As expected to be a role model for my generation, this blue and white bowl is really a masterpiece, not only makes the audience even more

Fan also gave this anime a new soul.

They believe that they will never forget this day, the blue and white bowl that leaked from the stage.

And when the audience saw the establishment of Akiyama's fan club, they couldn't help but laugh,

It's not a big deal to watch all the fun

I am! I want to join!

Be sure to let the old man participate!

"Qiu Shan, one slipped into a romantic figure, hahaha

I have a hunch that from today, blue and white stripes will become popular!

A group of gentlemen in front of the screen looked at Akiyama who couldn't make a comeback.

True color

Although countless viewers didn't say it, they were grateful to Fang Zheng in their hearts.

Sure enough, Fang Da is indeed their idol, he knows what they need, and they want to see


Fang Da, we will always follow you!

At the same time, a post on the A's forum quickly reached the top with extremely fast popularity.

Recruiting members of Akiyama Tan Fan Club

Seeing this title, I don't need to say much to each other, and I don't need too much introduction.

Many gentlemen in front of the screen chose to join with perverted smiles.

It is said to be a club, but it is actually a fan group built by an unscrupulous fan.

The others—join in and see the blue and white 'bowl' that fills the screen!

The uninterrupted, swiping blue and white fonts blinded countless gentlemen's 24K titanium composites.

Golden eyes, this day, blue and white is the theme color

The latest anime episode of "Light Tone Girl" ends in the blue and white welfare of Akiyama Mimura,

Except for some old gentlemen, most fans directly switch to Kumao Music Network

Because there are the latest songs on their minds.

In the anime, the Qingyin Department held a concert at the school's celebration, although there was Dai Wei, the god of death.

Level chorus, but a good song is a good song

Even if Dai Wei deliberately made trouble, the audience was still captured by this song.

The moment the music hits, their ears get pregnant, so as soon as the anime ends

Many viewers rushed straight to Kumao Music Network.

And cool cat music network also lived up to expectations, in the latest episode of "Light Sound Girl"

Afterwards, he immediately uploaded the songs sung in the anime, "Light and Fluttering Time".

Moreover, Kumao Music Network has also provided two versions very intimately, one of which is

It's the version played in the anime, with Duwei's friendship singing

The other one is solo, without Dawei's broken gong-like harmony.

"On the single loop, can't come out!

Fang Da's level is still not disappointing, this song "Light and Floating Time"

No difference between the first two at all.

The accompaniment, lyrics and singing are all first-class, it is really a rare quality song


I think Fang Da can change careers to write songs.

A large number of fans poured into Kumao Music Network after watching the anime, the platform is new

The number of plays and downloads of "The Light of Time 023" on the shelves is also visible to the naked eye.

The speed increased rapidly.

This is almost like a rocket, making many singers jealous, especially

Those idol stars who spend money to hit the charts cry when their songs are quickly replaced

dizzy in toilet

Obviously we have gone around on Weibo hot search, why don't you let us go?

Is it that hard for us to spend money on some heat?

Fang Zheng doesn't know and doesn't want to know about these complaining idol stars

At this point he looked at his system panel in ecstasy.

Because after the hit of "Light Tone Girl" and the popularity of several songs, he finally

system upgrade is complete

The upgraded system has a lot more things, almost all kinds of black technologies.

Yes, of course, these black technologies are limited to technologies related to the second dimension.

And it's expensive to die for

But Fangzheng didn't care about these, he looked at the virtual imaging technology he had long admired.

His face was a little flushed!

Compared with the existing virtual imaging technology, the system provides a proper black technology, which does not require

So many complex equipment, and there are no harsh environmental requirements, which is more than convenient.


Looking at this thing, Fang Zheng squinted his eyes, thinking of a somewhat crazy idea in his heart.





Chapter [-]: Cross-Dimensional Concert (For Support)

Fangzheng closed the system panel in front of him, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed Zhang Siyu


Not long after, Zhang Siyu came to Fangzheng's office and looked at Fangzheng.

Fang Dong, are you looking for me?

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng pointed to the sofa beside him and said, "Sit down and talk.

Then Fang Zheng made a pot of tea and brought it to the coffee table, looking at Zhang Siyu

i want to hold a concert

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng with a puzzled look on his face, how did he remember that he was going to hold a concert?

Are genius ideas always so wild?

"Fang Dong, you are not a professional singer, why do you want to hold a concert?

Zhang Siyu thought about it for a while, but couldn't understand why Fangzheng suddenly wanted to hold an event.


To say that "Light Tone Girl" is popular, even the songs in the anime are also popular, but

It's not what you sang.

Suddenly, Zhang Siyu was stunned for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: "Fang Dong, shouldn't you be

Do you want to hold a solo concert for Miss Qin Miaomiao?"

This is the only answer Zhang Siyu thought of

With the spread of several songs in "Light Tone Girl", Qin Miaomiao, the lead singer

also instant fame

From an inconspicuous and hidden little singer before, he has become a major music company

The hot object, the transformation before and after can be said to make countless people stunned

And Qin Miaomiao, who has completed the transformation from the ugly duckling to the white swan, is undoubtedly the only one in Club A.

A singer who is suitable and most qualified to hold a concert.

Zhang Siyu wanted to understand everything, so he sat down with Fangzheng, waiting for Fangzheng's answer.

After all, Fangzheng's character.. in the words of his fans is 'skin'.

If you really hold a concert for yourself, that Zhang Siyu has to persuade him to say anything

Dispel this idea.

Not everyone can hold a concert, even some professional singers dare not try it out easily

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