Fang Zheng thought about what Zhang Siyu said, and knew that he was a little anxious.

A venue that can accommodate [-] people is definitely not a small project, a general project

The team also dare not take on such a project, only those large engineering teams have the confidence and strength to come

Pick up

But large engineering teams have their own schedules, you don't give them money


Counting reservations, negotiation, and transportation of various raw materials, it will take at least three months.


Zhang Siyu lowered his head and thought for a while, and gave what he thought was the shortest time

months, or if they have to pay exorbitant amounts of money, take the transport of raw materials

According to the material, it is not impossible to deliver in a short time, you just need to pay more.

In this regard, money does save time

month is too long

As soon as Chang Siyu finished speaking, Fang Zheng shook his head directly.

months, too long for his plan, three months later

That's the end of the New Year, and by that time, the popularity of "Light Voice Girl" will not be the same as it is now.

There is no comparison.

What's more, Fang Zheng still has a set of completed plans for the new year, which cannot be delayed until then.

Fang Dong, three months is the shortest time.

The venue of the people needs to be prepared in all aspects, otherwise it is easy to have problems.

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with a serious face, for fear that Fang Zheng would do something reckless because he was in a hurry.

Reckless move.

Building a venue that can accommodate [-] people is not a small project.

Funds are calculated in billions. If you are not careful, the capital chain will break and you will live your life.

I'm dragged to death in this project.

Thinking of this, Zhang Siyu's eyes are a little worried, she really doesn't want to be on the right track

Company A has experienced such a big ups and downs

"I know this." Fang Zheng waved his hand, he knew what Zhang Siyu was worried about.

In fact, if the five billion funds allocated to him from above had not arrived, he would not have

This idea will arise.

Although Company A is very popular now, with the profitability of Company A, I want to build this

No matter how big the project is, there is only one way to go.

What if it's an open space?

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at Zhang Siyu, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

He must hold the concert, not only to take advantage of the popularity of "Light Voice Girl"

The hype is also for the smooth launch of Luo Tianyi's plan.

As early as when Secretary Zou assigned a quarter of the development zone to him, he was planning

Paddle everything.

If possible, he would take this opportunity to move the company's headquarters to that new building

'S building

After a period of renovations, it's almost finished there.

Fang Dong, if it is an open space, it can be built in a month at most!"

Open-air venues are completely different from indoor venues. Compared with the two, open-air venues are simpler.

The only trouble is how to arrange the auditorium reasonably in order to accommodate more viewers

Good! Then use the open-air venue, up to a month, the sooner the better!

When Fangzheng heard Zhang Siyu's words, he immediately made a decision and decided the matter.

In addition, in the past few days, let the various departments of the company hold it up. Before the concert, the public

The headquarters of the company will also be moved there.

I understand

Afterwards, Zhang Siyu discussed the details with Fangzheng, and then hurried

left the office.

During this time, she is afraid that she will be busy again, this is the relocation company and the construction

It's a headache just thinking about it in an open-air venue

Shortly after Zhang Siyu left, Bo Niang, the official of A agency, posted a message.

Hello dear fans, in order to give back to the fans for their continuous support

, Decided to hold the 'Light Sound Department' concert in Zhuyuan, the magic capital, I hope that the majority of fans can come

Come and enjoy this feast.Attachment: For details such as address and date, please pay attention to the official website of Company A!

ask for flowers

A post on the official blog of A's official blog exploded like a depth bomb, triggering an instant

a huge wave

During this time, with the popularity of "Light Voice Girl", among the young people in Xia Guo

Quickly set off a music frenzy, especially the two-dimensional songs in the animation of the A company.

Very popular.

At this time, A company suddenly broke the news that it was going to hold a concert.

The excitement is predictable

Fang Da 666, is this a surprise for our fans?!!

"Qin Miaomiao and the others sing in the Qingyin Department's concert, I like Qin Miaomiao very much.

's song!

There must be not only Qin Miaomiao, but also other seiyuu who are responsible for dubbing the light voice department.

It's all monster series!

233 ~Dai Wei's broken gong voice warning!

As soon as the news broke out, it quickly spread among the fans of Club A, and many fans

They all flocked to the official website of A company to check the latest news.

Since it is a concert, pre-sale tickets will definitely start in advance, in case it is late.

Tickets were robbed, then they really have nowhere to cry.

As for the situation that the concert tickets are not sold out, or no one cares. No one will

Think about this.

Fangzheng won't, and even those fans won't.

Just look at the popularity of "Light Voice Girl" on the Internet. The concerts held by company A are only

There will be situations where tickets cannot be grabbed, and there will be no situations where they cannot be sold.

And, with the establishment of the two-dimensional music area on Kumao Music Network, the flag of A club

The songs in the animation below have also opened the cover copyright.

So a very funny scene appeared, except Kumao Music Network, other music

The platform has been swept up by the cover versions of these anime songs.

This also proves once again the popularity of animation music under the A club.

PS: Thank you for the tears, whoever deletes my comment will die first!, I will always like Saint Hui

Stars ぜけ Starry Night, 183.9, (??u??), paddling to listen to music, when Ziyue woke up from a dream

fen, ennn too lazy to think about the name, Xiaoyinlong's monthly ticket support, thank you big guy!!!




Chapter [-]: [-] Tickets in Two Seconds (For Support)

However, when the majority of fans flocked to the official website of Company A, they looked as clean as the original official website.

page, dumbfounded.

What about the concert?

What about pre-sale tickets?

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