If there is a plan, there is, and it is a long-term plan.

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Fang Zheng smiled and said, "Maybe you saw outsiders when you came here.

The situation on the side, except for our company's headquarters building, can be said to be desolate outside.

Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and said with a rare seriousness, "I, or

The reporter said that the future goal of the A company is to build the Zhuyuan area into a two-dimensional kingdom

Listening to Fang Zheng's indifferent tone, Zhang Ying secretly took a deep breath.

This tone is not ordinary, to build a two-dimensional kingdom, the resources needed during this period

The source will be an astronomical number.

No wonder Fangzheng said it was a long-term plan, this kind of goal is obviously impossible to accomplish in a short period of time.


Then according to your plan, how much money do you think you need to invest to complete it?"

At least not less than [-] billion. "

Fangzheng also asked Zhang Siyu to estimate in advance, including the construction of various buildings.

The improvement and promotion of various facilities, [-] billion is just the initial capital

Poverty is the limit of my imagination!

Are there any rich second-generation bosses, how much is [-] billion?

Rich Second Generation: Go, I want to know too!

Fang Da's ambition

Many viewers were shocked by Fang Zheng's ambition, listening to Fang Zheng's extremely indifferent expression.

When the number of '[-] billion' was spoken in the tone, almost everyone was refreshed

The same is true for Zhang Ying, although she learned some vague information from Yang Li before.

I had a certain amount of mental preparation, but once I heard Fang Zheng’s words, I still couldn’t bear it.

hold a shiver

Five billion, how much does it cost?

However, Zhang Ying is also a professional host anyway, and she didn't act too embarrassed.

The second question, I heard that Fang Dong is building a venue for the light music concert, so Fang Dong

How did Dong come up with the idea to hold this concert?

Zhang Ying didn't worry too much about the question just now, that number really scared her a bit.

Now, she didn't dare to ask in detail.

In desperation, I can only skip the question just now

This concert is just an opportunity, my real purpose is to play

Create an animation festival, just like Jubao.com's shopping carnival, I plan an annual

On the [-]th of the month, an animation festival will be held

This Fangzheng has long planned, as he said, the concert is just an opportunity

Even without this concert, he will hold an animation festival, but the time may change

Push back.

And now that there is an opportunity for a concert, then we simply start from here.

Although everything still seems a little sloppy, and there are not many entertainment projects, but everything is

There is a beginning, as long as it is better in the future, it is enough

""Are there any requirements for participating in the Anime Festival?"

No, the anime festival is a carnival for fans who like the second dimension.

Anyone can participate. "

Speaking of which, Fang Zheng pursed the corners of his mouth, sighed softly, and continued.

However, because the Zhuyuan area has not yet been developed, the conditions are limited, so I hope

Audiences who plan to attend this animation festival, or those who buy tickets to attend the concert, bring

Prepare yourself mentally. "

"Here I want to apologise to the fans for our lack of preparation!

The audience in front of the screen watched Fang Zhengzhen stand up and sincerely apologized to them.

You are a little moved.

To be honest, with Fangzheng's current status, he can be regarded as a person with a head and face.

Even if you want to apologize with such an identity, you will at most just send an apology letter and you will be done.

ル. (Li Ma Zhao)

People like Fang Zheng who apologized in person during the live interview are really a mystery.

Mr. Fang Dazhen, I will follow you for a lifetime!

It is a good thing to create an animation festival for fans and audiences. The funding gap is too large.

Everyone understands, why are you apologizing?!

Yes, Fang Da, it's not your fault at all.

"Fang Da QR code, although we don't have big money, but we have a lot of people! Bullshit!"

Yes, Fangda QR code handed over, we will make money!!

Many fans were both moved and guilty when they heard Fang Zheng's apology.

Fang is building an animation festival, building the Zhuyuan area, and saying that it is a contribution to the entire Xia Kingdom

Economic construction; to say it is small, it is to create an exclusive festival for their fans who like the second dimension

day carnival.

In time, many people clamored for Fangzheng to show the QR code.

we, fans, make money




Chapter [-] The skin is the body (seeking support)

Zhang Ying received a notice from the director and was shocked by you again.

Are all fans so arrogant now?

Make money without a word

With a speechless mood, Zhang Ying told Fang Zheng what happened on the barrage.

But Fang Zheng slowly shook his head.

On behalf of company A, I would like to express my gratitude to the fans for their love, but we cannot accept

Thanks to the generosity of the fans, we will do our best, whether it is Zhuyuan area or the animation festival

Strive to build and night and strive to do better, so please give us some time. "

What can he do?

He is also troubled

Obviously it is an animation company, but it has to work part-time as a real estate company.

what's the point

But for his own dreams, he can only bite the bullet

At this moment, Fang Zheng wanted to accidentally share his QR code,

With so many fans, how long does he have to fight less?

Zhang Ying glanced at Fang Zheng in admiration, and she was indeed the target of the official support.

This ideological awareness is really much higher than ordinary people.

The third question, regarding this concert, many people speculate that it is for Qin Miaomiaoju

What's your opinion on this, Mr. Fang?

Zhang Ying looked at Fang Zheng and asked the most important question today

Right now, the light music concert is about to be held, and the popularity of this concert on the Internet is also

is high.

There are even some music big 240 coffees who have made remarks saying that they are willing to participate in this event for free.

A concert, a platform for Qin Miaomiao, a talented singer.

But for these remarks, neither the official company A nor Qin Miaomiao made any comments.

any response.

Therefore, there are also many people who speculate what the concert will look like.

For Qin Miaomiao?

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