The old man is obviously more grumpy, he is straight, and his mood is written on his face.

It can be seen that the old man seems a little angry

Pang Lao, the work "Girls and Chariots" has its own settings, in which your battle

The cars are all from the peak years, when we...

Fang Zheng didn't finish his words, but both Secretary Zou and Mr. Pang knew what Fang Zheng meant.

During those years, I believe that every Xia people will remember clearly, the older generation used their own

Only with his own flesh and blood has he returned to today's prosperity.

To say that it is an inch of mountains and rivers—an inch of blood is not an exaggeration.

Listening to Fang Zheng's words, both Old Pang and Secretary Zou looked a little lonely.

People are suffering, they are not comparable to foreign countries in all aspects, and the poor don't even have their own tanks.

After a long time, the old man Pang sighed, his mood improved a little, and he muttered.

Obviously, our chariots are not bad now, why don't you promote it? You move

Manga is not good! Not good!

After listening to Fang Zheng's explanation, Old Pang's displeased expression faded a lot, but he still shook his head.

The head indicates that he himself does not like the anime.

Looking at Mr. Pang's stubborn appearance, Fang Zheng crossed a word in his mind: proud??

PS: I beg for the support of the big guys I like, and I am grateful!




Chapter [-] Goodwill from the military boss (seeking support)

Fang Zheng could only helplessly smile at this.

Tanks can't blame him either.

Although Shushu's own chariot is indeed very powerful, it has been researched in recent decades.

It has nothing to do with that era.

Fangzheng is still very proud of the development of his own chariot.

Fangzheng remembered that there was a joke on the Internet about this, saying why he fought

There are five generations of machines and only three generations of tanks?

Netizens replied: Thirty years ago we used [-], and [-] years later we used [-]? Change,

And now we use [-]·Magic Reform.

Although many netizens ridicule their own chariots, but most of the remarks are mostly jokes

For the development of their own military and military, there is still something to be desired.

Everything starts from scratch, from scratch, and it can develop to this point in just a few decades.

How many engineers and scientific researchers have worked hard

Looking at the latest generation of main combat vehicles that are frequently appearing in China, I believe that every summer 27 country

Everyone is proud.

But reality is reality, anime is anime, Fang Zheng smiled slightly when he heard Pang Lao's words

The tone was a little shy.

Mr. Pang, I have propaganda~"

Fangzheng's ideal is to build a prosperous world of the two-dimensional empire, but before that, he was a local

Authentic Xia people naturally have their own selfishness

After all, only when the country is strong and well-known can he realize it without any worries.

own ideal.

Therefore, he also made minor modifications to "Girls and Chariots", such as the opening scene.

The instructor hired by Ladies' College, who drives a neon modern main battle vehicle in the original book,

But it was changed by Fangzheng to his own 99A

Even Fangzheng tried his best to find information to improve many of the details, and even more

some shots.

Then there is no chance for 99A to appear, but this is his true propaganda

Well, this is also a little bit of his own selfishness.

After all, who doesn't want their own chariots to increase their fame?

Saying that, Fangzheng took the laptop on the table and wanted Mr. Pang to actually take a look.

But when he took the computer, he saw today's latest episode of "Less Less" playing on the screen.

"Woman and the Chariot", the whole person was stunned for a moment.

He wondered just now, how could a military boss on the other side know about him, and he still has feelings for him.

Some dissatisfaction, feeling is watching "Girls and the Panzer" ah.

Fangzheng smiled secretly in his heart, the military bosses all look at their own works, let alone

Feeling a little cool

Fangzheng found the 99A that he had replaced, and then showed it to Mr. Pang, indicating that he

It is indeed propaganda.

It's just that this thing is more sensitive, and Fang Zheng didn't dare to publicize it too much.

Some departments, then he will lose more than the gains.

Therefore, the propaganda screen he changed was only a few seconds longer than the original, and there was no

Spend a lot of space to describe.

Mr. Pang looked at Fangzheng's movements and put his eyes on the computer. When he saw the most domestically produced

The new generation of the main battle chariot is air-dropped to the ground, and then comes on the stage as domineering as a roaring beast

His eyes lit up and he nodded in satisfaction.

But then he noticed that he was acting too much, so he quickly coughed and said: "

Assuming you have a little conscience.

Although Mr. Pang is still stubborn, but his hands are very honest and broadcast that animation again

Putting it aside, he nodded contentedly.

Watching his own chariot debut, it is the only modern main battle in the entire anime

Tank, Mr. Pang's face is full of joy

For their generation, the ups and downs have been decades, and the years ahead have passed.

Qu ah ~!

Now that I have managed to survive, watching my own tank debut, it was really long

He let out a sullen breath, as if he had turned a serf and sang.

Although I know that the impact of this thing is limited, I just feel comfortable and happy in my heart

In today's film and television dramas, every time I see foreign military and military appearances, they blow it up, but it happens

There is no domestic, so don't worry about it

But now, they have finally begun to consciously promote their own things.

This awareness is good, I really want it!

Old Man Pang glanced at Fang Zheng with satisfaction, and his face became even brighter. When he just came in, Jane

Just like two people.

you're nice boy, better than those garish stars, old man

I like you very much, boss, if anyone will embarrass you in the future, I will give you a head start, old man

Hearing this, Fang Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he doesn't know the specific identity of Mr. Pang, he can work with Secretary Zou

The military area boss, this status is obviously not low.

With Mr. Pang supporting him, does that mean that he can walk sideways in the future?

Secretary Zou next to him smiled wryly. He has been an old friend for so many years.

Still as rectal as ever.

This is also fortunately in the military region, if it were changed to the political arena, people would have been offended long ago.


Seeing that Mr. Pang also had the tendency to hold Fangzheng for a long conversation, Secretary Zou hurriedly coughed.

interrupted both of them.

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