Soon, Yanqing prepared the food.

When he returned to the living room, Sagiri was sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

Seeing Sagiri so well-behaved, Yanqing smiled.

"Sagiri, the food is ready"

"Do you want to eat with me or go back to your room?"

Faced with Yanqing's question, Sagiri hesitated for a while, and then made a bold choice to eat with Yanqing.

Yanqing was a little surprised by Sagiri's choice.

Sagiri hadn't eaten with him for many years.

The most recent memory was when she was a child, before Sagiri suffered that major incident.

But Yanqing was also very happy about Sagiri's change.

"Then go wash your hands, and then come to eat"


Sagiri answered softly, and ran to the bathroom on tiptoe.

When she came back after washing her hands, Yanqing had already placed all the food on the dining table.

Sagiri then sat down and picked up the rice bowl.

"Okay, let's start."

"Eat more, you're thin.���"


Under her brother's constant concern, Sagiri began to eat.

Although Sagiri wanted to eat more, the size of her stomach limited her ability to move.

After eating a little, Sagiri felt that her stomach was already very full.

Her lower abdomen was bulging, as if she was pregnant.

"If you can't eat anymore, go watch TV and drink some water to relieve yourself."

Listening to her brother's words, Sagiri nodded, then came to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Yanqing then continued to eat the food on the table.

But after a while, the food was eaten up by Yanqing in a flash.

Ever since he had the Yanqing template, and after those few enhancements, Yanqing no longer felt hungry.

Now he eats because of Sagiri and to satisfy his own taste buds.

After dinner, Yanqing cleaned up the table, washed the dishes, and then came to the living room to watch TV with Sagiri.

The picture was unusually warm.

Time passed unknowingly like this.

Until the sky outside was completely dark.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yanqing just wanted to get up.

He saw Sagiri, who had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa, hugging the pillow tightly.

Even if she fell asleep, she still hugged the pillow tightly, which means that Sagiri has not fully adapted.

Just like animals in a strange environment, they always like to stay in a small corner.

Looking at this Sagiri, a trace of heartache flashed in the corner of Yanqing's eyes.

Then, he slowly picked up Sagiri. She was soft and boneless, as light as white paper.

This was the first feeling after holding Sagiri.

Holding Sagiri, Yanqing came to the bedroom on the second floor and opened the door.

Because the lights were not on, Sagiri's room was very dim, and even the curtains were drawn tightly.

But the room was very clean and tidy, exuding a faint fragrance unique to a girl.

Yanqing carefully put Sagiri on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Looking at Sagiri's quiet sleeping face, Yanqing smiled gently.

After gently stroking Sagiri's face, he tiptoed out of the room and closed the door.

But what Yanqing didn't expect was that Sagiri opened her eyes as soon as he closed the door.

In those beautiful and delicate pupils, you can see the obvious shyness.

He quickly grabbed the quilt and covered himself in it.

Through the trembling quilt, you can see what Sagiri's mood is at the moment.


After leaving Sagiri's room, Yanqing returned to the living room.

He looked at the chat group.

Nothing happened today, and the group members were still chatting and talking about their daily lives.

Yanqing closed the chat group, then picked up his clothes and was about to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

But at this moment……


The phone ringtone rang unexpectedly.

In the quiet environment, Yan Qing was slightly startled.

He picked up the phone.

Someone came, it was Rikka Takanashi.

Yan Qing was a little confused.

But he answered it quickly.

However, as soon as he answered the phone, the other end of the phone rang, Rikka Takanashi's somewhat anxious voice!

"Captain Yanqing! I found traces of evil beyond the invisible boundary!"

"Those damn guys are……!"

Hearing this, Yan Qing was shocked. He quickly said

"Don't act on your own, wait for me to come over!"

After saying that, Yan Qing hung up the phone, opened the door, and left home.

As soon as Yan Qing left, the bedroom door on the second floor opened.

Sagiri looked at Yan Qing who left in a hurry, and the change of clothes that fell on the sofa and had not been sorted out in time, and was a little confused.


At the same time, on the other side, a street in Kana City was blocked by several police cars!

The red and blue police lights kept flashing.

Fortunately, this place is remote and not many residents live here.

The few households that were there were also evacuated by the police.

In the center of the police blockade, there were five strange-looking Zerg monsters roaring at the police who were besieging them.

The police, including the special police, all used the police cars as cover and pointed their guns at these monsters.

Even if you didn't get close, you could hear the roars of these policemen.

"Oh my god! What the hell are those monsters?!"

"Bullets can't penetrate it at all!"

"We need the military's help!"

"Are they the culprits who murdered the citizens?!"


Anxious shouts accompanied by the sound of gunfire!

But after such a long confrontation, their bullets could not cause any harm except to slightly stop the monsters' advance!

In a corner of an alley not far away.

Rikka Takanashi was nervously watching the battle over there.

In the past few days, more and more reports have successfully made Rikka Takanashi's sense of justice burst, and she decided to find out which monsters to destroy and secretly protect the safety of the citizens.

Of course, with Rikka Takanashi's power alone, how could the speed of searching be faster than the police with high-tech equipment?

Rikka Takanashi had just heard the movement here, and the police had quickly surrounded the Zerg monsters.

Seeing that the police could not deal with the evil of the invisible boundary line at all, Rikka Takanashi immediately contacted Yan Qing.

However, just as Rikka Takanashi put down the phone, fierce fighting sounds came from the battlefield over there.

The police kept pulling the trigger, and the bullets were pushed out of the barrel with the sound of gunfire and hit the monsters.

But these monsters have high defense and can't cause any harm at all.

These monsters rushed into the police in a flash, under the hail of bullets.

From time to time, broken limbs flew up, and blood dyed the streets red!

This scene made Rikka Takanashi very anxious.

She wanted to help, but with her strength, she would be a waste if she went over.


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