Anime Mashup

Chapter 425 - Forgotten

Lou dont know how much time passes, but he knows that he spends many years alone in a deserted place.

When he first arrived here, the first thing he did is to absorb the last piece of item to remove the debuff.

He endures unbearable pain that will close any normal being to have a mental breakdown, the pain that can only describe as being torture slowly by using the most painful torture way that any human can imagine.

He endures that pain for almost 6 months, he doesn't even understand how he can endure that kind of pain for half a year with sleeping, resting, or even time to breathe hard.

After that, he has been in a coma for an unknown amount of time, Lou dont know how many days or weeks pass until he regains consciousness.

After that comma, Lou uses a week's worth of rest to regain back all of his strength and regenerate all his injuries back to his peak.

Then after that, he starts training his Authority, Anti-gravity: Leviathan's Authority, Code Vier, and Catastrophe: Basilisk's Authority, Code Fünf.

Anti-gravity ability is easy to understand, the Authority is a simple Gravitational Ability that controls gravity.

You can hover by neutralizing gravity, generate repulsive fields that can reflect incoming attacks or blast away objects.

Basically, Gravity is controlling the mass of an object and changing it to the user's will.

Lou can use Anti-gravity ability to hover in the sky, fly around like flying ability. This is the first thing he learns and masters after 3 weeks of training.

Next is to use Anti-gravity to reflect or repulse anything, a super convenient skill that can be used as all-purpose defense or offense if he wants.

Then the last thing he masters is a spatial discontinuity between two repulsive fields, a super hard skill that almost eats 3 years of Lou's time before he masters.

And just like its name, the spatial discontinuity is creating two different gravitational forces in the same place making a thing inside of that field tear apart.

This skill can also create space cracks if ever the user is not proficient using the ability.

Then Lou one year of time to train and master the Anti-gravity Authority, from time to time he misses the girls but he knows that this training is for them, if he wants to continue his life, he needs strength to defend it.

Because of the loneliness he starts to feel, Lou starts to use his all attention in developing his ability, by doing this he can temporarily forget the loneliness inside.

Then 2 years passed and Lou is now master using the Anti-gravity Authority, he can easily alter the gravity within a 20-kilometer radius of his will.

After that, Lou starts his study about Catastrophe: Basilisk's Authority, Code Fünf.

This Authority has a simple effect, and that is to control time, and the first thing Lou master is to stop time.

Mastering this kind of ability is easy, after all, he uses his ability to stop time right now, the only problem is that he doesn't know how to resume time again so he stops for now and focuses on other uses of the Authority.

The user can manipulate time in the general area or for a specific target in various ways, with the most basic of acts revolving around accelerating, slowing, stopping, and even rewinding or looping time. The range of the affected area is proportional to the mastery of the user, with those at higher levels being able affect the entire space-time continuum.

Accelerating, slowing, stopping, and even rewinding or looping time, these four skills are things Lou first learned.

And just like the name of the skills, Accelerating the object using time Authority, he made the object 2x faster or even 10x faster as he wishes, but there's a drawback, this accelerate ability can increase the speed of everything but can't make the things tougher

Meaning, if Lou uses 10x accelerates to an object and the object cant withstand the pressure outside, that object will break.

Year ago, Lou made an experiment called 'How fast a Coin lands if he increases the falling speed up to 100x'.

And the answer? He made an artificial comet the size of a coin, because of friction the coin heated up and started to melt. Lou dont know why the coin did not separate from each other but he knows that the coin turns into a molten piece of metal and hits the ground creating a huge crater.

After that coin, Lou starts to use wood, rocks, even precious metal and bones, and the same as the first experiment but the result is different, but in the conclusion, Lou discovers that anything he accelerates generates heat and that is the most important thing.

Then countless years pass, Lou master the other 3 basic skills, slow, stop, and even the rarest and hardest, rewind.

Since "time" exists and flows within "space", the two are interrelated, and by manipulating time, one is also distorting space proportionally. The effects of this relative distortion can vary, however.

For example, controlling time of a mere object or person may not affect the space they reside in, whereas twisting the time-stream of an entire region of space can cause the area itself to warp. Additionally, due to time being so closely intertwined with our three-dimensional space, manipulating it might not affect another dimension, such as heaven or hell, in the same way it affects our own.

But even though Lou discovers the Space ability, Lou did not study it, he knows that studying Space is dangerous, and deadly, he doesn't know if he can survive if something really happens while doing the experiment so he stops.

But still, he catches a glimpse of knowledge about Space, and that is enough for him, and then countless years pass that Lou forgot even the time and year he spends alone.

And years pass, Lou starts to get nervous and scared, the faces of the girls in his memory start to blur, he even starts to forget the face of his mother.

When he discovers it, Lou starts to panic, he doesn't know when it is happening, he tries to remember the face of his friends, girlfriend, and lover but he can only remember the glimpse of their face, and he can't remember their original appearance.

Because of that, Lou started a new hobby, painting, using coal and planks. Lou started to draw the faces of each girl so that he couldn't forget each of them.

By doing this, he can remember the face of and prevent forgetting each of them,.... And countless years pass.

Lou dont know and even forget his own age, birthday, even where his home is, the only thing that makes Lou continue to live and sane is a dozen of drawings in the piece of flanks that he always cherishes.

He always looks at them and talks to them every day, telling what he discovered and the things he did on that particular day.

But there's a problem, even though he know the girls in the planks, Lou can't remember their name at all. The only thing he knows is that the girls in the blank are important to him, and how important is for himself, even his self doesn't know.

He looks at the drawing of a girl smiling gently in the plank and expressionlessly asks," Can you tell me your name?"

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