After encountering a rare plot that only appeared in novels, Bai Mo brought Kasugano Qiong to the restaurant he had chosen.

【Harukatei is a restaurant opened by Enno Kikuchi, the second of the 89th Totsuki Ten Outstanding Students.

As a person who was able to open this restaurant less than two years after graduation, Enno Kikuchi must be quite capable!

It’s like in Totsuki Tea House, the strongest among the Ten Outstanding Students is not the first, but the second.

After all, the first has a lot of work to do, so how can he have time to study cooking properly! (Bold statement!)

And Enno Kikuchi, who is also the second of the 89th Totsuki Ten Outstanding Students, is also not to be underestimated.

Harukatei specializes in Western cuisine, but to be more specific, it should be Italian cuisine.

And because Harukatei does not have a menu, basically every day’s menu is a special dish made by the chef, that is, you eat what the chef cooks.

Bai Mo has naturally experienced this situation.

Therefore, after sitting down at the table with Kasugano Sora, he asked Sora next to him:”Sora, do you have any taboos or ingredients that you are allergic to?”

“Maybe not~”

“That’s good~” Bai Mo nodded:”After all, I don’t know what ingredients this restaurant will serve, so let’s look forward to it~”

Kasugano Qiong also nodded after hearing this, and then began to observe Bai Mo’s behavior.

After all, she had never been to such a restaurant when her family was complete, not to mention the time when she was adopted.

Therefore, Kasugano Qiong wanted to learn to eat like Bai Mo, so as not to let her”brother” lose face.

Appetizer: three pieces of fried scallops with butter, the smell of butter combined with the micro-scent produced by the fresh scallops The wonderful aroma really makes people feel an irresistible delicacy.

Scallops are tender and smooth, with the freshness and sweetness of the ocean.

When they meet butter, the mellowness and milky aroma of butter can perfectly penetrate into every inch of the scallop’s texture, making the scallop’s flavor fuller and the taste richer.

This appetizer really whets people’s appetite.

Looking at Kasugano Sora who was carefully piercing the scallop with a fork and eating it in small bites, Bai Mo directly called the waiter:”Please give me a small bowl and two pairs of chopsticks.”~”


Although Bai Mo’s request was a bit abrupt, he immediately brought up the prepared tableware in response to the customer’s request.

Placing the chopsticks in front of Kasugano Sora, Bai Mo said with a smile:”If it’s inconvenient, you can just use chopsticks. After all, cooking is all about the flavor, so just do whatever is convenient!”

“As for the so-called Western dining rules, they are just a process that a group of guys came up with to show their uniqueness. Haha~ When our ancestors talked about dining civilization, those guys were still eating raw meat and drinking blood with their hands!”

Seeing Bai Mo pick up a piece of scallop with a chopstick and put it in his mouth to chew, Kasugano Qiong hesitated for a moment, and also smiled and used chopsticks.

Since his brother doesn’t care, what should he worry about?

In this way, Bai Mo and the two of them became a beautiful scenery in Chunguo Pavilion.

The first dish was the classic Italian tomato sauce lasagna, which was Garfield’s favorite.

The second dish was the main dish of rosemary grilled steak, with asparagus rolls and garlic spinach as side dishes, followed by a simple but delicious pumpkin soup.

After eating these, the last dish was a lemon tower with a plate of Italian milk jelly.

Seeing that the smile on Kasugano Qiong’s face was getting happier and happier, Bai Mo also smiled. It was indeed not his illusion. It is really useful to use food to bring people closer!

As for the prompt sound of the system prompt, Bai Mo ignored it directly. Anyway, it was just a simple green dish.

“Are you full?”

“Mm~ I’m full~” Kasugano Sora smiled and replied:”I feel so full that I don’t need to eat dinner anymore~”

“You can’t eat snacks as dinner!”

Kasugano Sora pouted subconsciously, but just when she wanted to retract her expression, a hand was already rubbing her head:”Eat well, sleep well, so that you can grow up healthily!”


“I have always regarded the sentence you just said as my famous saying~”


Facing Kasugano Sora who tilted her head, Bai Mo explained with a smile:”Be active, study well, play games well, eat well, rest well, and live a happy, interesting and energetic life! This is the secret of the Kame-sen Ryu!”

“I hope you can do it too.~”

“”Yeah!” Kasugano Qiong nodded.

If she had always been by her brother’s side, feeling the warmth from the big hand above her head, Kasugano Qiong’s eyes were filled with tears.

Since when did she no longer have the desire to live?

Was it the death of her father, mother, and brother? Or was she kicked around like a ball by her relatives?

During that time, her heart was closed again, disguising herself, reducing her sense of existence little by little, but taking care of her younger brother, just to have a place to stay.

But when she learned that she was going to be sent to someone else to raise, Kasugano Qiong had originally thought that maybe she should take the initiative to leave, find a place to end her life, and it would be nice to be buried with her father and others after death.

But why, do you want to let yourself feel this warmth again?

Brother, will you abandon Qiong again?

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