Anime Mashup

Chapter 41 - Special Quest: Rescue Operation Part 2

The two of them walk into the Sky-Scrapper, thank goodness that Goemon got a map from the guardroom.

The minutes later, the two of them see the tallest building available in the City D, the Paradisers Group of Company.

One of the largest and richest companies in the City, almost half of the security personnel from the mall, stores even some rich people come from them.

Goemon said," Are you going to enter like this?"

Lou said," Well, yeah do you have any idea?"

She stared at him like an idiot and said," Do you know how many security cameras inside of this building?"

"If we casually enter, im 100% sure that they will get us fast"

Lou asks," Then do you have an idea?"

Goemon proudly said," Of course, you don't know that we ninja is skilled in infiltrating and spying in this kind of place"

Lou nod," Then let's go"

She said," Wait let me apply my ability to you so that they can't discover you fast"

And just like a real ninja, Goemon did a bunch of hand signs and then.

'Chameleon Jutsu'

Lou suddenly really became invisible, he said," This good ability, why did you not use it a little while ago?"

Goemon," I can't waste ability easily, my mental strength is limited"

Lou was curious about what kind of ability she has so he used his 'Identify' Ability to check her status.


Name: Hachisuka Goemon

Age: 13

Level: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Ninja

Active Buff: Shadow Concealment (Shadow Hide ), Physical Speed Buff ( 10% MSP )

Strength: 9

Agility: 23

Endurance: 14

Mental Strength: 47

Intelligent: 13

Luck: 21


Illusion Magic B+

Shadow Element C+

Physical Speed Buff E+


Ninjutsu C+

Genjutsu B+

Taijutsu C+

Weapon Throwing D-

Swordsmanship C-

Affiliation: Neutral, Lou's Guard

Remark: Another little girl

Status: Calm and Slightly Tired


Seeing her expertise, Lou knows that she is good at illusion magic but the thing that concerns him is that Goemon is starting to get tired.

She already need to rest, but Lou can't stop. After all this place is not safe, the only thing he need to do is move fast.

Lou asks," Goemon, do you think the Genjutsu you apply can not easily be removed?"

Goemon p[roudly nodded," Yes of course, even you ran fast no one can hear you"

Lou nodded," That's good then"

Strength Amplification X20 Strength 9 > 180 Agility 9 > 180

Goemon was amazed," That's good you have a high-rank self Amplification"

Lou nodded," This good enough, we can go up fast with my speed," he then walked to Goemon and carried her in his arms.

She suddenly was shocked by what he did, she tried to push him and said," Let me go!! Gozaru"

"You can't just g-g-grab me like this!!!"

"If you do that ... I'll Just … it's too…"

Lou whispered," Quiet, I already know that you are starting to get tired. I will carry you to the top so that you can rest and preserve your strength"

Goemon embarrassedly said," B-But…. I'm your bodyguard .."

Lou smiled and said," Don't worry, you are light and I can carry you up without getting tired"

Goemon said," But this ...this thing is indecent…"

Lou laugh and said," What indecent, tell me that after you grow up into a proper lady ~"

He holds Goemon tightly and sprints inside of the building. When he enters he notices a bunch of guards and cameras all over the place.

The security inside is too tight, that's why he chooses to use the stairs to come up, after all, he doesn't want to wait inside of the elevator to go up.

It is not faster than him and second, it is not safe, it is much better to run up using stairs.

He sprint up to the highest floor, while sprinting he sometimes saw guards patrolling in the staircase but because of the ability of Goemon he easily passed them.

After sprinting for 10 minutes, Lou and Goemon reach on the top floor of the sky-scrapper.

He asks," Goemon, where is the room she is staying in?"

Goemon who already beef red, embarrass said," Left corridor, the one that a funny looking sculpture standing beside the door"

Lou walks and sees the funny looking sculpture of Locospo beside a room, Lou and Goemon walk slowly and see that the door is locked.

Goemon takes a piece of wire and starts to poke the lock, just a few twist and turn the lock open.


Both of them silently come inside, when suddenly they heard a frightened voice.

" …. Who are …?"

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