After it was decided that Totsuki would be included in the future food distribution, Bai Mo and Nakiri Senzaemon got along better.

Because the research report had not been fully certified, Bai Mo did not plan to invite Nakiri Senzaemon to taste the dragon meat dishes.

He was afraid that the old man would suffer from the food.

After a brief exchange, Bai Mo also said goodbye.

However, since he had come to Totsuki, it was naturally impossible to go back immediately. Since he was here, he would go and see if the seeds he had planted before had sprouted any new shoots.

In the third cooking building of Totsuki, Nakiri Erina, wearing a white chef’s uniform, was carefully cooking a pot of soup in front of him.

This was a pot of classic Western pumpkin soup, which Nakiri Erina had already made no less than a hundred times.

However, Nakiri Erina was not careless at all, but looked at the situation in the soup pot very carefully.

The air was filled with a strong smell of spices, but it was not pungent. Instead, it was mixed with cream and other flavors and was very harmonious.

After removing the cooked pumpkin soup from the stove, Erina Nakiri picked up a spoon and took a sip. Then her frown immediately relaxed.

“Phew~ Not bad, Feishazi, adding turmeric powder and parsley does make the taste more harmonious. Thank you for your reminder.~”

“There, as long as you give Erina-sama some time, you will definitely be able to think of suitable ingredients, it’s just that I have come into contact with more~”

Hmm~ But this spice fruit is really incredible, it’s just a fruit but it has the complex flavor of more than a dozen spices!”

“Moreover, different processing methods, cooking techniques and time will actually produce different tastes, which is really incredible!”

“If there were enough spice fruits, perhaps I could deduce a lot of recipes~ Unfortunately, there are too few~”

Looking at the half spice fruit left on the table, Erina Nakiri felt helpless.

Bai Mo had given her two more before, and even if she was frugal in her experiments, she still wasted a lot.

And if she wanted new ingredients, she could only ask that elusive guy.

Erina Nakiri also wanted to save face, so how could she beg others to give her the ingredients~

Alas~ Unfortunately, even her grandfather couldn’t do anything about him.

She should go and ask her grandfather if Totsuki could buy some from him!

Just when Erina Nakiri was thinking about a certain guy, the door to the cooking room was opened.

“Hey, have you eaten?”

“Huh? You, why are you here?” Is it true that you can’t just talk about someone casually?

I just thought about it for a while, why did this guy appear in front of me!

Is this a bad fate?

Bai Mo didn’t notice the strange expression on the eldest lady’s face. When he entered the cooking room, he was attracted by the pot of soup.

“It is better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early. Is this the soup just out of the pot?”

“It smells like the spice fruit I gave you, can I have a taste?”

Arato Hisako wanted to say something, but Nakiri Erina simply folded her hands in front of her, showing infinite beauty:”Of course no problem, didn’t you say you expect someone to conquer your taste buds with new ingredients?”

“Let me be the first one, Erina Nakiri!”

Bai Mo did not refute the pride of the golden-haired lady.

He directly picked up the spoon on the table and tasted the freshly poured pumpkin soup.

This spiced pumpkin soup is not only colorful and rich in taste, but also combines the rich flavors of a variety of ingredients. It not only retains the natural sweetness of the pumpkin, but also adds a unique spicy and fruity aroma through the ratio of spiced fruits and spices. It may be very suitable for enjoying in autumn and winter.

“Good idea. You added cilantro and parsley at the end to add layers of flavor. But you also added vegetable broth to increase the umami flavor, and coconut milk to increase the richness and smoothness of the soup. It is indeed a good dish!”

“But I personally feel that since you added turmeric powder and a small amount of chili powder to give it a more unique flavor, why not add a little cinnamon powder and ginger powder~ maybe it can make the layering more profound!”

“And maybe we shouldn’t choose the golden pumpkin that is usually used for soup. It would be better if we change it to the new variety of chestnut pumpkin!”

Erina Nakiri wanted to refute Bai Mo’s suggestion.

But after thinking carefully for a moment, she had to admit that Bai Mo had some truth in what he said.

“I understand~ Next time I will definitely cook something that will satisfy you~”

“Ah~ I’m full, I’ll go out for a walk, looking forward to your next cooking~”

However, after Bai Mo left the cooking room, the smile on his face had already disappeared.

【Ding~ Congratulations to the host for tasting the blue dish [Spicy Fruit Pumpkin Soup] and obtaining a delicious value of 490 points!】

【Recipe successfully included~】

【Spiced Pumpkin Soup】

【Ingredients required: spices, pumpkin, onion, garlic, broth, coconut milk, fresh herbs, etc.

Preparation method: Heat a small amount of olive oil in a pot, add chopped onion and garlic, and stir-fry over low heat until golden and fragrant.

Then add the chopped pumpkin and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with other mixed spices such as spices and turmeric powder, and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes to allow the pumpkin pieces to fully absorb the flavor of the spices.

Then pour in chicken broth or vegetable broth to cover the pumpkin pieces. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the pumpkin is soft.

Use a blender or food processor to blend the pumpkin soup into a fine puree, then pour the pumpkin soup back into the pot and season with salt, black pepper and coconut milk according to personal taste.

Stir well and heat to a slight boil, then add chopped coriander and cumin.���Leaves are enough. 】

Blue ingredient recipe!

It seems that I have been very successful in using Totsuki as my own experimental cooking kitchen!

Maybe when I have more ingredients in the future, I can try to increase my efforts!

However, after Bai Mo left, Erina Nakiri looked at the only spoon on the kitchen table and her face couldn’t help but blush.

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