The next morning, Zhongli disappeared again.

However, Hu Tao seemed to have been informed by Zhongli. After Bai Mo finished breakfast, she immediately took Bai Mo to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

On the way, Hu Tao, who was jumping around, said to Bai Mo,”Xiaobai, I heard about your story from Zhongli. I heard that you want to recreate the delicious food Xiantiaoqiang created by the immortals thousands of years ago, so you want to sell gems to raise funds, right?”

“Don’t worry, Xingqiu and I are old acquaintances. As a dark poet from the alley school, I have a good relationship with that guy Xingqiu. For my sake, that guy should not deliberately lower the price!”

“Thank you, Master Hutao.~”

“Hey, don’t be so polite. You are also a guest of our Wangsheng Hall now!”

“Next time I will take you to the tombs a few times so that you can become familiar with the procedures in our Hall of the Afterlife. Then you won’t have to be so polite!”

“Ahem~ Are we really going to go to the tomb?”

“Of course, it would be a pity if you don’t have the strength to go to the grave, otherwise do you want to be a funeral director? You probably don’t understand the funeral process!”

“Ahem~ Then should I try it?”

“Let’s try it!”

While the two were chatting, they had already arrived at the door of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

As the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, Xingqiu had been doing chivalrous deeds or practicing in Guhua Sect for a long time, so there were few chances to meet him in Liyue Harbor.

If it weren’t for Hu Tao’s message, he might have left Liyue Harbor with his friends this morning!

After meeting Xingqiu, Hu Tao also introduced each other briefly.

“This is Xingqiu, a failed novelist!”

“This is Bai Yujing, our new guest at Wangsheng Hall~ Oh~ By the way, he also wrote a novel called Zhumo, you should be able to see it in the bookstore in a few days!”

After hearing Hu Tao’s introduction, Xingqiu’s eyes lit up:”Brother Bai, what is the story of your Zhumo? Wanwen Collection is willing to publish it for you?”

“Ah~ It’s a story about immortals and human nature. After reading it, the other party was willing to print 40,000 copies.~”

“Forty thousand copies!!!”

Xingqiu’s expression changed to one of even greater surprise:”Forty thousand copies, that’s the number of first print runs that only best-selling authors in Liyue can get! Brother Bai’s first book was able to achieve such a high circulation, which really makes Xingqiu admire him!””

“When Brother Bai’s masterpiece is sold, I will definitely read it carefully!”

“Hey, that sounds good. I only got 100,000 Mora, which is not enough to buy some food. So I came to you to sell some things.

Bai Mo took out the box of gems.

Xingqiu didn’t show any shyness and took out a few gems to observe.

“Good gems, although they lack the charm of elemental gems, they are also some fine products. My Feiyun Chamber of Commerce is willing to buy them at the price of 7,000 Mora each. How about it?”

Nine thousand, more than double the price of yesterday.

And although Zhongli said that he could sell it for 10,000 to 20,000, that would take time.

So Bai Mo agreed directly.

“No problem, brother Xingqiu, here are fifty rubies, fifty emeralds, fifty sapphires, fifty amethysts, fifty diamonds, fifty aquamarines, and fifty topazes. What do you need?”

“In that case, I’ll take all seven, which comes to 2.45 million Mora in total! Okay?”

“Of course!” Bai Mo nodded:”But these Moras are not in a hurry. I sell gems in order to collect and reproduce the immortal recipe Xian Tiao Qiang, so I wonder if Feiyun Chamber of Commerce can buy it on my behalf?”

“”Xian Tiao Qiang!” Xingqiu was also very interested:”Is it the dish that even the immortals couldn’t help crossing mountains and rivers to taste? I have seen it in ancient books before!”

“That’s right, I was fortunate enough to get the recipe for Xian Tiao Qiang, and now I’m trying to recreate it, so I hope to ask Brother Xingqiu to collect the ingredients for me!”

“Hey, what’s there to say? Leave it to our Feiyun Chamber of Commerce!” Xingqiu patted his chest and promised:”I just don’t know if I will be lucky enough to taste this fairy delicacy?”

“Just taste it together when the time comes, and you can also invite your friends to come along, after all, food tastes better when shared together!”

“Brother Bai is really open-minded!”

After a conversation, Xingqiu also took on the task of purchasing ingredients, but still handed a bag of money with 2.45 million Mora to Bai Mo.

In Xingqiu’s words, it was a great honor to be able to taste the legendary fairy food, and he, the second son of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, could afford the ingredients!

Bai Mo did not refuse this, but still hoped that the other party would help collect some ingredients from other countries and high-quality Chenyu Xianming.

Xingqiu also agreed.

After the Mora issue was resolved, Hu Tao did not let Bai Mo leave, but took Bai Mo directly to Tianheng Mountain outside Liyue Harbor.

“Well, it’s better to be prepared than to be early. Now that the issue of ingredients has been resolved, let this hall master take you to get familiar with the work of our Wangsheng Hall!”

“There just happened to be some unusual things happening around Tianheng Mountain recently, so I’ll take you there to clean it up!”

“Master, if I say now that I’m afraid of ghosts, do you believe me?”

“I don’t believe you! You can walk slower, otherwise those things might not show up before it gets dark!”

“Master, do ghosts in Liyue absorb Yang energy? Am I in danger?”

“What a mess. I’m not asking you to arrange a ghost marriage. What are you afraid of?~”

“Now that you said that, I’m even more scared. Does Wangshengtang still have this kind of business?”

“If you keep hesitating, you can have it!” Hu Tao raised her fist, as if she was going to hit her chest with it in the next second.

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