
Chapter [-]: The Brainwashed Audience (For Support)

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, almost all the viewers were refreshing the page of Company A and seeing "Light

The pattern of "Sound Girl", without saying a word, just click to play, have a sneak peek

jingle bell~

The rapid alarm sounded, and many spectators who had prepared speakers and other equipment were frightened when they came up.

took a leap

In order to listen to music more clearly, many of them turned on their voices not low.

The buzzing alarm sounded, which directly made many fans 'pregnant'.

Damn it, as expected of Fang Da, it was Wang Zhai who started it!

Deaf, deaf! Lao Tzu's ears~"

mmp, when I heard the bell, Lao Tzu grabbed his schoolbag reflexively

233 ~ I'm stunned at the beginning of the scene, Fang Da, forever

After washing their ears with the alarm clock, many fans have learned to be good and directly turn down the volume of the speakers

To avoid secondary damage to your ears.

Then a girl appeared in front of the audience

Viewers who have watched the promotional PV of "Light Tone Girl" are no strangers to the identity of a girl

Health, I can see at a glance that this is one of the heroines of this anime, Hirazawa Yui

Head 27 shoulder-length brown hair, with two yellow hairs on the right side of the forehead curtain

Card, round face gives a fleshy feeling, people can't help but want to reach out and fuck

pinch twice

The only appearance of Pyeongtaek, it doesn't even need the plot to unfold, it naturally gives people a kind of

Cute, natural, unresponsive feeling.

Late. Late! Late!

Wonderful morning, accompanied by the melodious BGM, Pyeongtaek Yui changed his school uniform and changed all the way

run downstairs in a panic, then do a ghostly space walk on the floor of your house', and finally

With a thud, he slammed his butt into a squat.

I gave the audience a show of what it means to land on the buttocks first

Precious images of the floor rising early to tame mankind

Is it really that smooth?

Hiss~ It hurts to look at me!

Exactly like when I go to school on a Monday morning

Many people were happy when they saw Ping Ze Yu's panicked movements.

Everyone came from young people, and there were even many fans in front of the screen at this time.


Once upon a time, they also experienced a similar scene, the first thing they opened their eyes every day

Love is to see the time.

Especially when I'm late because I've slept, it's a great feeling

Then the audience saw once again how confused Hirata Yui was.

I ran to school with bread in my mouth, hurried all the way, but suddenly found myself in the end.

I saw the wrong time.

Many viewers laughed at this, and many fans consciously swiped in the barrage.

Stay only' two words.

In this way, even if Dai Wei came to another world, he still couldn't avoid being caught by the vast majority.

Fans have this familiar nickname.

Maybe for Hirazawa Yui, "Stay' オ is the main body, and オ is her soul charm.

Looking at the only way to go to school, the kind neighbor mother-in-law, the peaceful street, the quiet

In the morning, it gives a very comfortable feeling.

This made the audiences who were used to seeing the hustle and bustle of the metropolis also felt a touch of warmth in their hearts.

Looking at the peaceful scene in the anime, many people relax, because

People who have been tired from school and work all day feel more relaxed than ever.

This "Light Tone Girl" has such a magic power that can make all your troubles and

All stress is forgotten.

This is also the charm of the anime "Light Tone Girl", looking at the girls in it

Funny and warm daily life, you will also laugh along unconsciously, inadvertently heal yourself.

His weather-beaten soul.

And in just a few minutes, on the way to school,

Several heroines in the promotional PV released by company A have appeared.

Although they all look like passers-by, they are still recognized by many audiences.

In this regard, these audiences can only silently praise Fang Zheng's detailed attention to animation production.

Festival is really impeccable

Just as the audience was looking forward to the next plot, cheerful music sounded.

When the music started, the audience on the screen unconsciously followed the drum beat.

I start shaking my legs, nodding my head, and my body starts to shake with the rhythm of the music

Everything was cut as if it came naturally, without leaving any sense of abruptness.

Chatting Now! Always rowdy! Neverending Girl' Stalk!

Don't wait until the school bell rings!

Arriving late, leaving early, Nonnonnon!

Do your best, Studyafterschool!

Lively rhythm music, lyrics full of campus atmosphere, coupled with the lively performance of the singers.

With a splashy and youthful singing voice, this song "Cagayake! Girls" brings the audience unparalleled

Rumby's enjoyment

Surrounded by a cheerful girl-like singing, close your eyes, and carefully experience the music around you.

Green memories, as if back to their own school days.

In the classroom, on the court, in the enthusiastic academy, everywhere left behind their youth

The shadow of wanton squandering sweat.

When the music started, it seemed that everything had come back.

In that era when it is impossible to go back, relive the beauty and tenderness of that era.

Jumping Now! Always have fun! Neverending Girl' slife!

【Playing every day, never ending!

【Go to bed early, get up early, Nonnonnon!

Look around, even though Shouting!

The cheerful opening OP firmly captured the hearts of every audience, and through singing,

Convey the beauty and innocence of youth to everyone.

The OP ended, and the audience was still intoxicated by the youthful singing.

Can't pull from 320 for a long time

When they reacted, they felt inexplicably lost in their hearts.

First "Dontsay "lazy", then "Cagayake! Girls"

", is this the charm of music?

This song makes me feel like I went back to the time when I was a student, it was impossible


Fang Da is not only good at doing animation, but also composing music and writing lyrics.

It's all about killing the rhythm of a professional composer.

Fang Da, always drop God!

"Cagayake! Girls" as the opening OP of the anime, followed by "Dontsay"laz

' is still somewhat different.

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