Anime Mashup

Chapter 297 - Tohka Yatogami

"I'm not your enemy, I'm just a friend from somewhere," Lou foolishly said.

"A friend? I can't remember meeting a friend…" The Princess started to think and suddenly said," Are you deceiving me?!"

Lou hurry shook his head," No I'm not, i'm really your friend for distance place, i know who you are and where you came from,"

He is right, Lou knew who she is and where she came from, everything about her is not new to Lou because he watches and reads her novels and anime when he is still a neet.

"B-But… i cant remember you… are you sure you are not deceiving me?" The Princess doubted.

Lou nodded," Cross my heart, I really know you,"

"Nevermind, you're making my head hurt, by the way, who are you?" The princess asks.

"I'm Lou, Lou Takasu," Lou then asked," Now it's your turn, tell me who you are?"

"Me?" The princess thought and then she became sad saying," Me… i don't have anything… anime… identity… home…. I don't know who I am…"

"You said you know me right?"

Lou nodded.

"Then tell me, who am I?" The Princess asks.

"Because you don't have anything, then let me give you something first, and that is your name, for now on, your name is Tohka, Yatogami Tohka," Lou proudly said, he felt that being a harem protagonist makes him feel proud somehow.

"Yatogami Tohka?" Tohka murmur, she then smiled and said," Then that's my name from now on, you can call me Tohka because you're my first friend,"

Lou, taken back seeing her pure smile, is one of those heroines that can smile purely without hiding some from others, a pure smile that can captivate any man and can stop a crying child.


Ding! You Complete Special Quest: The Princess Part 2

Ding! You receive a Special Quest: Escape Part 3

Special Quest: Escape Part 3

Escape from here, try to hide her from others who want to hurt her, escape from here as fast as possible, try to hide her from others.


Escape and Hide

Duration: 5 minutes

Reward: Next part of the Quest again~

Fail: Pantsu Magnet ( 30 mins - 100-kilometer radius )


Lou grab her hand and hurry said," Someone is coming, we need to escape from here, someone follow me,"

He then pulls Tohka and uses his speed to escape from the crime scene. Tohka who was being pulled by Lou dazed looking at her hands.

She doesn't know why she felt excited instead of fear from this kind of situation, she never felt this kind of companionship, after all, she is always alone and her kind never has any companion.

After a few minutes, dozens of IS Units appear in the scene looking at a gigantic hole in the middle of the forest and the destruction caused by the space quake.

"Mikie, any clue?" The leader of the unit asks.

"Captain, negative, it seems that the Spirit appear here but disappear after a couple of seconds," Mikie said,

Ryouko Kusakabe the current captain of the Anti Spirit Team, a special unit within the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force looks around to see anything suspicious but she can't see anything, she then looks at the white bob hair cut girl beside her and asks," What about you Origami? Did you notice something?"

Origami look around and smell something familiar scent around, she don't know why he came here but she is sure that Lou to arrive here first, she then look at her captain and said," Nothing suspicious Captain,"

Ryouki nodded and said," Let's go back, maybe the spirit already is gone,"

"Yes Captain!," They said.

"What about you? Do you want to come back with us?" Ryoko asks Origami.

Origami shook her head and serous said," I will get married before I graduate and become a mother of dozen of children so I going to stop this kind of job,"

"Are you sure?"

Origami nodded without expression.

Ryoko helpless sign then said," Then i will cheer you up for your plan, don't forget to invite us in your wedding,"


Then the Anti Spirit Team fly back to their base leaving Origami alone, Origami looks where Lou's dorm is and grins.

"I got you now, let's see how you're going to escape from my hand, Lou," Origami then walks back to her own dorm thinking of a good plan to trap Lou and accomplish her greatest wish.


Meanwhile, Lou who escaped with Tohka felt a chill around his spine, he felt something very bad will happen and that thing use is super dangerous.


Ding! You Complete Special Quest: Escape Part 3

Ding! You receive a Special Quest: A Kiss Last Part

Special Quest: A Kiss Last Part

You know what to do next, and you know what she needs, of course, the last part is the most fun part, make the most memorable date for Tohka and Seal her power by absorbing her mana.


A Kiss

Duration: 1 Hour

Reward: Skill inheritance Synthetic Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/anime-mashup_16163038205053105/tohka-yatogami_48470281466988419">/book/anime-mashup_16163038205053105/tohka-yatogami_48470281466988419</a> for visiting.

Fail Pantsu Magnet ( 30 mins - 100-kilometer radius ) + Pantsu robot that will follow you forever~

[ Note: Try to failed Host, a robot is every mans dream, why not get one this time, you don't know maybe this robot will going to be useful in the future ~ ]

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