It is absolutely impossible for the chairman of the company to squeeze the bus.

"Damn your sister, I'm so you treat me as an idol, but you treat me like a fool

Fang Da, is the bus you speak of with four wheels and a black atmosphere?

Is it a Rolls-Royce?"

God's special Rolls-Royce bus, if it's a bus, the old man takes it to and from get off work

what is it?"

Upstairs, yours is called [-] Dagang!

Listening to Fang Zheng's words that his skin couldn't be more skinny, the audience was relieved while laughing.

Since Fangzheng still has the mind to joke with them, it means that there is no big problem with A company.

They still have anime to watch in the future

Don't worry, Fang Dong, our TV station will reimburse the round-trip toll~

Zhang Ying giggled for a while, and also joked with Fang Zheng.

Anyway, when interviewing Fangzheng, she will never gain any initiative, what serious show is she doing?

It will also be called a funny show because of the existence of this Pipi shrimp.

Fang Dong, you have made these themed buildings. Does every work really have them?"

Li Dezhao)


Fang Zheng nodded without hesitation, and Si Bo said without hesitation in his tone.

Audiences may like this anime more than the other, but as

An animation creator, in my eyes, my works are all equal, so I will not fall

The next anime.

Except for some producers who are completely shoddy works, no matter an anime audience

Like it or not, it is the crystallization of the producer's blood.

The audience may not like it because of different tastes, but this does not mean that the producer does not

"I want to know that you, Director Fang, have made such a big move, even at the expense of putting company A into financial crisis.

, what is your purpose?

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Fang Zheng had a smile on his face and slowly spit out a few words.

During the summer vacation of [-], A society held the first animation carnival Huayu

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!!




Chapter [-] What is the essence of playing games? (Seeking support

Anime Carnival?

Zhang Ying looked at Fangzheng curiously. Isn't this an animation carnival?

Yes, this is a prosperous world, an anime carnival held in winter vacation, a summer

Fake Anime Carnival!

There are two two-dimensional prosperous times every year, which is planned by Fangzheng a long time ago.

Moreover, although the popularity of the previous animation carnival was also very high, but in Fangzheng

There are still some regrets.

Although the anime carnival was backed by a soft-tone concert, in the final analysis, it was still

It's too simple, and it doesn't achieve the effect Fangzheng wanted at all.

That's why he will hurry up to build Zhu Yuan after the new year, in order to give the summer vacation

The animation carnival held between paving the way.

Hiss, Fang Da, this is going to heaven

A company cattle batch! Fangda cattle batch!

I didn't catch up with the last carnival, I must go to this anime carnival!

Has anyone revealed how much money Fang Da will invest in this plan?

Everything is clear, the reason why Fang Da launched a krypton gold mobile game is not to collect money

Wealth, but to build Zhu Yuan and create an animation carnival~”

Hearing Fangzheng's words, some fans were surprised and cheered.

Before, many fans still wondered why Fangzheng suddenly launched this 450 game

Is it really for the sake of making money?

All doubts are now cleared up.

"So Fang Dong launched a mobile game?

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Fang Zheng nodded. His purpose in launching the mobile game was indeed this.


The hot income of mobile games plus the income of other fans of A Club, in Fangzheng's opinion

It should be able to barely support him to complete this huge plan.

"Then it's the old rules, the biggest concern for fans

Zhang Ying picked up a tablet from the table next to her.

"The first question, fans ask you if there is any "Story of Plasticity" in this project

The Ferris wheel scenery in Memories?

After Zhang Ying finished reading this question, she raised her head and looked at Fang Zheng with some anticipation in her eyes.

She also watched "Plastic Memory", in addition to feeling distressed for Ella, for the

She also has a deep memory of the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel in the playground, as the dream of Plastic Memories begins and ends

Place, I believe many people have left a deep memory

For Ella's missing feelings, fans naturally condense it on the Ferris wheel (c

hac), so Zhang Ying asked such a question.

The theme building of "Plasticity and" is the amusement park presented to you in the animation

So the Ferris wheel will naturally be there.

Fang Zheng smiled and answered the fans' questions without hesitation.


Emm~ Well, I promise here that the couples who ride the Ferris wheel are free

This is also a tribute to the relationship between Ella and Si.

Knowing that her lifespan was approaching, Ella chose to face it happily and bravely, but Si did not change.

partner, but as always by Ella's side, until the last moment

This relationship is really admirable.

Imagine if someone really knew that they had more than 2000 hours left.

Life, will he really be as optimistic as Ella?

If anyone knew that their partner really only had 2000+ hours of lifespan, he

Do you really have the courage to fall in love with each other again?

Alas~ Ella. Eternal regret

I will definitely go to the Ferris wheel, for nothing but to see what Ella used to see

Great scenery!"

Fang is great, the Ferris wheel couple is free, this must give you a thumbs up, although

I'm still single!"

I can already smell the sour smell of love at the Ferris wheel in the future

For Fangzheng's decision, many fans praised one after another.

The relationship between Ella and Si that ended almost as soon as it started really filled many people with


Zhang Ying also glanced at Fang Zheng in surprise.

No wonder Fangzheng is so popular with fans, just because he knows what fans want

Any vision is enough to make him liked by fans.

The second question is, how can I get a sense of achievement when playing games?

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