Anime Mashup

Chapter 523 - Perfect Plan

When Lou and mIu is about to hit Elder, both of them are blasted by a super large amount of Ki making them both fly in 2 different directions.

What is Ki if you ask?

Ki is a power for a Martial Artist and the Willpower of the user. It is used by martial Artist Fighters.

Every person who trains in Martial Artist is able to use ki in fights. The users of this technique can drastically increase their attack and defense power to inhuman levels with proper training and control.

The user of this technique must know the type of Ki that they have, either Sei or Dou Ki. Some fighters can even use both types at the same time, achieving the ability using what's called Dual Ki. According to Hayato Furinji, there are various levels of Ki usage, but the three main stages of use are:

Ki no Hatsudō, or known as the "Invoking" of Ki: which allows the user to channel their Ki inward into their techniques and attacks. Most disciples of all levels, Low, Middle, and High are capable of reaching this stage.

Ki no Kaihō, or known as the "Release" of Ki: which allows the user to release their Ki outward from their bodies and use it in various ways against their opponents. The only disciple-leveled fighters capable of reaching this stage are High-Class Disciples. The Experts and all of the Master Class levels have achieved practically endless uses of this stage of Ki control.

Ki no Shōaku, or known as the "Holding" of Ki: which allows the user to not only release but freely control their Ki, in and out of their bodies, even able to pull in and redirect the Ki of other people. Masters of the Grand Master level fighters have managed to perform this stage of Ki control, but the only ones who have mastered this stage completely are the fighters who have come to be known as Legendary Masters.

Right now, Elder is using "Ki no Kaihō" like magic, he uses the force of his Ki to push Lou and Miu's attack even though they both use extra force to propel themself.

Lou whos flying roll in the air and fall in the edge of the arena, just a couple lfo inches he will be going to eliminate.

And when he looks forward, he sees Elder looking at him, he starts to get a bad feeling about this.

Elder take a deep breath and shout.



Lou can clearly see that Elder's Ki manifests in a form of Mask, the Mask that made form Ki is not flying towards Lou in incredible speed.

There's no time to escape, he raises his arms, crosses them above his head and leans down to braze from the impack.

Lou show gripping the edge of the aran while keeping low as possible but still he is being pushed by the Ki, he slowly sliding leaving a deep mark on the ground.

[ Garyuu X unleashed a tremendous amount of Ki, and it caused chaos in the arena, even though I'm thinking of leaving right now! ]

"What a power," Shure said.

"He is overdoing it again." Sakaki commented.

"Don't worry, if something goes wrong we will stop him."

"Don't worry, Elder, know what he's doing."


Lou who is about to fall down from the stage suddenly notices a hook appear in front of him, he then sees Miu is holding the end of the string so without any second thought, he grabs it while Miiu pulls him away from the Ki.

"Garyuu~ BLAST!!"

Elder then throws a Kamehameha using Ki, creating a blue ball of energy towards Miu who is pulling Lou.

Seeing the incoming attack, Miu knows that Lou will be hurt if ever she pulls him closer so she chose to release the string to save Lou again.

But Lou did something incredible, he waves his hand making the string making coil around Lou's and Miu's hand, he then punches upwards to barrow force making him fall faster in the ground, and then, with raw strength he pulls the string and shouts." Hold on!"

With her trust to Lou, Miu grabs the string firmly making her whole body pull by the force that Lou applies, the blue energy passes behind Miu almost hitting her but in the end, she safely comes beside Lou.

With just a couple of seconds, Lou did a pretty complicated maneuver with his fast thinking and perfect planning.

Lou then looked at the Elder who liked Gadzila walking closer to them and said," I have a plan…. But it's pretty stupid that why I'm asking you if you want to try."

"Let's try."

"..... You don't even know my plan and you already accept it?"

"Don't worry, I trust you." Miu firmly said she fully trusts Lou as her teammate.

Lou look at her eyes full of fighting spirit and nodded, she then come closer and whispered something to her.

Miu worried, looked at Lou and asked," Are you sure? The plan is pretty dangerous."

"Don't worry, my body is sturdy, Elder is using a percent of his strength, i think i can handle the beating."

"..Then.. let's try, i will try not to hinder you."

"Then I'm counting on you."

Lou nodded and made his move, Elder who sensing the incoming attack also made his move but she suddenly stopped when he sensed that Lou was actually using "Seikuken".

He walks closer and also use the same technique, not like Lou, Elder's "Seikuken" is larger and wider, with his wingspan and his inhuman reflection, its almost impossible for Lou to get closer but to Elder's surprise, Lou actually step inside of his Seikuken's range.

"Interesting." Elder then tries to slap Lou but Lou easily deflects it, he attacks again and Lou deflects it again, he then continues doing it while applying more pressure to Lou.

Right now Lou who is being punished by Elder can only stand up and deflect all the incoming attacks, he doesn't have any cache to attack back because it's too much to handle an attack that is going faster and faster.

A couple of more attacks, Elder finally cracks Lou's defense, 3 of his punches Land cleanly to Lou's body but Lou is miraculously standing still while keeping his Seikuken up.

Lou then made his move, he tried to attack Elder's waist, his weakness but Elder easily deflected it, but Lou used his other hand the same time to throw a two way attack, using his other hand, Elder grabbed Lou while Lou grabbed him back.

Lou finally smiled and said," Do it."

From behind two fast hands appear coming from the armpit of Lou hitting Elder in his ċhėst 4 times before releasing Lou.

"We did it!"

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