As soon as the news of Fangzheng's thanks to the 'Unswerving to Death' user with concert tickets was released, it was instantly

There was an uproar.

I'm sorry, although Fang Da has a little skin, but the character of this kindness and repayment insists on


It's been so long, Fang Da still remembers us old users, it's really a little tearful

I don't want to say anything, Fang Da ー raw powder!

What is it? Why can they get tickets for free? Fang Da, you

Can't be discriminated against

Upstairs, since you may be a newcomer to company A, I won't spray you, go to a thousand degrees by yourself

Read the ins and outs of 'Until death' before leaving a comment!!"




Chapter [-]: Catch Meow' Divine Comedy (for support)

With the spread of the popularity of the Qingyin concert on the Internet, the "Light Music Girl"

Anime attention once again ushered in a big explosion

And among the earnest expectations of fans, "Light Voice Girl" is also broadcast normally as promised

Sibo did not delay because of the concert.

666, the light sound department is really a per capita ghost, wearing this puppet costume to recruit new

There are no more members!

I just wanted to say, can the light sound department be able to make some things in the world?"

233~Look, I'm terrifying this freshman~"

With Xiao Zuo and such a consultant teacher in the Qingying Department, I am afraid that I will not be able to recruit new ones in this life.


As we all know, the light music club is a tea-drinking club, except for the side business of singing on stage

In addition, the other is doing everything.

For example, the unique recruitment plan of Dawei and others cannot be done on others.

produce this effect

Horses, chickens, dogs, cats, these puppet costumes of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods are directly frightened to the heart of birds and beasts

Go away, call the police.

If they didn't know that they were a light vocal group, the audience would have thought that this was a circus


What kind of fairy operations, can't you recruit new ones normally?

27 However, the audience obviously underestimated the showy operation of the light sound department, and watched how many people stayed for the sake of

The receptionist Hirazawa Yu all changed into maid costumes.

A group of gentlemen in front of the screen said that they have been eating too well recently and are full of energy

Nosebleeds are out of control.

Puha~ Medic! Medic, I can still save it

Help the old man get up, the old man still continues to fight

Where can I find such a club? I am proficient in guitar, piano and violin

, just one such society

I'll give you the rest, I took this rich woman away, I don't want to work hard

After the light music section of the school celebration singing, the character and personality of the characters have been well received by the audience.


Yui Pingzawa, naturally dumb, confused and a bit rash, often jumping off the line,

Especially when singing "Light and Fluttering Time", the broken gong in that voice left the audience with

left an indelible impression.

Akiyama Tan, Hei Changzhi, the conscience and signboard of the light tone department, give the audience the impression of courage

Shy, and that enduring blue-and-white stripe.

Emmm~Especially the last blue and white bowl is simply memorable to the audience.

If you think of Qiushan Jin, the first thing you think of is the blue and white bowl, then congratulations, you

Already a qualified gentleman.

Tianjing Zhonglu, the temper team, and the only pistachio who form the daily activities of the light music department

Cheerful and lively, and Tan are almost two extremes.

It's hard to imagine that two people with such a big disparity in character are actually childhood sweethearts.

In the end, there is the qin trumpet, known as the zhuang kuang, a genuine daughter of gold

The largest sponsor of the light music training camp.

Girls with distinct personalities formed the light voice department, and the day was full of warmth and laughter.

It also left a deep impression on the audience.

When they saw that the light sound department was about to include new members, many fans were looking forward to it


The "Light Tone Girl" has been broadcast until now, and the audience is almost familiar with the leisurely behavior of Dawei

The daily routine is over, and the combination of Dawei, Tan, Lu Dui and Zhuangzhuang is just right.

If a newcomer is added rashly at this time, the audience is a little worried, will it break

Will there be a sense of incongruity in the daily life of a bad light voice department?

People's inherent concept is very ingrained, when people are familiar with a combination,

After the body, it is difficult for this group to get new members first.

Because new members are often not accepted by the majority

The audience is also worried about this problem, and they joined the new member's light voice department.

Will I still laugh and laugh like I do now, will there be any sense of disobedience

But there are also many fans who don't care about it at all.

Who made "Light Tone Girl"?

Is it their idol 'Pi? Supreme God' Fang Da, looking at the animations that Fang Zheng has done, he still goes from

I have never let them down, and I have taken care of all the details. I am a detail freak.

Therefore, in their opinion, Fangzheng has no reason not to think about things that they can consider.


Since the anime is still going according to this plot, it means that their Fang Da has already

Perfect solution to this problem, no need to worry at all!

The most important thing is, since it is recruiting new members, how can you show yourself less?

part of the community?

Although the Qingyin Department is a tea tasting club, they are also about to hold a show.

The combination of a real concert, so this stage performance is absolutely indispensable

Sure enough, when the fans saw the Qingyin Department on the stage of the school auditorium again, they all expected

Stay up.

Come, come, I know that the stage of singing is essential!

Is it? Woo~ When I saw this, I suddenly remembered that I didn't get the tickets for the real concert, wow

I started to cry~"


Upstairs, you are not very normal!

Before the singing of the light sound department started, there was a lot of noise on the barrage.

Friends' barrage made the audience laugh with laughter.

The real-time interaction of the bullet screen has become a great fun for people to watch anime.

No matter what the plot is, there are always a few maverick netizens who will bring you

Come have fun.

When the audience saw the song list of the light voice department, it exploded directly.

Because this time, the soft sound department seems to want to compensate them, and they have to perform 730 in one breath.

Sing four songs!!

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