Tianhao, which is the brand of the company that Liu Jiayun runs, is also "Swaying Camping"

Exclusive title sponsor

Although in the anime, the exclusive sponsorship of 'Tianhao' is only indicated by the producer, but this

Many people still remember the name.

Day, brother, do you want the Tianhao brand too?

You too?!

"Sway Camping?!

Sesame Rin?

Old Wangtou looked at the two young people in front of him as if they were telling the code, you didn't say a word,

more suspicious

What does all this say?

But after all, Lao Wangtou is a veteran who has opened a storefront for most of his life, so he reacted immediately.


Although I don't know what happened today, but maybe God will open his eyes and give him money

I might be lucky.

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, if you need a tent, I recommend you to buy this

payment. "Old Wang got up from the chair numbly, went to the shelf next to him, and took out the

This is a good tent imported from Australia, both in workmanship and materials.

Flow, and this matching sleeping bag, pure velvet, absolutely warm!

Lao Wangtou recommended his products to everyone with a smile on his face, and he was dumb with the dullness just now.

In comparison, they are simply two different people.

What Australia is not Australian, I want Tianhao

Yes, yes, we all want Tianhao

It is best to match, tents, sleeping bags, alcohol stoves, portable seats are all preferred


On the day, the identity of the friendly army was revealed in a special opening!

Listening to these young people's babble, Old Wang was a little dumbfounded.


He does know this brand, a new manufacturer, quality workmanship and so on.

All are good.

But in the past, it seemed that foreign imports were better than domestic production, so Tianhao

products are not selling very well.

Over time, facing new customers, Wang Limin directly recommended some foreign products.

But what happened today?

Why do so many people want Tianhao's tent?

Tianhao's products are here, everyone come with me

Although he couldn't understand it, Old Wangtou still led these guests towards a strange person inside.

The eye-catching corner is gone.

Customer is God, this is the iron rule of businessman.

Since people want Tianhao, don't say anything more.

If these new customers are disgusted and go away, there is no place for him to cry

After so many guests came, Wan-693 left because [-] was talking too much for himself

Then he can really find a piece of tofu and kill him

I'm not saying, the times are different now, and the things of those foreigners are not necessarily better than

Our country is good!

Boss, give you a piece of advice, put Tianhao's outdoor products in the most conspicuous place in the store

Location, you will never suffer!

If you want me to say that you simply dispose of these foreign gadgets and directly change them into Tianhao specialty stores

never mind!

The boss will give me a set first, tents and sleeping bags must be from the Tianhao brand!

Lao Wangtou is swiftly preparing goods for these young guests, while thinking

What the hell is going on here.

What happened today made him wonder if he was dreaming.

On weekdays, there are not many customers in the store a day, so many people come early in the morning

And listening to the meaning of this sentence, it seems that I still look down on foreign goods, but I love it for ten minutes.

Ho' this brand.

What exactly happened here?

After Lao Wangtou wanted to send off the customers in the store, he inquired about what happened.


But it made him laugh and cry, as he kept busy, the customers in the store not only

It didn't decrease, instead it became more and more.

Although his body is still very strong, but after all, he is old, and he is constantly busy.

For more than half an hour, my body can't take it anymore

No way, he can only call and ask his son to come and help

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)




Chapter [-] CCTV News has reported it (seeking support)

With the popularity of "Swaying Camping", many areas, many suitable camping places,

Passenger traffic is also an instant surge.

This can not help but arouse the attention and suspicion of many people.

What's wrong with this world?

Is winter the peak season for camping?

In response to this incredible thing, many media have conducted targeted interviews.

Modu Daily: Recently, there have been many camping enthusiasts in Modu area, outdoor sports

The peak season is coming!

【Youth Report: What is the charm of winter camping?

Daily current affairs: The rise of domestic brands, Tianhao's counterattack!

Because of the surge in the number of campers in winter, related reports are flying all over the sky, and major media have

Dig deep into the reasons behind the sudden interest in outdoor activities among teenage groups.

When many people see that people camping in winter are actually affected by a movie called "Swaying Luju"

Affected, I really feel a little dumbfounded.

Especially some scenic spot leaders, they thought there was something in their scenic spot that they didn't know.

There are attractive places to notice.

In the end, all of this was because of an anime. Knowing this, the person in charge of the relevant scenic spot

I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

They never imagined that the cause of this winter outdoor camping boom was actually because

Department of Anime.

This discovery really shocked many people and didn't know how to complain.

And this phenomenon has once again made people realize the terrible impact of the animation industry.

Just because of a camping-themed anime can drive the tourism off-season in winter

various data.

That's a little too bizarre

And this winter camping frenzy that aroused social attention, in addition to the two companies A and Tianhao

In addition to the biggest winners, those scenic spots suitable for camping have the highest income.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Swaying Camping" launched by A company not only led to Tianhao's

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