Anime Mashup

Chapter 180 - Ice Emperor Domain

After Mafuyu takes a good night's rest, in the morning they both decide to explore the cave after all they can go back to where they enter because it's too laborious and high.

Lou held Mafuyu's hand and walked slowly over to the other side of the cave where there was light.

The cave was really not that really dark, the ground underneath us was really flat, and it didn't use much energy for us to walk.

but it's too cold inside the cave, it's cold that Mafuyu needs Lou's help from time to time to remove the ice poison inside of her body.

Mafuyu who evolves from being a girl from a woman yesterday takes the initiative to ask Lou not to be like last time when she still embarrasses Lou.

"Where do you think this cave will take us?" Mafuyu asked.

"Maybe in the center of the earth, where dinosaurs live?" Lou said while helping her weak wife.

"What is that!" Mafuyu suddenly stopped in her tracks, hid behind me, and pointed to the area in front where blue light blinking. "Ghost…!"

"What ghost? If there's a ghost in this world then that's natural, your husband is a zombie after all," Lou said then walk to the blue light while Mafuyu hides behind him.

They both quickly walked in front of the blue light, squatted down, and took a closer examination, then got shocked. The illuminating thing was actually a skull! On the side of the skull was a pile of white bones.

Lou said," I did not expect to see a bone remains here, so someone already come to this part, and there is also animal bone"

"T-Then that blue light is the ghost of these people?" Mafuyu nervously asks.

"That blue light is actually phosphorus flames, there is a lot of phosphorus in animal bones. After the animal dies, the corpse will decay, then chemical reactions will occur."

"Phosphorus will turn from phosphorus acid to phosphorus gas. Phosphorus gas is in a gas state, and has a very low boiling point, it will ignite under normal temperatures upon contact with air."

"After phosphorus gas is created and ignited, blue light will appear, which is the normal will-o'-the-wisp that we normally see" Lou said based on his own understanding.

"Your pretty knowledgeable,' Mafuyu supplies when she hears Lou's explanation. If someone asks them, they will only say that it's a ghost or some supernatural being.

"Okay let's continue, maybe we can track where they enter," Lou said while seeing there's no value from the remains.

"Okay," Mafuyu obediently followed behind me, like a little wife. Lou couldn't make help but to wonder if this chick is starting to fulfill her role as a wife? Thinking about that, Lou's mood brightened. Human life should be enjoyed, since it has come, then let it be.

The more they walked forward, the lower the temperature they felt, they could even feel slight breezes. It seems like it's very likely that there's an exit in the front.

As expected, after they both walked another several hundred meters, and took a turn, brightness appeared before their eyes, Lou clearly saw that not far in front was an exit, and the sun outside of the exit was shining brightly.

Lou who should be feeling happy but he suddenly grabs Mafuyu and dash inside the cave again, after putting Mafuyu back, Lou dash in the entrance and try to cover the entrance using snow and drill back inside again.

"What happens?" Mafuyu asks if she did not expect that Lou suddenly did that.

"You will never believe what I see," Lou nervously said.

"There's a bunch of monsters in front of us!!"

"Why didn't I see it?" Mafuyu confusedly said.

"You are in a weak state, of course, you can see it, but I clearly see it from far, they are huge blue crystal scorpions" Lou describes what he sees.

"So we already in the territory of Ice Empress, we need to get ready before see enter because its dangerous"

"Of course I know, '' Lou said, then looked to check what kind of monster was waiting for them.

He made a small hole in the snow and used his 'Identify' skill.


Name: Ice Crystal Scorpion

Age: 58

Level: 68

Race: Scorpion

Strength: 782

Agility: 502


Intelligent: 382

Mental Strength: 329

Luck: 21


Immense Strength A+

Immense Durability A+

Immense Speed B+

Immense Agility B+

Ice Manipulation A+


Ice Magic A+

Ice Pison A+

Pincer A+

Affiliation: Ice Emperor


"They are all A-Rank monsters, and not only that they are all dangerous," Lou said.

"Of course, this is the domain of the Ice Emperor, the monsters here range to A Rank to Peak Rank," Mafuyu said.

Lou covers the hole again then walks back to Mafuyu," So what's your plan?"

"My plan is simple: we are going to enter their domain tonight," Mafuyu said.

"Without any preparation?"

"Of course we will going to prepare, this kind of monster usually hunt their food at night so we can expect that the guard in the place will going to lighten"

"Okay let's do as you pan, I hope you don't make a huge blunder later," Lou then started preparing the comp site.

"What blunder," Mafuyu angrily pounced on Lou and kissed him again to take out some ice poison inside of her and to get revenge for making fun of her.

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