After taking the microphone, the young man stood up from the chair a little nervously, with a slightly expression on his face.


You must know that this is the concert scene of [-] people, and there is also the official platform of A company.

Live broadcast, that is to say, I don't know how many people are watching him.

Thinking of this, the young man became even more nervous, holding the microphone in his hand but didn't say anything for a long time


Looking at the shy fan above the stage, he nodded to him and said

"Don't be nervous, just treat me like an ordinary person, just ask if you want to ask."

Maybe it was Fangzheng's encouragement that gave the young man courage, he took a deep breath and said

Fang Dong, can I really say anything?

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the young man pursed his lips and said, "Actually, I'm from Magic University.

students, my roommates and I are very fond of your animation works, we have been working since "The Dream of the Stars"

Keep following you, until now, we all adore you

Listening to the young man's words, the smile on the face above the stage became stronger and stronger.

See not, what is the expectation

This is

Sure enough, I am still very popular with fans, don't look at my group of fans who are always

All kinds of fancy tricks to make fun of him, but this is all old coquettish, all of them are disgusting with integrity

The model.

Thanks: Leap Down, Poison Tide, 13(1), Orange@, Linjiang Drunk, Falling Leaves

?, the author Eunuch Bi, Momo Yuyu, Shi Yu will protect everyone, vhbv,, cat nine

, phantom white, the person I like happens to be Loli, 桜bukiyuki

み, Liuli, the monthly pass that loves Mifa!!

Thanks: Tianshui presses the dream, 桜bukixue へと 褉化する國陰み, picking peach blossoms for wine

Drink, chaotic days, 33..50, 151..16 reward.

Thank you for your support guys!!




Chapter [-] Fang Dong, do you like this gift?

Being blown away by fans like this, Fangzheng himself was a little flirtatious, but other audiences were not satisfied

If it's a serious idol, it's fine, but are they serious?

This is a Pippi shrimp, and you praise him like this will only fuel his arrogance.

It's getting worse and worse!!

Holy crap, is this brother serious?

"I want to report a traitor in our fan club

Brother, please open your eyes and see clearly, what you worship is a Pipi shrimp

It's over, you can see how happy Fang Da laughed.

Listening to the lucky guy who was named first, many fans heard each other's words and said

Anger for indisputable, mourning for misfortune.

For Fangzheng, a man with deep skin, if you praise him, he can really lift his tail



Seeing that my dear brother is still there, I can't help but tell my admiration for the other party.

Love, many fans are slapped on the forehead

They could already imagine how arrogant Fang Zheng would be after he passed.

At the same time, several figures outside the venue sneaked towards the door of the concert,

One of them was holding a small box in his arms.

Qi Yu, hurry up! Lao Chen is still holding on inside

Nima, you guys should help, this thing is getting old!

I told you to be less Lu-a little bit, but you don't listen, now you're out of breath when you move a box


Several young people quickly walked towards the entrance of the concert. If they looked closely, they would

Now their expressions are full of ill will.

You are very nice boy, what is your name?

Fangzheng had an unstoppable smile on his mouth, and was praised in front of so many people.

, Not to mention more comfortable.

It seems that his fans still have smart people who know how to keep up with their own pace.

Not bad!

Fools can be taught

Fang Da, my name is Chen Qian!

Hearing Fangzheng's words, Chen Qian was a little moved, looking at Fangzheng's expression as if he was loved by God

believers in general.

Fang Da, in order to express our gratitude and support, we bought some gifts together in our dormitory

I want to give it to you, my roommate is at the door of the concert, I don't know if it's inconvenient

Send someone to my roommate to pick up the gift we gave you?


Fang Zheng raised his brows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more charming.

As expected, he is a fan of his own, this awareness is the way to go

Fans are full of warm pillows to send gifts, how can he pour cold water?

Immediately send the bequest staff over there, look for Chen Gan's roommates, and pass the ceremony.

bring in.

Such a good opportunity to show off, or in front of so many fans, how can it be?

Not skin all of a sudden

When the audience listened to Chen Qian's words, the corners of their mouths twitched directly.

With a few words of praise, their Fang Da has already raised their tails to the sky, and the corners of their smiling mouths

Almost to the bottom of my ears.

It's even a gift

The audience can already imagine that after Fangzheng made various movements to show off, and then used his nose

Kong saw their arrogant appearance.

Brother, as a fan of Fang Da, don't you know the character of this man?

Why do you do this kind of thing, you make it difficult for the majority of fans to do it, do you know?

However, no matter how the audience complained, the staff already felt the entrance to the concert

I also met several roommates of Chen Qian.

Is this the gift you are going to give to Fang Dong?" The worker looked at Qi Yu, holding it in his hands.

The small box, reached out and took it, the box sank

Yo, it's quite heavy, and I bought a lot of things~"

Listening to the staff's words, Qi Yu smiled

"That's necessary, Fang Da is our idol!

The staff looked at the smiles on Qi Yu's faces and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

, looked at a few people suspiciously.

I brought the gift in, but you can't enter, so I'm sorry

"Understand, and when the gift arrives

We'll grab tickets for tomorrow's concert in a minute!

Yes, yes, go in and give the gift to Fang Da

Qi Yu and several others expressed their understanding to the staff's words.

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