Anime Mashup

Chapter 312 - Challenge

In the middle of the field Lou, Cecilia, Chifuyu, and 2 new people are standing, it seems that these two new faces are the additional training partner for him.

"Roll call, introduce yourself," Chifuyu stern said.

Cecilia stepped forward then said," Cecilia Alcott 1st-year, a student in Class 1, the IS Representative Candidate of England and the head of the Alcott family."

Lou then walk in front," Lou Takasu, student,"

Chifuyu looked at him like an idiot," That's it?"

"And also, I like doing some extreme things, and I have someone looking at me full of killing intent," Lou said while looking at the new loli who looked at him like his mortal enemy.

"Hmmph!" The Loli snort and look in different directions.

The blond boy laughs silly and steps forward," Hello, I'm Charles Dunois, 1st-year transfer student and IS Representative Candidate of France. Hope we can become friends,"

He look like an androgynous male with long, straight, and spiky blonde hair that is tied into a low ponytail.

If you don't know what her true gender is, he will think that she is only a noble handsome young boy from a rich family.

Lou grin and walk beside him, then hook his arms on his shoulder then said," Boy, your good, you can follow me, i can cover you if something happens,"

Charles fl.u.s.tered seeing Lou hippy smile, he lowered his head and said," T-Then I'm counting on you."

The last one step in front, she stands up straight like a professional soldier," Laura Bodewig, 1st-year transfer student at the IS Academy, IS Representative Candidate of Germany. My only mission here is to see the competent monkey who makes my Instructor stop being a Wizard."

Laura has long silver hair, a red right eye, and a black eye patch over her left eye. This was the result of a failed nanomachine experiment that was meant to help her become a better IS pilot. Laura is both the shortest and most petite.

Lou categorizes her as the same as Taiga, the Palmtop Tiger, a Tsundere with a proud personality, and also their height is the same.

"You!" Laura pointed at Lou," I don't like you, I don't know what kind of mystical potion you use to make the Instructor leave all her achievements and glory just to save you!"

Lou helplessly looks at her, then looks at Chifuyu who feigns ignorance on what is happening right now.

He really wants to know what happened at that time, even Laura who looks like a white tiger angry baring her teeth on him.

"Well, sorry about that, i don't know what really happened that year, and it seems that it's my fault, so i am extremely embarrassed to apologize," Lou humble said.

"What 'It seems'? It's your fault!! Because you're weak, and pathetic, that's why she needs to sacrifice her lifetime glory just for you!?" Laura angry said.

Lou can visually see the steam of commitment from her, a white tiger roaring behind her and the killing intent that makes Cecilia and Charles step back.

"It seems that I need to pay for what I did," Lou helplessly said.

"You? Can you replace what she lost that year?" Laura mocking said.

Lou helpless walk and suddenly hug Chifuyu," It seem that i really a bad kid, and it seem that you lost too much for me Chifuyu-nee, i can't get what you already lost, but i can give you anything that you want,"

Laura, Cecilia,and Charles petrified seeing Lou's bold move, he actually hugged Chifuyu in front of them, and also in front of Laura who idolizes her to death.

Chifuyu is shaken, feeling the warm embrace og him, she almost blurs out what her heart really sought for but her self-control wins in the end.

"I just want you to grow healthy without experiencing the pain, what you get today is already my own achievement, what i lost is nothing important... what is important to you," Chifuyu softly said.

Chufuyu then look and hold Lou's cheek," I feel content seeing you being happy, don't dwell on the past, what important is the future,"

Lou can't help but to kiss her forehead, he felt fortunate having her in his life, having a person who supports you unconditionally.

Cifuyu's face suddenly blushes, she bows her head to hide it but the girls see it clearly, Laura's arm suddenly changes into IS UNIT gun.

Lou turns around and dazes seeing the gun muzzle on his forehead and the dangerous look of Laura.

"What do you think you're doing, poor monkey?" Laura angry asked. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=16163038205053105)/challenge_%!d(string=49025854814081789)">#%!d(string=16163038205053105)/challenge_%!d(string=49025854814081789)</a> for visiting.

"Can't you see? I appreciate my Nee-chan?" Lou said.

"Appreciation? By kissing my Instructor?" Laura angry asked while sticking the muzzle in Lou's forehead.

"What's wrong about that? Are you jealous?" Lou said while looking at him while grinning.

"That's it!!" Laura removes her gun from Lou's forehead, undo the partial Unit transformation and removes her white gloves and slaps it in Lou's face.

"Throw down the gloves" means to challenge or confront someone, but in its earliest use it wasn't meant as a metaphor, but was a physical action intended to issue a formal challenge to a duel.

The word itself comes from the French word "gantelet," and referred to the heavy, armored gloves worn by medieval knights. In an age when chivalry and personal honor were paramount, throwing a gauntlet at the feet of an enemy or opponent was considered a grave insult that could only be answered with personal combat, and the offended party was expected to "take up the gauntlet" to acknowledge and accept the challenge.

And not only that, "Throw down gloves" isn't just a challenge to a duel, it's an insult. You're implying that they're such a contemptible knave that you don't want to dirty your hand with their face.

Lou of course knows it, he only sees it in some anime, TV series and Novel, but he did not expect that he will experience this kind of thing.

And from the ugly look of this Lolli, he sure that she is not kidding, Lou grinned and asked," Are you sure about this little girl?"

"Do you think i need to do this kind of low thing just to insult an animal like you?" Laura said.

Lou then lean down and grab her gloves, then he grins and burn it in front of him," I don't have any hobby beating a kid, but seeing your ugly look, it seems that beating your butt until it turns into peach is not enough,"

"Then I'm waiting for you to beat it and turn it into peach, but I'm sure that before you can even do that, I already turn you to mincemeat" Laura provoked said.

Lou walk at Chifuyu and helplessly said," Chifuyu-nee, it seems your little fans is challenging me,"

"Then good luck," Chifuyu said, taking Charles and Cecilia to the observatory, leaving Lou and Laura alone.

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