Anime Mashup

Chapter 4 - 100% sissy

Lou thought,' Hey System your my best friend right?'

System,' Well im your best System host not friend'

Lou said,' Then you can help me with my problem right?'

System,' I can't help you host you need to finish it for yourself'

Lou tried again,' What about advice can you do that?'

System ask,' What kind of advice you want host, if it was only simple advice i can help you with that'

Lou happy said,' Good, I plan to invite her for a date do you think is was good'

System said,' That's fine host, you don't know I have plenty of experience when it comes to dating, trust me .... I'm the love conqueror System'

Lou suddenly thought,' Maybe not system, I feel you going to say something stupid later…. I feel bad will happen..'

System,' Host you need to trust the System, System will not be going to betray you …. I'm the most 'FRIENDLY' system in the whole multiverse'

Lou doesn't feel good, he feels something bad will happen, and that is super extremely bad.

Lou sighs and walks to Yuu," Um can I call you Yuu?"

Yuu stares at him and slowly nodded.

"Umm … Yuu … do you …. Umm .. do you want to go on a date with me?" Lou feels his heart going to explode, this is his first time asking for a date to a cute legal Lolli.

His feeling is mixed with happiness and anxiety, happy if she accepts his offer and anxiety if she rejects him.

Yuu stares at Lou and starts to write in her notepad, only a second pass but Lou feels it was already a year.

Yuu stop writing and show it to Lou.

[ Sure but …. I don't know what date means…]

Lou feels in heaven, starts to daydream something in his head.

<Yuu shyly stared at him and said," Umm... I'm not sure what date means but ….. If it was Onii-Chan ….. I will consider it …. >

Back to reality, Lou foolish smile happily while scratching his head," Well Onii-Chan is happy going to date with Yuu ~ ~ ~"

Lou suddenly snapped back to reality, he broke in sweat and hurried to ask the system,' System, hurry scan me, what happening, I suddenly impulse in a daydream like that!!"

System,' Host, that is your original body reaction while talking to her cousin, the original owner of this body have sister-complex pervert who would be able to fantasize about a given person at any point in time

Lou's face becomes pale, he doesn't know that he caught some strange disease when his soul transfers to this body.

He hurriedly asked,' Can this sister-complex be cured?'

System,' Even you seek help from S Rank ability user, they will be hopeless if from your condition but-'

Lou,' But?'

System,' But if God help you will be cured'

Lou angry shouted in his head,' God? Where do you think I should find one in this vast world!!"

System continue,' There is still the second option'

Lou asks,' And that is?'

System,' Accept it, accept that sister-complexed a pervert who would be able to fantasize any cute Lolli.'

Lou feels the urge to vomit blood, he doesn't want to become like that. He was fine having sister-complex but only his own sister not to any cute Lolli.

He still doesn't want to be arrested as a pervert who likes to smile foolishly in every Lolli he encounters.

While Lou is still thinking about what kind of future is waiting for him, Yuu walks closer to him and pinch the hem of his shirt to Lou notice her.

Lou gaze to the cute Lolli expressionless pinching his clothes, and see that she writes something again.

[Are we going to date now?]

Lu started to daydream again.

<Yuu shyly said," Can we go now .. Onii-Chan….. Yuu is waiting ~>

Lou foolish smile said," Sorry Onii-Chan did not notice Yuu, don't worry I will change my cloth first and we will go out"

Just like that Yuu and Lou go on a date, thank goodness that her mother is at work while her cousin is studying with her classmate.

Lou took out his savings to use for the date. Lou is glad that the owner of this body is sissy, even though he was handsome his every move is feminine.

Lou suddenly thought,' System do you have any status check there? Or something like that'


Name: Lou Takasu

Age: 16

Level: 0

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Summoner

Strength: 4

Agility: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligent: 15

Luck: 99

[Note: Normal human have average 10 all stats]

Ability: Summon Contract F-


Cooking B+

Gardening A+

Tailoring C-

Cleaning A+

Massage B-

Singing A+

Affiliation: Neutral

No. of Servant: 0

Remark: Too weak like a bug


Lou almost fainted when he saw his own status, even idiot know that the previous owner of the body is 100% sissy.

"..... My life….."

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