Hahaha I got it! I got it

Qi Yu, as the first person to react, was also the first to grab a ticket in their dormitory.

I wanted to share my joy with my brothers, but I was very upset by Chen Gan by the side.

A polite kick.

Your sister, if you grab it, grab it for us, hoo, hoo, hoo!

PS: Thanks to "u11.0", "Arrival as you wish", "No?? Name", "Wei Xiang", ""Ke Xian"

Towards.,"," Zjwqaz", "Moonlight の Liuli", "Ps: Wang Yu de Xuan law and", "15

"Fighting the Stars" monthly pass

Thanks for the reward of "Master President", thank you for your support!!! Loss




Chapter [-] Qingyin will never graduate (for support)

Since the official release of the pre-sale channel for tickets by A, the tickets have been robbed in just a few minutes.

Sold out

In addition, "Light Sound Girl" has just ended, and Company A has launched "Light Sound Never Graduates"

The theme of the concert, the fans' enthusiasm for buying tickets is even more crazy than the previous concert

Are you all beasts?

Mingming~ Seeing the opening of the pre-sale channel of A company, I got up happily, and the result

Turn on the computer and look, the tickets are already sold out

You are not alone upstairs, and I am also sympathetic.

Weakly asked, do you all sleep, each of you hands so fast!

Because Tianyi's concert tour is the first stop, so this is also the easiest way for company A

The venue for the concert is ready-made, the previous venue that accommodated [-] "four, three, three" people

Completely usable.

So when fans saw a few minutes, [-] tickets were sold out

The shock in the bottom of my heart is not to mention how intense.

Happy to get the ticket, regretful for not getting the ticket

I regret why I don't have the habit of getting up early.

How many people opened their eyes and picked up their mobile phones to see the latest news from company A, and their hearts were full of surprises

As a result, I got up happily, turned on the computer and logged on to the official website, only to find that the ticket had been stolen.

Short selling, the mood changes before and after can be described as very drastic.

Falling from the top of the cloud to hell is nothing more than that.

However, although many fans did not grab tickets, they were not in a bad mood.

Because everyone knows well that in an international metropolis like Modu, Company A is absolutely

Not just one concert.

It's [-] steps back, if you can't get a ticket in the magic capital, then there are other provinces.


It's not a big deal to spend some more tolls.

Tianyi's concert will be very different from the previous one, the previous one was light

At best, the music concert was held for three times, and fans all over the country were rushing for tickets.

This time, Tianyi concerts will be held in China, and many concerts will be held, so everyone will

Don't worry about getting tickets.

In addition, the majority of fans are also very concerned about the theme of the Tianyi loop concert held by A company this time.

Very satisfied.

Qingyin will never graduate, just six words have expressed the hearts of many fans.

Looking back, since the first season of "Light Tone Girl" began to be broadcast, the music it brought

The frenzy has always been a topic people talk about

Dimensional music has entered the music scene with a dark horse attitude, which is really shocking.

It shocked many people's jaws.

As the popularity of "Light Tone Girl" continues to rise, more and more people recognize the

The magic of dimensional music, more and more people realize the charm of animation.

It can be said that "Light Sound Girl", by virtue of its own strength, stupefied the company A.

pushed to an unprecedented height.

And accompanied the audience for a long time, brought fans a lot of moving and memories "Light Sound Shao"

The end of "Female" also made many people feel depressed.

The feeling of being empty inside really made some fans feel very uncomfortable.

Just at this time, Company A launched the theme concert of 'Light Music Never Graduates', more

It was to let the avatar ambassador link up with "Light Tone Girl", which instantly attracted a large number of fans


Company A really has a heart~”

When I think of the end of "Light Sound Girl", my heart is empty, which is very uncomfortable.

"Meet the Angels", A Zimiao is the angel of Dawei, but they are me


"Love "Light Sound Girl", light sound will never graduate!!

Looking at the theme launched by the A company, countless fans expressed their inner emotions.

How many people hope that "Light Tone Girl" is not over?

How many people hope that only a few people can be happy together forever?

How many people are looking forward to the reunion of these five angels?

"Light Voice Girl" can really be said to be a work that has touched a generation and brought the audience

So many memories and inspirations

Just when the audience was fully looking forward to the next round of ticket grabbing, the headquarters of Company A,

Fang Zheng was discussing some details with Zhang Siyu.

"Fang Dong, I have already had someone redecorating the concert venue. It is expected that tomorrow

will be all finished!

The concert venue is ready-made. Although it is a temporary venue, it can

A full capacity of [-] people to watch the concert at the same time

And as an international metropolis, there are not a few fans in the city, so this

The venue is the most suitable

After the Tianyi tour, the venue will be demolished, and then

The original venue was rebuilt for an indoor concert.

The newly built indoor concert will be one of the landmark buildings of Zhuyuan Animation Festival.

Like the headquarters building of company A.

Since we want to create the best animation holy land, the pattern must be large

Very good, security measures must be done well, how is the consultation with the relevant departments?

Fang Zheng looked up at Zhang Siyu, he didn't want what happened to his concert.

step event

With the above words, the relevant departments are willing to cooperate with the activities we hold.

Speaking of this, Zhang Siyu wanted to laugh.

When I knew that the A club had been shut down for a while, I was about to hold the second concert immediately.

Waiting, those uncles in uniform all looked very unnatural.

They still vividly remember the madness of the last Qingyin concert, but I didn't expect that there wasn't much in the past

After a long time, the second concert will come.

Thinking of the fanaticism of those fans at the time, these uniformed uncles twitched in their hearts.

If this is according to the rhythm of company A, sooner or later they will be given by those fanatical fans

Scared to death 2.4

In the past, I always heard how crazy the mad believers abroad are, but I never imagined that there is such a thing in China.

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