Anime Mashup

Chapter 51 - Evaluation

The form content is simple, so the three of them complete it fast and give it back to Luna.

Luna take the form and said," We will call you one by one we will check your status and skill to see if you are qualified to have Rank ID"

The three of them nodded while waiting Lou can't help but to ask," Goemon you still did not get your Rank ID?"

Goemon said," I just finish my training in becoming full-fledge ninja, after that I hurry go to your place Lou-Sama"

Lou nodded, he thought that she already had one. After all, she knows almost everything.

Luna comes back with a round object like a crystal ball and places it on the counter.

"Hachisuka Goemon-san"

Goemon stands and walks on the counter. Lou and Hanbei are curious as they both follow her.

But Eina stop them and said," You can't go there, the status of ranker is highly needed to be hidden to everyone for their own privacy"

Goemon come back and said," It's fine, Lou-Sma is my master so he can see it"

Eina nodded and let the two of them see the status appraisal.

Goemon stands in front of the counter, while Lu and Hnabie stand beside her.

Luna said," The status appraisal is simple you just need to place your hand in this crystal ball to see what kind of ability and skill you have"

Goemon nodded a place her hand in the crystal ball, the ball shined and then Goemon's status and ability appeared inside of the ball.

Strength: 9

Agility: 23

Endurance: 14

Mental Strength: 47

Intelligent: 13

Luck: 21


Illusion Magic B+

Shadow Element C+

Physical Speed Buff E+


Ninjutsu C+

Genjutsu B+

Taijutsu C+

Weapon Throwing D-

Swordsmanship C-

Eina said," Congratulations Miss, Goemon, you are D Ranker," she wrote all the information about him in the paper to record her information.

"Takenaka Hanbei-san"

Hanbei walked in front and placed her hand in the crystal ball and then her status, skill, and ability appeared.

Strength: 4

Agility: 9

Endurance: 5

Mental Strength: 48

Intelligent: 67

Luck: 33


Spirit Summon A+

Brilliant Tactician A+

Spellcraft C-


Twelve Heavenly Guards A+

Shikigami B+

Eina and Luan both were shocked. They did not expect that hey see a young spirit summoner here, she even got a Brilliant Tactician and an exclusive skill Twelve Heavenly Guards, but the thing is. She was too weak to bear all this ability.

Eina said," Congratulations Miss, Hanbei, you are A Ranker, but base on your status, you cant almost use all you natural gift so we can only helpless low your Rank to C"

Hanbei nodded, she knows her capability and the thing they said is true, she can't use all of her natural ability.

Eina said," But if you found a high-Rank Summoner and sign contract with him, then your problem will be solved"

Lou asked," Why?"

Eina smile and said," There is a special ability that a High-Rank summoner have and that is 'Soul Link'"

"This is a special ability of any high-rank summoner, it's an ability to share damage or the share all summon mental strength on each other"

"For example, Miss, Hanbei can't use her ability because of lack of mental strength and endurance, but using other mental strength and endurance can help you easily use your ability"

"But the downside of this ability is that, the person you sharing easily get tired mentally and physically"

"And there is the last option and the most simple, that is to train yourself to improve your overall status, but base on your condition, it will going to hard for you"

After explaining all the thing she need to know, Luna called Lou," Lou Takasu-san"

Lou walk and place his hand in the crystal ball and just like others, the ball shines and shows Lou's status, ability, and skill.

Strength: 9

Agility: 9

Endurance: 9

Mental Strength: 50

Intelligent: 15

Luck: 99


Summon Contract F-


Cooking B+

Gardening A+

Tailoring C-

Cleaning A+

Massage B-

Singing A+

Luna and Eina smile and record his status, Eina said," Congratulations Sir, Lou, you are F- Ranker,"

Hanbee and Goemon are both shocked, they know that Lou has a bunch of amazing abilities but they were confused why this is the only thing that appeared here.

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