In Liyue, cuisine is generally divided into two parts: Li cuisine and Yue cuisine.

Li cuisine chefs are generally characterized by heavy oil, rich colors, and varied flavors, and are good at using mountain delicacies to cook.

Yue cuisine emphasizes lightness, freshness, and fragrance, and eats the original flavor of ingredients, especially seafood, which has a different way of processing.

If other reasons are excluded, it is simply a dispute between mountain delicacies and seafood.

However, Bai Mo doesn’t care about these things at all. All he has to do is taste the food!

When you come to Chihuyan, you have to try the best food in Chihuyan, grilled tiger fish!

The best one is naturally the Kuaidao Chen family. Their family has been selling grilled fish in Chihuyan for hundreds of years. This is the authentic Liyue Port snack.

After following the news he heard and coming to Kuaidao Chen’s shop, Bai Mo smelled the grilled fish being grilled on the oven.

It tastes really good!

“Ah~ Hey, would you like a grilled tiger fish? They were all caught and marinated a few hours ago!”

“How many molas?”

“Chenghui, a thirty-eight-mora!”

“Give me one to try.~”

“Come on, let me pick a big one for you!”

Under the hands of Kuaidao Chen, a marinated Chihu fish was immediately put on the grill. The freshly made and grilled tiger fish is fresh.

Choose freshly caught Chihu fish, marinate it with secret seasoning, cut diamond-shaped squares on the fish with Kuaidaozi to facilitate flavoring, then cut it into two pieces, add green onions to increase the flavor, and then brush it with oil and seasoning and grill it on the stove. After grilling, brush it with secret seasoning again, and it can be served while hot.

Of course, if you can eat spicy food, you can also sprinkle some chili powder made with Jueyun pepper, and then sprinkle some chopped green onions, and that’s it.

Bai Mo sniffed the grilled tiger fish and could indeed smell the aroma of seasoning.

And around Kuaidao Chen’s shop, there are also countless kittens.

It seems that these little guys are also attracted by the aroma of the grilled tiger fish!

This fish has a lot of bones, so Bai Mo took a bite of the belly of the fish. The crispy taste and slightly crispy fish skin bloomed between the lips and teeth.

Then the rich aroma of the seasoning immediately reached the taste buds, but even so, the taste of the seasoning did not cover up the original freshness of the tiger fish.

The combination of the two is even more complementary! It really is worthy of being an old shop that has been grilling for hundreds of years!

In fact, what Bai Mo is eating now is not a real grilled tiger fish. After all, the real tiger fish has been on the verge of extinction many years ago as the number of sea beasts that accompany it has sharply decreased. What

Kuaidao Chen is doing now is just a modified grilled sea fish.

But this taste is enough to be called authentic.

【Ding~ Congratulations to the host for tasting the green dish [Secretly Grilled Tiger Fish] and obtaining 80 delicious points!】

【Recipe successfully included~】

【Grilled Tiger Fish】

【Required materials: fresh sea fish, preparation method: smoked and grilled, brushed with special seasonings made of Jueyun pepper, garlic, sesame oil, Qingxin and other seasonings, and grilled in a wood-fired stove for seven to ten minutes]

Looking at the recipe for grilled tiger fish that was included in the recipe book by the system, Bai Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, there are still many dishes in this world that I can discover!

After eating a grilled tiger fish and putting the remaining fish bones in a bowl on the ground to feed the cat, Bai Mo walked towards the tiger fish street leisurely.

Wanmintang, a time-honored restaurant on Tiger Fish Street.

Now the chef of Wanmintang is Master Mao, and there is no distinction between glass dishes and moon dishes. As long as the guests like to eat something and want to eat something, Master Mao can make it.

Moreover, compared with Xinyuexuan and Liuliting, the price of Wanmintang opened by Master Mao is lower, which is very suitable for Bai Mo, who is now short of money.

Wanmintang occupies two stores in Chihuyu Street. In addition to the full seats inside the store, there is also a row of seats outside the store, and now there are not many empty seats.

After Bai Mo found an empty table and sat down, a girl with a braided bun and wearing Liyue’s characteristic clothing walked up to Bai Mo.

“What would this guest like to order? I have never seen you before. Would you like to order our Wanmintang specialty boiled fish? It is absolutely spicy and fresh!”

“How much is that one serving?”

“Two hundred and sixty Mora! Want one?”

“Serve one portion. As for the others, please give me some of your specialty dishes. Is this okay within a budget of one thousand Mora?”

“No problem, just wait and see! Let me, Xiangling, cook some of our Wanmintang specialties for you! Is there anything you don’t like?”

“I can eat them all~”

Looking at Xiang Ling who was skipping away, Bai Mo also put on a faint smile.

Thinking back to when he was pioneering the land, he used the Invincible Hot Wheels. He didn’t expect that one day he would be able to see this person in person.

While Bai Mo was patiently waiting for the food to be served, a figure sat down next to him:”Sorry, young man, there are no other seats. Do you mind sharing a seat with me?”

“No, please~” Bai Mo drank the tea on the table and said,”After all, we are all here to eat, and it will be more lively with more people.~”

“It seems that the little brother is easy to get along with. My name is Zhongli, and I’m a guest official of Wangsheng Hall. May I know who you are?”

“Bai Yujing, just an ordinary traveler~”

“Oh~ Brother Bai’s outfit is indeed different from Liyue’s. I wonder which country he is from?”

“Donghuang~I wonder if Brother Zhongli has heard of it?”

“I’ve never heard of it, can you tell me about it?”

Facing the question from the Rock King, Bai Mo, who was a little embarrassed, could only briefly introduce his hometown.

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