Anime Mashup

Chapter 502 - Master's Apprehension

"Back to the invitation, do you want to come with us Lou-kun?" Elder asks.

"I'm fine Elder, i just want a small help for my mother to let him go out again," Lou said,

"Good, I will let Akisame make a letter for your mother later," Elder said, then he started to pack up with other masters, excited for the upcoming Southern Vacation.

Lou who starts doing his training notices Miu who looks uneasy so he asks," What's the matter Miu?"

Miu look around to check everyone and walk closer to Lou, she then whispered," I am sure that this is 200% trap,"

"A trap?"

"That's right." Miu nodded.

Lou slightly pushes her because she is already so close that her breath is already hitting his face while his slightly larger brėȧst is already pressing his arms.

Miu seems to notice it but she still moves closer, she doesn't want other masters to hear their conversation.

"Do you know Yami and our Dojo are mortal enemies?"

"What?" Lou is confused, how can a gigantic organization become this small Dojo's mortal enemy.

"You idiot, the Ryōzanpaku is fighting for righteous while Yomi is opposite on us, of course, in the past years, our Master encounters them numerous time, with numerous time i say, our Master here always win and never loss to them making Yomi gnashing their teeth on anger just hearing our Dojo's name."

Lou thought that this is going to be a dangerous vacation for them, he doesn't know the level of Yomi's Master, but he is sure that his level of power is enough to fight a couple of their apprentices or maybe higher.

"No matter what they are, our Masters would never enter a place without any consideration, right? They must have a strategist." Lou said.

Miu helplessly looks at him, for someone who suffers from the hand of the master, Lou seems don't have any danger instinct when it comes to them.

She helplessly points from behind making Lou turn around and look.

His face feels like seeing the excited look and cheerful face of his masters, it seems that they look excited going into a vacation, and the plan seems not really in their mind.

"What's that face? Why do you look like you are seeing some unreliable people?" Sakaki asked angrily.

"Master, you know that we are going to the enemy camp, why do all of you look like a kid going on a field trip rather than a soldier going to a battlefield?"

Akisame said," Everything will come in the right time in the right place, in the right moment, even we plan something we don't know what really will come to us."

"Isn't it better if we enjoy our time on the Southern Island than thinking about some worrying stuff like a plan?"

"But what if they prepared enough this time? We are not sure what is waiting for us there, is it still better to prepare than crying later?"

"Ho ho ho~ you're right Lou-kun, but we are all masters, we only trust this." Elder shows his huge arms as if he is saying that his strength is enough to overcome all things.

"Then, why not make it like this, our strategy's name will be, 'Enjoy the mood of the Southern Island first' then make a big mess and leave?" Akisame said.

"Clam down Lou, it's pretty boring to fight someone when you already prepared everything, it's more exciting to fight unprepared," Sakaki said.

"And besides, things like traps as long as you already know its existence is easier to detect and dodge right?"

"Well, you guys are right."

Miu felt terrific from Lou's calmness and composure, he didn't look afraid at all when he asked as if he was just casually asking some minor things.

Kensei who was holding the letter said," The invitation has stated clearly that the Island is going to hold a Martial Art competition, joining them will make our vacation even more fun."

"Of course, even nameless fighters can show off their skill in the tournament, the desperate fight of the disciples is going to be hard."

"But still they are limited to those fighters who are going to join, you need tobe under 20 and a traditional Martial Art student."

"Well, they invite us masters as well, it seems they prepare something grand for us,"

Lou nodded," This is going to be fun, let's give them a good show later."

"That's right." Elder said.

Miu felt nervous to Lou, she felt that Lou became a madman like the Master of the Dojo, seeing Lou makes her even more afraid of what they are going to do on the Island.

'My Island Vacation!.' Miu inward grief.

Seeing Lou faintly go back on his training with Miu, the master suddenly becomes silent as if they are thinking something.

Sakaki suddenly asks," Was it really a bit dangerous for Lou to come? I think he need more time,"

"Hahah~ you really are soft," Elder careless said.

"I have been thinking for a while, he is getting stronger and stronger as time passes, but I noticed something."

"It seems he lost the excitement of a fighter, it seems he lost his motivation when he first came to our Dojo... i'm nervous that he leave the path that we want him to walk."

"....." All the masters.

"That's why I decided to show that letter, I want to encourage him to feel the excitement, the frustration, and the happiness of a Martial Art master," Elder looked at them and smiled, "Aren't we all training because we pursue those ideologies?"

"Heh~" Akisame chuck.

"Apa?" Apchai is clueless

"Err…. Well, you're right." Sakaki flustered.

"I only hope Lou finds the right way before he walks on a different path," Elder helpless sigh knowing the huge problem Lou is currently unaware of.


"Im… back,"

She is about to walk in her room when she suddenly smells the familiar smell that she really missed for the past weeks, she hurries to run, and sees Lou doing his normal training.

She expressionlessly looks at him and throws all his luggage on the floor, she dashes and grap Lou away from Miu and pulls him outside.

"Shigure-san is back? But why pull outside?" Miu murmurs, clueless about what happened to them but she just continues what she is doing.

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