Later, she knew that there was not much time left for her.

If you want to win, you must fight quickly!

Mazi classmate, can 150 make a detour from the front of him at full speed to the rear

The track will break

【No problem, we will decide the winner this time!

The audience held their breath when they heard this, the adrenaline began to soar, and the final decision

war time has come

The engine began to roar, and the No. [-] and Tiger chariots seemed to agree, and at the same time

Accelerating towards each other, both sides fired guns at each other trying to block each other halfway.

Watching the Tiger Artillery take away the outer armor plate of the No. [-] tank, many people gasped.


It was too dangerous, and it was almost taken away by the opponent!

Taking advantage of the gap between the Tiger-style loading ammunition, the No. [-] chariot staged a scene of chariot drifting for everyone.

good show

During the drifting process of the No. [-] chariot, the tracks and road wheels could not bear the pressure several times.

They left the car body and sputtered all around, looking extremely miserable.

However, the effect is also very obvious. The No. [-] chariot has a Thomas manoeuvre, from the tiger style.

The front of the opponent slipped to the back of the opponent, and then a cannon was fired, and the noisy battlefield was settled.

calm down

Who is it?

The smoke and dust of the explosion blocked the audience's sight, and the thick black smoke made it difficult to distinguish who (che

a) who wins

Whether it's anime or reality, it's quiet

The smoke cleared, looking at the sparks scattered around the chariot and the messy chariots,

The audience breathed a sigh of relief, because the white flag fluttering in the wind on the Tiger chariot was

So conspicuous.

[The Hessen Peak flag car can't move, so.. Oarai Women's College wins

The voice of the broadcast came, and the result of this competition was completely determined. Oarai Girls' School

Court VS Hessen Peak, and finally ended with the victory of Oarai Women's College.

【You win~ Miho!


Watching Nishizumi Miho hugging with her chariot team members, listening to the joy outside the arena.

The sound of hooting, the audience is also full of relief

In any case, if Nishizumi Miho wins, it means that Oarai Women's College will not be

School was abolished.

The last look of my sister. It's really hard, my sister is a arrogant and dead concubine!

Sister: This wave of water is so comfortable, my sister will not be abandoned at last~

Congratulations to Hessen Peak, the second time he lost the championship because of the military god

"Coach, I want to learn this! The chariot is elegant!

Coach go! I want to learn too

After the battle was over, many people looked at the last look of Nishizumi Maho and ridiculed them one after another.

It's my sister who let the water out. After all, that look has too many meanings

Combined with the power comparison between Hessian Peak and Darai Women's College, some audience members

They all believed that my sister had let the water out on purpose.

【elder sister

When the arena was closed and both sides were ready to return, Nishizumi Miho found it.

own sister

Under the sun, the two sisters looked at each other.

When the audience saw this scene, their brains made up spontaneously.

Sister: Sister, I won! (Show off)

Sister: Well, so you don't have to be abolished. (pampering)

Sister: Uh. Have you drained the water in the Pacific Ocean? (Doubtful

Sister: I don't understand what you are saying. (Sure enough, my sister is the best!

In the distance, Xizhu's mother looked at her sister, Qianshen, and clapped her palms while secretly annoyed.

"Damn, only gave birth to two daughters and lost the third place!!

For this Oarai VS Hessen Peak match, some people think that her sister Nishizumi Maho is a

The pet girl crazy demon, put a whole Pacific Ocean water in the game.

Audiences who support this view also have their own sophistication, first of all, the two schools

In the comparison of power, it was obvious that Hessen Peak had not known how many streets away from Darai Women's College.

With this absolute advantage, Hessen Peak can lose, except for the arrogance of the sister

Seems to be the only reason for the water

However, my sister was born in a famous family like Xizhuliu, so arrogance and arrogance should

It shouldn't appear on her body, so many people judged that it was my sister who was releasing water

Secondly, Xizhu's mother once clearly proposed to make a clear relationship with her sister after the game.

, Don't let Miho continue to 'insult' the reputation of Nishiju-ryu, so the audience guessed that her sister was for

I didn't want my sister to be kicked out of the house, so I deliberately lost the game.

In the end, the reason why the game is played back and forth is that, in addition to the green reason that my sister released water, there are also

I just didn't want to be seen by the organizer and Xizhu's mother, so I attacked with all my strength in the early stage.

In the later stage, pretending to be tempted by the opponent to perform a duel, and finally losing the game logically

Perfectly planned and seamless

The other faction disagrees with this point of view, they believe that the reason why the god of war has

Victory depends on your own strength

Although Oarai Women's College is at an absolute disadvantage in the comparison of chariots, Oarai

However, there are several ace car groups in the chariot group, such as the military god car group, the student union car group and the

and the automobile department.

These are all immortals with full skill points. As long as there is room to play, one pick is not at all.


Secondly, the guerrilla tactics of the military god are very suitable for street fighting, and to a certain extent restraint

The West lives in the stream, and the battlefield of the final is also in the urban area.

Afterwards, the military god itself is very powerful, and you must know that she is a burden before transferring to another school.

Vice-captain of Hessian Peak

So there's nothing wrong with winning on your own.

The two factions disagreed with each other, and the two sides quarreled with each other.

But no matter what the truth is, the one who takes the most advantage is the mother who lives in the west.

I'm so angry! If we have another daughter, the first, second and third place will all be ours.

Live it up!!!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support~

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Chapter [-] You are all scumbags (please support)

With the end of the Oarai Women's College VS Hessen Peak competition, "Girls and Chariots"

It's over even when Oarai Women's Academy wins the championship

Although "Girls and the Panzer" is not as popular as "When Prison Meals Come to Me", which is suitable for all ages

Around", but its popularity is still quite popular in the circle of young people

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