After a competition, Bai Mo also successfully joined Jasper’s investigation team.

In addition to Jasper who used a greatsword, this team also had hunters Albert who used a longbow and Morris who used double swords.

Together with Bai Mo, the four of them just formed a standard hunter team of four. Of course, there were also three Felynx members in the team.

Originally, Jasper’s team also had a hunter who used an insect stick, but the other party was injured in the previous action and is still recovering from his injuries, which made it convenient for Bai Mo.

The task accepted by the Bai Mo team was to capture the forest thug, the Brute Jaw Dragon.

After having a hearty lunch in the Bobcat Hall and purchasing some supplies, Bai Mo and his party also left the Star Investigation Base.

However, in addition to Bai Mo and the other four, there was also a big black cat with him.

Since the Swift Dragon was subdued before, it was natural to take it with him.

And the Swift Dragon has lived in the ancient tree forest for so long, it can always be useful.

After entering the forest from the coastal wasteland, the Swift Dragon subconsciously entered the shadow of the tree canopy and hid.

As a killer who likes to hide in the shadows, Xunlong is more accustomed to sneak attacks from the dark.

“Bai, that guy won’t run away, right?”

Facing Jasper’s worry, Bai Mo’s face looked a little strange.

If it was before, the Swift Dragon might indeed run away, but at lunch time, it had lunch with Bai Mo in the mountain cat pavilion.

Just to grill meat for this guy, the Felu cat kitchen helpers grilled no less than a hundred kilograms.

And as a country cat from the forest, when has it ever eaten such delicious meat? Isn’t it much better than raw meat?

Therefore, this foodie Swift Dragon kept roaring at Bai Mo when it set off, not to threaten Bai Mo, but to ask when it could have another meal~

Sure enough, sometimes, whether it is humans or monsters, they have the same mood in pursuing delicious food!

“Don’t worry about it. He went to explore the surroundings and be on guard. Jasper, please teach me about the hunter’s survival and hunting methods!”

Jasper did not hide anything. Together with Albert and Morris, he began to teach them all the knowledge, from finding water sources, moving pace in the jungle, judging the direction of tracking prey, to camp selection and construction.

In addition, Bai Mo was also taught about the construction and dismantling of multiple traps such as lock traps, net lock traps, and paralysis traps.

The real hunting process is naturally not just a game of more than ten or twenty minutes.

It took them an entire afternoon just to come to this area and look for traces of the Brute Jaw Dragon.

If Jasper hadn’t said that there must be a Brute Jaw Dragon in this area, they would not have known about it. Bai Mo also found the hair and mucus left by the Barbarian Jaw Dragon. He couldn’t believe that there would really be a Barbarian Jaw Dragon in this area.

Sure enough, he still had a lot to learn. At least the hunter’s most basic patience and observation skills had to be honed.

So that night, in a hidden field camp of the investigation team nearby, Bai Mo ate dry food while humbly asking Jasper for advice.

For example, in the game, players can cook and eat at will in the camp, but now he can only eat cold steaks. This is completely two different worlds!

As for Jasper’s explanation, it was also very simple.

The place where they are now is not This is not a truly safe safety zone. There are still many predators wandering around this simple base, so there is absolutely no way to think about cooking and barbecue that emits fragrance.

Only those places that have been cleared out of a safe area or a few hidden camps have the conditions for outdoor cooking.

However, there are only three such bases in the ancient forest, and their area is a bit far from those camps.

Therefore, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Jasper and others basically ate dried meat, bread and drinking water during field investigations.

This is the real life of hunters.

Although Bai Mo was worried about this, The filter in the movie was broken, but it also had a bit more sense of reality.

As expected, just like the world of Teyvat, although this world has unscientific things like cat food, it is still a real world~

But this is the technology that I really want to learn~

Therefore, Bai Mo did not despise it, and he and Jasper and others collected and searched in the ancient tree forest for two days, and finally found the trace of a male Brute.

Looking at the Brute eating a ferocious jackal in the distance, Jasper gestured to Albert, and Albert, holding a longbow, immediately climbed up a tree lightly and aimed at the Brute.

“Bai, you and Morris get ready. I’ll lure the Tyrannosaurus over here. We’ll use an ambush this time!”

Bai Mo was already familiar with the three hunting methods of ambush, patrol and encirclement. So when Jasper was lurking towards the Tyrannosaurus, Bai Mo and Morris quickly set up their surroundings.

A moment later, the Tyrannosaurus was hit in the head by a stone shot from the catapult in Jasper’s hand. It immediately dropped the half-eaten Tyrannosaurus and ran towards Jasper quickly.

As expected of a pink-skinned Tyrannosaurus, a thug in the forest, the Tyrannosaurus chasing Jasper didn’t dodge at all. It knocked over the trees in front of it and took a shortcut.

Seeing that it had entered the ambush range, Jasper didn’t have any Panicked, after crossing a piece of brown-yellow grass, he immediately ran a few steps away and took out the big sword behind him.

And this piece of”grass” was naturally the trap they had just set. The moment the Brute Jaw Dragon stepped on it, the ground immediately collapsed, and the net under the trap immediately shot out and tied up the Brute Jaw Dragon.

Seeing that the trap was successful, Jasper immediately picked up the big sword and started to attack. Morris, who was holding two knives, and two melee Elu cats also jumped out from the corner and attacked the Brute Jaw Dragon.

Only Bai Mo, at this moment, was standing behind the Brute Jaw Dragon with a shield axe in his hand, raising the shield axe as if he wanted to cut off the Brute Jaw Dragon’s tail directly!

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