Get revenge on them for using someone's emoji, get revenge on the blade they send

Happy New Years, this is a conspiracy from the very beginning.

So when fans saw that Fangzheng finally came out, it was a crowd of excitement.

When they mention someone, they can't wait to find him face-to-face to PK a wave, and use the fist to get the flesh.

Come to relieve yourself of the depressed mood of the few days of the New Year.

As for Fangzheng's dynamics, it's right to ignore the three-seven-two-one first and just open up.

However, when these resentful fans finished, they discovered that Fangzheng's new dynamic was unexpectedly

It's not to laugh at them, and he didn't mention anything about teasing them before.

Instead, uncharacteristically, he launched his own new work.

Am I erasing new works so quickly?

High yield is like that, Fangzheng dog thief.. Ah bah! Fang Da, I love you!

Launching a new work? For the sake of your apology, I won't care about you

It's the past~"

Gathering of gentlemen? Should I, who are not gentlemen, go?

Upstairs, are you a gentleman and need someone to remind you?

Fangzheng launched a new work, although he did not say what the new work was called, nor did he mention the new work.

Types of.

But the fans are still happy, or it's a little bit beyond the fans' expectations.

It has just passed the New Year, and all walks of life have just begun to resume work. They thought that Fangzheng pushed

The new work will be released in the middle of February, but I didn't expect it to be released in early February.

In the end, it was their fans who underestimated Fangzheng's speed

The joy and shock in the bottom of my heart even dispelled the fans' feelings for Fangzheng's previous use of "Plasticity".

Memories" as a New Year's gift to them.

So there was a dramatic scene in the message below Fangzheng Weibo.

Fans who just saw this dynamic turned into irritable brothers

direct spray

, bringing the art of language intimidation to the extreme

Looking at the shocking words, Fang Zheng unconsciously gave a cold face.

The reason why he is only posting now is that on the one hand, he thinks that the anger of the fans may have passed.

Go, on the other hand also because the anime has just been made, he needs to double check

Are there any major loopholes.

But no matter what, he still underestimated the vengeance of fans

It's been a month and a half, do you still remember?

But what makes Fangzheng more gratified is that these irritable old brothers saw him after spraying.

Dynamic content, one by one face changes.

He never mentioned the scene where he angered himself just now, but instead praised him extremely.

Model workers, dedication, hard work and other words are all put on him, and there are even some fans

Si spoke in succession, let him pay attention to rest, don't tire yourself out

Fang Zheng's mouth twitched at the corners of Fang Zheng's mouth as he watched the group of fans change so quickly.

Do you want to be so realistic? If there is no new work this time, are you ready to spray it?

The phone is dead

And those who praise me, don't think that someone on our side is illiterate!

Just now, you are the most fierce and the most irritable.

When the mobile game is launched in the future, believe it or not, I will reduce the explosion rate to retaliate against you?

For a mobile game, the best way to retaliate against the player is to reduce the explosion rate and let the player

The family experience the pain that krypton gold can't get.

Of course, few mobile game officials do this. After all, this kind of slapstick operation is almost like playing to death.

Owning the rhythm, reducing the explosion rate also means a large loss of players.

This kind of brain pumping behavior, Fangzheng 1.2 is just thinking about it, and it really makes him do it,

He will never do it!

to say why

Because he made the mobile games designed by the game company have a very low explosion rate, if it is decreasing,

That's really a pure scam.

There is a fundamental difference between cheating money and players voluntarily kryptonizing gold.

Of course, although Fangzheng feels that the explosion rate is low, the players don't know it.

Moreover, as the first two-dimensional mobile game launched by A company, Founder believes that many fans

Still willing to accept.

Then the exquisite style of painting, and the unique setting of Jian Niang's explosive Yi, Fang Zheng believes that many gentlemen

will be ecstatic

At that time, not only will he not be complained about by the players that the explosion rate is poor, but he will be criticized by the majority of players.

The gentleman is grateful, and is regarded as a god-like existence

PS: I beg the support of the big guys, please




Chapter [-] Gentleman's Ecstasy (For Support)

In the face of Fangzheng's new work, the fans were ecstatic, and their mood was even more exciting.

Even many fans saw Fangzheng's dynamic and immediately noticed the slightest difference.

usual breath.

Gentleman.. Although I am not a gentleman, but I still look forward to this work

Fang Da, this 'gentleman' is very good, the old man is looking forward to it

Dog thief, why do you post so early? Isn't this just killing my appetite?

That's right, you can post updates during the day, and you can only watch anime at night, you know how time flies

How slow is it?

Pfft~ Isn't this what you can spray too?

Looking at the messages of a group of fans, there are still some who blame Fangzheng for posting too early.

This made many people dumbfounded.

What kind of shit is this?

But it also speaks to the hearts of many fans.

オ It's just over the New Year, and you haven't seen the new work of A's for half a month

It's normal to be anxious

After Fangzheng's dynamic release, many people instantly felt that the flow of time was much slower.

I don't know why, but suddenly the days seem to be getting longer. During this period, my heart

27's impatience

Finally, amid the long calls from fans, the time slowly came to seven o'clock in the evening.

Countless fans flocked to the A club, just waiting for the anime that Fangzheng advertised as 'Gentlemen's Collection'


233 ~ ロ keeps saying that he is not a gentleman, but as soon as he arrives, there is no shortage of them!

The mouth says no, but the body is extraordinarily honest!

The old man is not a gentleman, the old man just looks at this new work with a critical eye

What's the matter, gentleman? Have you eaten your rice?

No, is the compulsory education I received fake? When did the gentleman become degraded?


Upstairs, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for many years

A forum, some idle fans gathered early to chat and spank here

, making fun of each other

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