The bento culture on Japanese campuses has a long history.

Eating bento at school can show a person’s circle and interpersonal relationships.

Those who have friends will choose to eat with friends in the classroom, while those who are in love will eat on benches, rooftops and other places in the school.

As for those who are not doing well and have bad interpersonal relationships, they may find a dark corner or even go to the toilet to eat secretly.

To be honest, as a Donghuang person, Bai Mo actually prefers to eat hot dishes.

But this morning, when preparing a bento for Qiong for the first time, Bai Mo also made more on a whim, which made it convenient for him to eat with Ping Zewei and others at noon today.

Several people did not run to the rooftop to bask in the sun. After all, Bai Mo heard Tiancao You say it when he visited the school before.

Because the school may be afraid of the danger of students jumping off the building, only a few people have the key to the rooftop, and no one can go up without the key.

Bai Mo was also unwilling to run to the flower bed to bask in the sun, so the four of them just put their desks together and sat in the classroom to eat their bento.

That’s right, four people~

Except for Hirasawa Yui and Kato Megumi, the remaining one is naturally Hirasawa Yui’s”mother” Manabe Kazu.

Manabe Kazu also has a good impression of Bai Mo, who caught the thief and found Hirasawa Yui’s mobile phone.

Therefore, facing Hirasawa Yui’s invitation to have a meal together, Manabe Kazu did not refuse.

In this way, the four of them sat together and took out their own lunch boxes.

Unlike the three girls’ small lunch boxes, the girls were also surprised when Bai Mo took out this three-layer lunch box.

But looking at Bai Mo’s 1.85-meter physique, it seems that this is also reasonable~

And the innocent Hirasawa Yui looked at Bai Mo with some envy and said:”Hey~ Bai Mo, is it because you eat so much that you can become so tall, then should I eat more?”

Regarding Hirasawa Yui’s words, Bai Mo hasn’t spoken yet, and Manabe Kazu on the side couldn’t help but said:”Wei, don’t compare with boys!”

“Yes~” Bai Mo nodded:”Although girls should be able to protect themselves, it is not good to exercise too much.~”

“I have heard of a saying in Donghuang that proper exercise attracts the opposite sex, while excessive exercise attracts the same sex.”

“Hey, hey, hey, Kato, stop spreading rumors! I’m a man and I like women!”

“Really? Then we are in danger~”

Kato Megumi hugged her shoulders in front of Bai Mo, as if she was afraid that Bai Mo would go wild. Seeing

Kato Megumi’s performance, Hirasawa Yui and Manabe Kazu couldn’t help but lower their heads to prevent themselves from laughing.

After the joke, the group officially started lunch.

After Bai Mo’s three-layer lunch box was opened, a fragrance filled the air.

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Hirasawa Yui immediately looked at the food in Bai Mo’s lunch box with shining eyes.

“Hey~ Bai Mojun, Bai Mojun, you said you made your lunch box yourself? It looks delicious! Can I have a taste too? I’ll give you some fried shrimp made by Youjiang in exchange!”

Ping Zewei raised a fried shrimp from her lunch box and placed it in front of Bai Mo.

The girls’ lunch boxes were not big to begin with, with only a fist-sized amount of rice and a few side dishes. Ping Zewei’s fried shrimps were only two, which was a huge expense!

Bai Mo did not refuse, but moved his two boxes of side dishes to the middle.

“Then let’s eat together. I actually prefer hot food. I don’t know if there is a microwave in the school. It would be nice if I could heat it up.~”

“I remember the cooking club has some. Next time, Bai Mo-jun, you can just borrow them~” Manabe and others gave Bai Mo an idea:”Some sports clubs and other individual clubs also have such appliances. Maybe when you join a club, Bai Mo-jun, you can heat them up directly in the club activity room!”

However, while Manabe and others were giving Bai Mo ideas, Hirasawa Yui, who had already been fascinated by the delicious food, had already picked up two shrimps with her chopsticks and put them in her mouth.

“Hey~ this shrimp is so delicious! Not only does it look good, but it tastes great too, smooth and tender!”

“This is crystal shrimp. My sister likes it very much, so I made some more this morning~” Bai Mo also invited Manabe and Kato Megumi to taste it.

In addition to the crystal shrimp, there are five side dishes in the lunch box: cold spinach vermicelli, fish-flavored pork shreds, pine nut corn, and crispy fried spring rolls.

As for the staple food, in addition to rice, there are three leftover Cantonese shrimp dumplings, which can be said to be extremely rich.

At least the three girls ate one by one without saying a word.

If they hadn’t remembered that this was Bai Mo’s lunch, the girls might really have swept the battlefield.

However, after eating Bai Mo’s food, Hirasawa Yui contributed her fried shrimp, Kato Megumi contributed her salt-grilled mackerel, and Manabe He also put all his hamburger meat on Bai Mo’s rice.

After all, she was a little embarrassed. She just wanted to taste it, but it was so delicious that she couldn’t help but take a few more chopsticks.

Bai Mo didn’t care about the girls’ performance.

After all, the lunch box he prepared for Kasugano Sora was made of ingredients from Teyvat, which were much more spiritual than the ingredients in modern society.

It was just right to nourish Kasugano Sora’s originally weak body. Of course, the taste was naturally excellent.

Seeing that the three girls seemed to be reluctant to leave, Bai Mo, who had already eaten the last mouthful of rice, pushed the remaining three shrimp dumplings in front of the girls.

“Eat it~ I am quite confident about this shrimp dumpling!”

Manabe Kazu, who originally wanted to refuse, had no time to stop Hirasawa Yui, so he just stretched out his chopsticks and put it directly into his mouth, and then exclaimed”Ou Yixi (delicious)”.

Although it was already like this~

Manabe Kazuya gave up resistance and directly picked up one with Kato Megumi.

“It’s really delicious~ Bai Mojun’s dishes are all great, did he practice this specially?”

“Ah~ Don’t think that I am studying in Sakuragaoka. In fact, I can also study in Totsuki when I have time!”


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