Silk's desire to collect.

There are hundreds of kinds of ship girls, and a hundred different styles of collocation, these are the game of ship girls

A place that attracts players.

For gentlemen, their greatest wish every day is not to pass the level, nor

Krypton pretended to be coercive, but stared at the ship girl who was parked in the dock by herself in a daze.

Even looking at that alluring criminal touch' button, listening to that sexy or charming

Jiao anger, many people have fallen into the bottomless abyss

What's more, they even deliberately let their ship girl be defeated by the deep-sea boat, not for the sake of it.

The other thing is to see the demeanor of those ship girls.

For these gentlemen's ideas, Fangzheng pays close attention to it!

Shit mention!! Scum

Shipgirls are so cute, how could you bear to hurt them?

If it doesn't help you come and beg me, maybe I'll give you some fan books as soon as I'm happy, then

It's not as comfortable as watching the ship girl explode Y.

Fang Dong, you are really a man. I don't even know how to describe it. In short, I am not

Chang Dong convinces you!

Zhang Ying glanced at Fangzheng in a complicated way, but she couldn't find a suitable word after searching her stomach.

Hui to describe Founder.

last question

Zhang Ying picked up the tablet in her hand and looked at the question with the most support from fans.

The corner of his mouth smiled.

ask for flowers

To be honest, when she saw this question, there was a momentary astonishment in her heart.

As a professional host, it's just not so obvious.

Thinking about it, Zhang Ying cast a playful glance at Fang Zheng and said softly.

Some fans are very curious, looking at the many anime Dong you have done, it seems that male characters

There are very few sexes, so fans want to ask, in your worldview, do men go

what did you do

After Zhang Ying finished speaking, the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

This question actually has another meaning. The fans said it more directly, that is

Does Fang Zheng have any hobbies?

But Zhang Ying couldn't ask that, after all, the word 'female' is too unsightly, so

Changed the question with her.

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, then he smiled indifferently.

What's so bad about Light Lily anime?

Don't these fans know that in addition to those conventional labels such as hot blood and cuteness,

Is there a very special classification method?

Light lily and non-light lily.. cough cough

Seeing the smile in Zhang Ying's eyes, Fang Zheng shook his head.

Do you still need me to answer this question?" Fang Zheng pushed his hands away, his eyes filled with

A little innocent said.

"So Fang Dong, you admit that you have some ideas that are not accepted by the public.


Zhang Ying stared at Fang Zheng like a curious baby at this moment, her eyes were full of seven

Not accepted by the public?

Fangzheng pouted, there is something wrong with this sentence

Light lily anime is not accepted by the public, and people who like this type of anime in their hearts

definitely not a few

You misunderstood me, I mean this question does not need my answer, because

For everyone to understand.

"How to say?"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Ying with a wicked smile on his lips, and finally glanced at the camera.

direction of the machine.

PS: Thanks to "Miao Miao Sheng", "Purple Gold サ", "Dragon(??", "Tongtian Xingchen", "Life"

Wisdom", "Dark Night", "176..09", "++", "Night God Realm", "It's still sunny

Monthly passes for Tian, ​​", "Pu Song", "Inverse Scale Armor", and "Withering n Unlimited"!

Thanks to "Tushan Xingtong" for the reward, thank you for your support, thank you very much




Chapter [-] Of course men have become admirals (seeking support)

Looking at Fang Zheng's malicious eyes, the fans in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

Gan, I have a bad feeling!"

I also have this feeling!

Fangzheng thief won't even be a TV broadcaster at once~"

Fang Da's own people, don't talk about it!!

"Dog thief! Shut up!

Fang Zheng's invisible glance made fans in the live broadcast room feel a sense of disbelief.

Auspicious feeling, this feeling is indescribable, but it exists.

Fans know exactly what kind of person Fang is.

Although doing animation is a good hand, but his character is also extremely bad!

Looking at the whole network, which idol doesn't coax his fans like babies?

They actually rely on the support of their fans to make money

But Fangzheng's Pipi shrimp is different, or unique.

After earning their money, there is still something "six-eight-three".

Always find them on the line, and never miss an opportunity to tease them.

And it's so small at heart!

Before, they just circulated Fangzheng's emoji package on the Internet, but what happened?

They have been calculated even for the New Year, don't worry about it

I can't beat it, I can't beat it, I can't scold it, but this guy is as thick-skinned as the corner of the city wall.


These fans are overjoyed that they are in love with such an unruly idol

angry again

At this time, seeing Fang Zheng's abusive eyes, the fans in the live broadcast room felt instinctively

There was a chill, and intuition told them that this guy was going to make more moves.

What do you mean, Mr. Fang?

Zhang Ying looked at Fang Zheng curiously. Everyone knows what it means.

How do you know if you don't answer?

Take a look at our company's new game, don't you understand?

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Ying, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Our company's mobile game was released two days ago, and the number of registrations has reached more than [-] million.

Can't you get an answer from this data?

Listening to Fang Zheng's words, Zhang Ying became more and more confused.

Does this game have anything to do with the fact that there are few male characters in your anime?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ying still couldn't figure it out, and glanced at Fang Zheng suspiciously.

Could this person simply want to show off the popularity of his game?

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