It's only half an hour's drive by commercial car

Arriving at the destination, Fang Zheng looked around and nodded in satisfaction

Although the company headquarters was too small and let them move out, it does not mean Founder

don't care about them.

Seeing the surrounding environment is not bad now, Fang Zheng nodded reassuringly.

He always believes that a good working environment provides people with efficiency bonuses, which is why

What is the reason why he is in a hurry to change the company headquarters.

When he came to the floor where Yang Li was, Fang Zheng knocked on the door.

Fang Dong?

Yang Li opened the door and looked at Fang Zheng who was standing at the door with a smile, and said in surprise:

How are you here?

No wonder Yang Li was so surprised, since she moved with the growing fuel-saving department.

After leaving the company headquarters, Fangzheng's side also entered the rhythm of the liver.

Every time a voice actor is needed, Yang Li will bring someone over, but Fangzheng has never been there.


What? I can't come?

Fang Zheng made a joke with Yang Li, and then walked into the room.

Yang Li's office location is very distinctive, in addition to her office and daily rest area

, the most conspicuous is the huge recording room

Through the glass wall of the recording room, Fangzheng saw the voice-training team inside.

voice actor.

Voice actor, or seiyuu, this profession is also very hard, in addition to daily

In addition to not stimulating your throat, you need to practice vocal skills every day.

Coincidentally, always keep your voice in the most perfect state.

S: Thanks to "Ruyuan." and "Shabi Aqua" for their monthly ticket support, thank you boss!

Kneeling and begging for your support




Chapter [-] This child is not saved (for support)

Fang Dong, are you here this time?

Yang Li talked to Fang Zheng for a while, and naturally asked Fang Zheng's purpose for coming here.

After all, Fang Zheng is a very busy person, and it is impossible to come here to find her without any reason.

Small talk

Looking for Qin Miaomiao, my next work needs ~ her to dub.

Hearing Yang Li's words, Fang Zheng replied with a smile.

Qin Miaomiao, the singer who took the initiative to send her to her door before, because she did not succumb to the entertainment industry

The unspoken rules were signed by him.

Looking for Qin Miaomiao?" Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously and said, "Fang Dong, your next work is

Do you need her to sing OP or ED?

Yang Li looked at Fangzheng suspiciously. Qin Miaomiao was a professional singer, so she was looking for someone to match her.

Sound, it seems that this is the only thing that has been said.

In fact, it's no wonder that Yang Li thinks in this regard. Most of the music in an anime is a movie.

The opening song, also known as OP, and the ending song ED

In addition, there are interludes, BGM and individual character songs.

And Fangzheng's previous works were all the opening songs or songs sung by Yang Li's seiyuu department.

Ending song

No, she is the voice actress for my next work!

"Voice actor?

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Yang Li was even more confused.

Although Qin Miaomiao said that she is a singer, it does not mean that she is more professional than a professional.

Strong voice.

Now the seiyuu department of company A has just started, and it has undergone professional

There are so many seiyuu trained, Qin Miaomiao is not that strong in it.

Yes, my lower works will tend to be music, so Qin Miaomiao is the most suitable

Fang Zheng looked at Yang Li and didn't explain much.

After all, in his cognition, the seiyuu are almost all monster series, maybe the seiyuu can

Part-time singers, but singers are not necessarily part-time voice actors.

This may be the horror of the seiyuu profession~

All right, Mr. Fang, come with me.

After listening to Fang Zheng's answer, Yang Li didn't ask too much, and took Fang Zheng directly.

Go to Qin Miaomiao

She is also more curious about the music-oriented anime.

Since Fangzheng's first work "Dream of the Stars", the other party has repeatedly refreshed her recognition

Knowing that Fangzheng is now doing an anime that mainly promotes music, it doesn't seem unreasonable.

Genius' ideas are always extraordinary, and if they can be guessed by a mortal like her, then

Is it called Tian?

Yang Li took Fangzheng to the recording studio, looked inside carefully, and found that there was no

Qin Miaomiao's figure.

In desperation, I could only find the food staff to ask about the situation.

What about Qin Miaomiao?

Feeling someone patted his shoulder, the staff took off the headset and saw Yang Li and

Fang Zheng, quickly got up and said hello.

Minister Yang, Director Fang

Um. "Yang Li nodded, greeted the other party, and asked again: "Qin Miaomiao today

Heaven didn't come to training, why didn't I see her?"

As Yang Li said that, she looked in the direction of the recording studio again, and confirmed through the glass wall again and again.

There was indeed no Qin Miaomiao on the side.

Qin Miaomiao..that.." Hearing Yang Li's words, the staff's face was a little anxious,

God unconsciously drifted to the lounge next to him.

Regarding the treatment of employees, Fang Zheng has never been mean, even if he has

The same goes for the voice acting department that moved out of headquarters.

Almost every voice actor has his own lounge, although the space is not large, but

Definitely enough for a short break room.

Seeing the staff's expressions, Yang Li frowned.

If nothing else, Qin Miaomiao should be lazy again

Without saying a word, Yang Li walked towards Qin Miaomiao's lounge with Fang Zheng. The two came

When I got to the door, I heard soft voices coming from inside.

Hey hey~ Darjeeling's same tea set is finally here

This tea set country is really different, it feels like a lady in the hand, it's great

Ahaha, and Katyusha's figure, I think you've been thinking about it for a long time, always grabbing

No, this time it's finally here!

Listening to the muttering from the lounge, Yang Li and Fang Zheng looked at each other, both of

Some speechless twitches.

This kid is dead


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