Anime Mashup

Chapter 33 - Mock Battle End

All the people in the stadium suddenly become silent, looking at Lou like a monster.

And then the boys erupt in their loudest cheer that they can make.


Lou sigh and said," Why need to cover if you make only them to undeveloped evenly, you need to release them and let them grow bigger naturally"

Riko is shaking from head to toe, this is hir first time seeing someone talking pervert things without showing he is a pervert.

Meanwhile, the boys were already kneeling and praying to him.

"Honey come see god!!"

"Master please take me as your disciple!"

"Young Master, please impart me the knowledge that you have"

The Monkey Trio joined the fun and said," All Hail Pervert Guru!"

Riko removed all the armor left to her body and slowly walked to her halberd, she grabbed it and stared angry at Lou, she said," Your dead, pervert kid!!"

She dash to destroy him, while Lou ready himself from enraging Human Tyrannosaurus.

But who thought that Riko did not notice that the floor was wet from the previous ice attack, she stepped on it and slipped. She was shocked and let go of her halberd.


Because of the speed she uses and amplified by the ice, she rammed to Lou who is ready to catch her.


Lou and Riko collide with each other, then they both roll around on the floor until they stop.

The people in the stadium become silent again, they all shock because of how fast accidents happen.

And the most shocking is the awkward position of the two of them.

Lou and Riko's clothing is messy, Lou uniform roll-up while showing his well proportioned body, while Riko's hand is holding into his chest.

Lou's hand is grabbing, that's right!!, not hold but literally grabbing the juicy melon of Riko, while the other hand is holding Riko's thigh.

Lou subconscious squeeze it and said," Wow so soft and big"


As if the boys already plan what they going doing, every one of them spurts blood from their nose, and then gives a big thumbs up for Lou.


Lou hurry removes his hand and says," I did not deliberate, this is an accident!!"

"I swear that I did nothing, I even catch after seeing that you slid down!"

Riko's face cant be seen because of the bangs that cover her face but from the shaky body of her, Lou knew that he is in deep shit right now.

Lou gentle said," Ummm, Riko-Sama ~, can you get up, this position is not appropriate for the general viewer"

Riko whispered," Is it soft?"

Lou unconsciously reply," Not only it's soft, but it is also big too"

He smiles brightly and then gives her a big thumbs up.

Riko's face is beef red, she angry shout," I will kill you now and then I will kill my self later!!"

She bites Lou's face, while Lou brimming in pain.


"Help me Monkey, I'm being bitten by a Tyrannosaurus!!!"

The boys want to help him, but seeing the raging face of Riko, they all stop and just watch him being ravaged by the Human Tyrannosaurus.

Meanwhile, the girls take their cell phones and start, taking a picture for a souvenir.

Onodera and Haruan want to help her but seeing the happy smile on his face a little while ago while squeezing that big bosom like a dough. The two of them let him suffer from her.

On the other hand, Nobuna, who sees all happen is on the verge of erupting, she did not expect to do that inappropriate thing to her retainer.

Machiyo who see all happen laugh elegantly," Ara Ara ~ Riko suffer this time in the hand of that boy ~"

Seto-Sensei is confused, why that boy suddenly becomes pervert and casanova. He know that his boy is sissy and easy to scare, but after he awaken his ability his personality suddenly changes. But still he is still the respectful boy he knew but this side of him is new to him.

Nobuna shout," Riko stop, the mock battle is done, release that monkey!"

Riko is reluctant to release him, while Lou's face have a big teeth mark given by Riko.

Lou sadly said," What will happen to my face now, how can others respect me"

"And I even don't know if that Tyrannosaurus already injected by vaccine"

Riko, who was beside her angry ask," What did you say?!"

Lou point his face and said," You bite me, you need to pay me for the hospital bill and for anti-rabies vaccine"

Riko grabbed his clothes and angrily said," Do you see me as a dog? Or do you want me to bite your ears off?"

Lou hurriedly shook his head," No I don't mean that, you just miss hearing me. What I want to say that if you want to bite me next time, it much better to bite my lips, promise I will never get angry"

Riko released him and said," Your head! Who want to bite you on the lips! You just want to fool me!"

She angry walk beside Nobuna while staring like a predator to Lou, meanwhile the friends of Lou walk to him and ask a different question like.

"Is it hurt?"

"Is it really big?"

"Is it soft?"

"How's the experience"

The boys ask him like this is 100% pervert, while the first question is asked by a random classmate while the other three ask by the three monkeys.

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