environment will be destroyed. By then, the Galar region may become desolate.

This is something that neither Roz nor Dandi can tolerate, so they must arrest those guys as soon as possible.

Listening to the discussions in the hotel restaurant, Bai Mo quietly finished his breakfast and prepared to go out to the stall.

After all, the person you want to arrest is Xiao Hao, what does it have to do with me, Bai Mo!

I am a good citizen!

At nine o'clock in the morning, Bai Mo's stall was open again.

After yesterday's good reputation, the stall attracted countless attention from the beginning. Many people who had nothing to do gathered in front of the stall to see what Bai Mo was selling today.

Since Bai Mo had already agreed to Cai Dou's request for cream cake, he would not forget it today.

I spent half a day preparing the ingredients yesterday afternoon, and they came in handy today![]

After preparing all the ingredients, Bai Mo looked at the Frost Milk Fairy standing on the cooking table and couldn't help but say,"Then I'll leave it to you today.~"


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