Don't you want to cry to death when you are celebrating graduation?

The first "Meet the Angels", plus A Zimiao's sentence 'Please don't graduate, I won't

I believe you don't cry

However, Fang Zheng's sinister intentions are naturally unknown to his fans.

Watching Fangzheng come forward and admit that "Light Voice Girl" is not over, many (Qian Zhao) fans

Suddenly there is a feeling of crying with joy.

It's such a great feeling, it's like a hot summer day when you suddenly leave in a sweat

Entering an air-conditioned room is average, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"""Light Sound Girl" is really not over, Fang Da, I love you,"!

Nima, I just cried like a fool!

"Who said it wasn't, I'm really reluctant to end it with a soft tone~"

I hope they will never graduate, although I know my wish is selfish

As soon as Fangzheng's news was released, many fans seemed to have found the backbone.

breathed a sigh of relief

Since Fang Da let them watch with confidence, it proves that there is still some time before the end

, they can stay with Wei Wei and others for a few days.

Although we will say goodbye in the end, it is a day to be with us for one more day.




Chapter [-] Angel's Tears (For Support)

With Fangzheng's verbal commitment, many fans happily continue to chase

The fans at this time have been carried away by the excitement, completely forgetting that Fangzheng is so skinny

It is impossible for a person to come to inform them so kindly.

It was still the familiar activity room, the team of law sat on the chair, watching the room just arrived.

A zimiao that can be.

Azimiao, about the future

no problem

As soon as the law team spoke, A Zimiao already knew what the other party was going to say.

Since entering the school, the law team and Tan have re-established the light music club. In three years,

Apart from absorbing a new member of Azimiao, there is no one else in the Qingyin Department.

Come in.

Many people have doubts about this

That is Chun, Chun, A Zimiao and Da Wei's sister-in-law in the same session as A Zimiao

The three are also good friends, the relationship of the iron triangle

Chun has expressed more than once that he admires the atmosphere of the light tone department, but out of a certain

For some reason, they have not joined.

If you look at it in conjunction with the comic version of "Light Tone Girl", you will find that, in fact, pure

A very gentle girl.

The reason why she has always been envious of the Qingyin Department, but has never joined, is because she is afraid of herself.

Joining rashly will break the light and harmonious atmosphere of the light sound department.

After a few people graduated from Dawei, A Zimiao, You You and Chun formed a new light music department.

new band

From this, it can be seen that Chun actually has always been like joining the light sound department, but it also has its own responsibilities.

worry, so there is no action.

Because no new members have joined except A Zimiao, the law team said to A Zimiao

In fact, he was worried about where A Zimiao would go after he and others graduated.

Zi Miao has long known the mind of the law team, so before the law team finishes speaking, she believes

swear to promise

For her, because she was very moved by watching the welcome concert of the light music department, she added

into the light section

During this period, from a celestial guitar master, he was gradually persecuted by his predecessors into a group of 090 pets.

As the only junior in the light music department, the seniors are about to graduate, A Zimiao is in a good mood


Looking at A Zimiao's pretending to be strong expression, Dai Wei also wanted to say something.

But we've never been

"It really doesn't matter! I will try my best to bring new people in! Absolutely! Absolutely! Absolutely

Yes, it will not be scrapped!

The light tone department brought her a lot of moving, this is the light tone left to her by the seniors she admired

Ministry, will never be scrapped!

Speaking of which, I haven't thanked the seniors properly before, so I wrote

Thank you letter, although it was just written

A zimiao seems a little afraid to look at the eyes of the few people in the world, and in a panic, she reads from her book.

Take out a few thank you notes from the bag.

Sister Law

Sister Zero


Miss only!

Seeing that A Zimiao wanted to cry, but she held on, the audience was all for her

feel distressed

The more excited she was, the more the audience felt an inexplicable bitterness.

Thinking of how many people have graduated, the light music department that used to be full of laughter and laughter is left

A Zimiao is alone, and the audience's heart is also very uncomfortable at this time

Listening to A Zimiao's already trembling tone, she even cried slightly.

Cavity, fans in front of the screen can't take it anymore

This hurried tone has a slightly crying feeling, Ah Zimiao~~!

What Zimiao says and does now is her remorse for the seniors.

Hug Azimiao, I feel so distressed!!

Mingmingwu~ Looking at Azimiao, the old man's eyes are in the sand!

The audience can see clearly, it is obvious that A Zimiao feels a lot about the graduation of Dawei's seniors.

Very uneasy, but in order not to worry about the few people in Dawei, I was still very sensible and insisted.

I couldn't stop myself from crying.

This feeling, empathy, many fans have begun to flash tears in their eyes

Seniors, congratulations on your graduation

Looking at the fireworks symbolizing graduation on the schoolbags of Dawei Wei, A Zimiao was stunned, and the expression on her face was stunned.

His expression also became stiff.

She suddenly realized that the seniors have all graduated, and she will be left alone in the light music department in the future.


No one is drinking tea with her, no one is chatting with her, and no one is accompany her on the board

that stage

At this moment, the full of hints and details have made the audience suppressed to the extreme.

There are also tears on the screen.

please don't graduate

A zimiao's body froze in place, she lowered her head and did not look at the few people, her voice carried a strong tone.

Strong begging and anticipation.

Even if you don't tidy up the activity room, or drink tea all day, I won't blame you,

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