Ritsu Tanaka, the temperament team, the head of the light sound department, serves as a drummer, and has a very cheerful personality.

Splash, together with Dai Wei, is called the pistachio of the light tone department.

The piano blower, the strong and sturdy girl, the keyboard player of the light tone department, the gentle, warm and generous daughter

Miss, the real thing is close to [-] million people

Akiyama Drum, Drum or blue and white bowl, bass player of the light sound department, black long and straight, outside

Familiar and stable, but unexpectedly shy and timid, the only one in the light tone department has his own

Member of a personal fan club.

Nakano Azusa, A Zimiao, is the same guitarist as the only one, and the only one in the light tone department

The juniors are petite and cute, and suffer from the 'persecution' of their seniors on a daily basis.

Five people together formed the 'tea party after class' band, the name of this band is heard by everyone

Just know.

Music is just a sideline, the daily life of drinking tea is the main body

"The world is strange and strange, but only cute and lovely

As we all know, this is an animation QAQ that promotes tea culture

The Generals of the Five Tigers of Qingyin participate!

Day, the five tiger generals, you must laugh to death!

What a talent

At the beginning of the second season, listening to Dai Wei introduce his members of the light music club, many fans

Make complaints.

They're all old acquaintances, and who doesn't know who?

And don't call it the Qingyin Department, just change the name to the Tea Drinking Department.

Looking at the light sound department is still so happy and peaceful, many fans feel lost in their hearts

Worries are all gone.

Seeing how many people in Dawei can have a lot of fun in different classes, fans know they are looking forward to it

Yes, the familiar light tone department is really back

Although Fangzheng said on the live broadcast that there will be a second season of "Light Sound Girl", fans also know that in the

In terms of animation, Fangzheng and A will never let them down

But there are also quite a few fans who are still a little worried.

They like the first season of "Light Tone Girl" and the light tone full of laughter and laughter

Just because I like it, I will worry about it

They are afraid that the second season of "Light Tone Girl" will change the style

It's not that the fans don't believe Fangzheng, but they are used to seeing the peaceful daily life of the Qingyin Department.

, rashly changing the style will make them very uncomfortable.

But now it seems that their Fang Dada still understands them very well.

As soon as the anime started, the ignorant feeling that I had when I first came into contact with "Light Tone Girl"

It's back again.

"Light Tone Girl" is still the same "Light Tone Girl", and the Light Tone Department is still the same one

Tomobu, it didn't change the previous setting because it was the second season

Seeing how Dao Wei was divided into a class very skillfully, many viewers were suspicious.

Confused, this is too much a coincidence.

But when Xiao Zuo, the teacher who stayed with only a few people, came on stage, the audience reacted instantly.

"The power of the ruling and opposition Xiao Zuohe

Hands cover the sky Xiao Zuohe

And sire, rather a great official prestige~"

233 ~ Xiao Zuohe arranged this, I'm afraid it's not for your convenience

Afterwards, the audience watched as the confident light music club discussed plans to recruit new members.

Looking at 1.4 wearing that warmly dressed puppet, the corners of the mouth are twitching.

They don't know how to complain anymore

You were like this before, and now are you planning to repeat the same trick?

Haven't previous experiences taught you any lessons?

But fortunately, the light sound department has learned to behave well this time, and did not wear puppet costumes to scare people.

Watching the light sound department in order to 'capture' new members, various means emerge in an endless stream, and the audience has

Smile blossoms.

Sure enough, this time it was the soft sound part they liked, although sometimes it makes people feel

Speechless, but. Really happy

Every time I see the various funny routines of the Qingyin Department, I always raise the corners of my mouth unconsciously.

This may be the charm of the anime "Light Tone Girl".




Chapter [-] Cooperation of musical instrument companies (seeking support)

The second season of "Light Tone Girl" was released, and the popularity brought by the light tone department also rose rapidly.

Once again reproduced the first season of the hot grand occasion

Even after the precipitation of time, the speed of the explosion is even worse

In the streets, young people are everywhere talking about the voice of "Light Tone Girl"

In order to attract more customers, some audio-visual stores even directly released the sound of "Light Music Girl".

Music Collection

In time, the popularity brought by "Light Tone Girl" once again swept the country, and the limelight

Time two or two.

Fang Dong, the person in charge of the company who wants to cooperate with us has already spoken to you before.

here, you see when you go there

Chen Xianting knocked on the door of Fangzheng's office and walked in.

In the past few days, with the popularity of "Light Tone Girl", some companies that produce and sell musical instruments have

Seeing business opportunities, the company called and wanted to start strategic cooperation with company A.

Fangzheng naturally has no reason to reject these door-to-door companies.

What about Zhang Siyu? Let her deal with it.

Fang Zheng rubbed his sore eyes, he was also catching up these few days, "Small Voices"

The second season of "Woman" is released, but "Swaying Camping" still has some finishing work waiting for him

deal with

Although 27 has systematic blessings, the workload is not ordinary

Director Fang, you forgot, Mr. Zhang was dispatched by you a long time ago and is currently working in major provinces across the country.

The city is preparing for Tianyi's concert tour.

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Chen Xianting laughed.

Before, she always thought that Zhang Siyu was the most tired person in the whole A company, responsible for the public affairs every day.

The company's big and small affairs, and Fangzheng is a hands-off shopkeeper.

But after this period of observation, she found that she was wrong, wrong outrageously.

Compared with Zhang Siyu, Fangzheng is the most tired person, even she sometimes sees

Fang Zheng's life-threatening work arrangement makes him a little worried.

For fear of what would happen to Fang Zheng's body.


Fangzheng patted his forehead, he forgot that Zhang Siyu was out of office recently.


all right, bring them all to the conference room, I'll be there in a minute

Chen Xianting was sent away, Fang Zheng washed his face and tidied up a little.

make yourself look more energetic

After packing everything up, Fang Zheng walked towards the conference room.

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