Be feasted by this music.

The four songs in the repertoire list have been seriously shrunk, only a small segment sung by Dao Wei


"So...the rest of the song was eaten by dogs?

I'm addicted to hearing that, you tell me the orientation concert is over??

I knew that Fang Da would not be so kind and wanted to listen to four songs in one go,

Just daydreaming!

Fang Da came to God, I will give you a big baby!

Looking at the anime of Yudong in the voice of Dawei's singing, the audience was confused.

Still want this shit?

Except for the part that Wei Wei sang, the other songs didn't even leak out the accompaniment.

Before co-authoring, Fang Da deliberately drew the repertoire in the anime, just to tease them

Fangzheng thief, I will never share the sky with you

Fang Da, won't your conscience hurt by doing this?"

Wuming Mingxin didn't get tickets for the reality concert, and the anime concert was also beaten by someone

The person who edited the video is gone, I want to cry so much~”

Upstairs, touch the dog's head, you are not alone"

(Have you Zhao)

Watching the severely shrunk soft music concert, countless audiences were dumbfounded.

It's not what they imagined.

Isn't the atmosphere of the concerts very warm and unusual? Why did I come to Fangzheng and just

Ma only has a few minutes left?

In desperation, the audience can only go to the cool cat music network, where to listen to it

quench one's cravings

After watching the anime, I switched to Kumao Music Network, which is already watching "Light Tone Girl" now

The normality of the audience of this anime is uniform

However, this time, these fans were disappointed again, and even had the heart to kill.

Because there is only one new song on Kumao Music Network, that is, Dian Wei is moving

The song "My Love is a Stapler" sung in Manli.

As for the other two new songs.. they only know one name.

This feeling of seeing but not hearing makes many people go crazy and despise Fang in their hearts.

It is this kind of fishing and law enforcement behavior, scolding him that he is not a person!!




Chapter [-] Trophy, pure gold (for support)

Hangcheng on the [-]st of the month, the golden bell award ceremony

Fang Zheng was sitting in the auditorium, looking at the crowd of people in front of him, looking at the clothes

The beautiful handsome man and beautiful woman sighed helplessly.

Originally, it was good. Today's award ceremony let Zhang Siyu come, but because of the concert

The matter, Zhang Siyu couldn't get away, he could only come over by himself.

Watching the Golden Bell Awards, to be honest, Fang Zheng was almost asleep.

Every time, the host announces the list of winners, and then people come to the stage to accept the award, and the winner

Post your acceptance speech.

It was these three axes from start to finish, and it made him sleepy looking at him.

But what makes Fangzheng feel gratified is that since he sat here, there is no such thing as

Eye-opening stars came to taunt him, the kind of cliché in the novel did not appear

Think about it too, who can be mixed in the entertainment circle is not a human being, this kind of offense out of thin air

Human things, it is estimated that only a fool would do it

"Okay, the audience at the scene and in front of the screen, here is the Golden Bell Awards ceremony

The winners of the Golden Bell Award Small Instrumental Group will be announced next!"

On the stage, a well-dressed host holds a microphone and takes it from the staff

Putting a card, he said to the audience with a smile

And when the host glanced at the card, his face was a little stunned, but for a moment

It reacted, and if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see any abnormality at all.

Today's list of 677 winners is different from the past, because he has a .. outside the picture

After the host finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and many people whispered.

The Golden Bell Award has always been a feast of the music world, and the winners are generally professional singers

Or professional lyricist, composer

Today's award-winning audience, who once defined a new cultural form, the bow

Leading the trend of the animation industry, his works have been widely acclaimed and attracted the attention of young people.

Huge response!

That's right, he is the chairman of Magic City ACG Culture Company and a famous animation creator

Mr. Fangzheng Fang!!

Let us applaud and invite Mr. Fang~"

Whoa, whoa, whoa~!

Fang Zheng stood up in a daze, listening to the noisy applause in his ears, the whole person felt

some did not respond

Before he came, he originally came with the mentality of going through the motions, and he never thought about it at all.


The Golden Bell Award is the top music award in China, whether it is a singer or a creator, several

Almost all of them are top-notch, although the few songs he released in "Light Tone Girl" were poorly received


But his family knew about his own affairs, he didn't know how to write songs at all, and he didn't expect it at all.

These songs will be awarded

As he himself said, he is a man who does anime and never thought of stepping out

The circle of dimensional culture, go to grab a meal with others.

But the reality is in front of him, he really won the award.

After being stunned for a moment, Fang Zheng adjusted his mentality, and then the staff at the scene

Under the instructions of the staff, he walked slowly to the stage.

Hello Mr Fang.

Good host.

Fang Zheng picked up the microphone handed over by the staff and looked at the crowd of people around the conference venue.

, Not to mention, my heart inexplicably some dark cool.

As an outsider, he not only stepped into the music scene, but also Nima won an award.

If this news is released, he will be able to make a good show with his fans.

Sure enough, nothing makes him more addicted than teasing his fans.

Mr. Fang, according to the news, both your anime opening and ending songs have been nominated

Do you think winning one will win the championship?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng was stunned.

He likes both songs very much, and the response on the Internet is also good.

Even Fang Zheng suspected that if it wasn't for the selection of participating songs, it would have ended long ago.

Several songs following the "Girls" may also be nominated.

emmm~ Ending song "Dontsay "1azy""

Tell me the reason?" The host's eyes lit up and looked at Fang Zheng curiously.

The reason is that the song "Dontsay "lazy" is the earliest appearance of "Light Girl"

of a song!

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