Before, Bai Mo spent a long time strolling around Liyue Harbor, not only to purchase the ingredients he needed, but also to check out the goods in Liyue Harbor.

It must be said that as a port city, Liyue Harbor has almost all the products of Teyvat.

Mond’s wine, Inazuma’s weapons, Xumi’s spices, Fontaine’s machinery, Zhidong’s spirits and canned food, Nata’s cocoa and fruits, etc.

Bai Mo originally wanted to resell some glass salt tea, but to be honest, Teyvat has no shortage of these things.

For example, Liyue’s Shenyu Xianming, Bai Mo doesn’t think that the ordinary tea in his world can compare with it.

And high-end electronic products may not be used all the time in this world, and there is no network foundation.

Therefore, Bai Mo can only find another way.

After Bai Mo opened the box, there were small boxes one after another in the box.

Pick up a box at random, and it is filled with a box of sapphires.

Open another box and you will find rubies, followed by diamonds, topaz, emeralds, etc.

In addition to gemstones, there is also a large box of thumb-sized pearls.

Of course, these things are not formed in nature, but artificial gemstones and artificial pearls made in laboratories or factories.

However, with current technology, artificial gemstones are almost indistinguishable from real gemstones.

An ordinary diamond costs tens of thousands of yuan, while the same type of moissanite only costs dozens of yuan. My girlfriend is crying.

In addition to this large box of artificial gemstones, another box contains various small commodities wholesaled from Yiwu.

Pendants, dolls, toys, handicrafts, small jewelry, etc.

But the most important thing is the toilet paper he bought at the mall before!

God knows how he spent the past few days in Teyvat!

Although there is such a thing as paper in Teyvat, it will definitely not be used for that kind of thing.

Maybe it would be a good idea to open a paper mill in Teyvat!

After Inogashira Goro promised Bai Mo to deliver the two boxes to his home, Bai Mo looked at the time and invited him,”Uncle Goro, you have worked so hard today. How about having lunch together?”~”


When Bai Mo mentioned this, Inogashira Goro’s eyes immediately became empty. Bai Mo seemed to hear three”dong dong dong~” sounds.

“Ah! I’m hungry.~”

“Lunch. Come to think of it, I only ate two pieces of bread this morning. So I am a little hungry.~”

“In that case, let’s go have a meal together. I happen to know a good shop nearby. Their mustard beef short ribs and egg rice are really good!”

After hearing what Inogashira Goro said, Bai Mo accepted the invitation.

Then, under the leadership of Inogashira Goro, Bai Mo, who was riding a motorcycle, came to a residential area.

However, in this residential area, a Heiwaen with a authentic BBQ sign was hidden.

After entering the shop, Bai Mo was immediately attracted by the dazzling menu on the wall of the shop.

After putting the uniform and suit he was wearing into a special storage bag, the manager immediately took out a large bowl of cabbage and sauce and said,”The charcoal fire and meat may take some time. The guests can fill their stomachs with this first. What would you like to drink?”

“Oolong tea, thank you~””Me too~”

Inogashira Goro, who was sitting opposite Bai Mo, couldn’t help but laugh and said,”Every time I come here, I’m shocked by the amount of cabbage in this store. However, their cabbage is very crispy and tastes really good with the sauce!”

“Then you have to taste it carefully~”

Well, it tastes like normal cabbage, but the sauce is good and it feels a bit appetizing.

After experiencing the baptism of cabbage salad, Inogashira Goro took the menu and started ordering.

Because there were two people today, and Bai Mo was the nephew and knew his brother, Uncle Goro also spent a lot of money this time.

Beef short ribs, beef tenderloin, beef ribs, beef tendon, triangle meat, offal platter, and Bai Mo’s favorite thick-cut beef tongue.

And the grade selected was also the best or the special best~

It can be said that it is impossible to spend 80,000 or 90,000 neon coins on this meal~

Maybe Inogashira Goro will have to pay for the cost of bringing goods to Bai Mo this time!

Therefore, Bai Mo accepted Uncle Goro’s kindness.

After politely declining the uncle’s suggestion to take a bath together to get rid of the smell on his body, Bai Mo said goodbye to Inogashira Goro and rode away.

After returning home, Bai However, Bai Mo took out a box of Teyvat apples and two packaged hams as well as some cheese and bacon from his God’s Eye space.

When Inogashira Goro’s truck delivered the two boxes of things, Bai Mo asked the driver to help take the food back.

It can be regarded as a return for the lunch today.

As for the rest, it will naturally be when Bai Mo’s cooking skills improve next time, and Uncle Goro will be invited to taste the food from another world. I believe that this lonely gourmet will also like it~

After putting the two large boxes of goods into the God’s Eye space, Bai Mo also began to look forward to the second time traveling tomorrow.

Traveling once every seven days, you can move freely in another world for seven days. Perhaps this is also the charging time of the system~

While Bai Mo was thinking and preparing, the sky had gradually darkened.

With the insertion and turning of the house key, Kasugano Yui, wearing a school uniform, also returned from school.

“Qiong~ You are back, dinner is ready, go wash your hands and get ready to eat~”

“”Hmm~” Kasugano Sora responded,”I’ll help!”

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