After all, this thing has crossed the line, and it will be blocked if you are not careful.

Fang.. Fang Dong, I think I need to remind you that what you just said seems to have


Zhang Ying looked at Fangzheng with worry, and kept giving instructions from angles that the camera couldn't capture.

Fangzheng winked, indicating that Fangzheng should quickly change this statement.

If people with ulterior motives advertise it a little, it won't be just a live broadcast accident.

But it is related to the reputation of Founder and even Company A.

However, Fang Zheng seemed to turn a blind eye to Zhang Ying's eyes.

It is indeed an extremely explicit anime, I don't think there is any problem with my expression

no help~

Listening to Fang Zheng's words, Zhang Ying sighed helplessly, and looked at the studio.

look in the direction.

Seeing Zhang Ying's gaze, the person in charge on the side also nodded.

Regarding Fangzheng's answer, the person in charge was also full of cold sweat, and he felt that things were a bit big.

"Good audience friends, thank you very much for watching today's live broadcast, we will be in the next issue

See you, bye~"

The live broadcast obviously can no longer continue, Zhang Ying agreed with the person in charge,

Very decisively ended the live broadcast.

Watching the scene in the live broadcast room ended abruptly, fans were also worried.

At this moment, what kind of embarrassment turned into anger, and what lessons Fang Zheng had all gone to the back of their minds, which one?

I am afraid that they also know that this matter is already a bit big.

Fang Da, nothing really happened, right?

Will I be subdued, uncle, please go to tea~”

I hope Fang Dada is just joking, if this is true.. the consequences are unimaginable!

Everyone is ready to fight, it is estimated that the Internet will be noisy tomorrow~!

Yes, although Fang Da is a little skinny, I believe that Fang Da will not be able to do things this way.

There is no point!

The fans in the live broadcast room spontaneously united, and many even joined the fan group

Recruitment has already begun.

For today's live interview, fans can already anticipate tomorrow's press conference

how wonderful

[Shocked! A well-known cultural enterprise actually threatened to do explicit animation?

Bad business, corrupt social atmosphere!)

Ban! Strongly demand that companies without moral bottom lines be banned

A well-known animation creator has a lack of personality!

Audiences are already anticipating that this type of coverage will almost fly tomorrow, yes

Therefore, these fans are also worried.

After all, things are different this time. They are almost on the side of morality and law.

location , the situation is not good for them

While the fans were worried, Zhang Ying watched helplessly on Magic Capital TV.

Dressed upright.

"Fang Dong, as a friend, I must remind you to prepare for tomorrow's events!

Zhang Ying was also a little helpless. If Fangzheng changed her mind just now, she could still use the excuse that it was Fangzheng.

Misuse of words or a simple prank to divert the topic

But Fangzheng didn't do that.

Don't worry, things are not what you think~

Seeing Zhang Ying's worried face, Fang Zheng waved his hands indifferently.

The media hype is good for him, or rather he hopes the media

Huge coverage of this.

After all, although this method is disgraceful, it is also a means of hype.

What's more, he didn't plan to do that kind of lifan from the beginning.

Although Lifan is very attractive, the general environment is such that he does not want to touch it.

The bottom line of ethics and law

Isn't it fragrant to lie down and make money in an upright position?

Why don't you have to die?

Since Director Fang is sure, I won't say anything more, but Director Fang has to do a good job of psychology.


Everyone knows what's going on with the media

The game of catching the wind, biting the text and hyphenating words is so perfect that many media even

Attract attention, willing to do title party

Coupled with the hot topic of Fang Zheng just now, tomorrow the media will not report on this matter.


The storm is coming

Fangzheng just wanted to say, let the storm come more violently

Try to make the 907 hot enough so that his unintentional hype plan can achieve

to maximum effect

After leaving Modu TV, Fangzheng went straight home.

I don't mean to care

The next day, as expected by Fangzheng, almost all major media headlines were about him yesterday.

The reports of speeches in the evening, and even the spread of many media reports, is beyond people's imagination.

Fang Zheng came to the company and looked at the intelligence Chen Xianting had collected, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He admits that the media's reel control is very strong, but the speed of the spread is really a bit disappointing.

people are surprised

If there were no people with ulterior motives behind this, Fang Zheng wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

It seems that the recent situation of company A has made some people jealous.

Fang Dong, should we come forward and clarify?

Chen Xianting's eyes were a little worried, although she didn't know why Fang Zhengwei would say such words

However, she felt it was necessary to stop the more and more evil rumors spreading on the Yixi network.

Clarification? Why Clarification?

Fang Zheng shook his head when he heard Chen Xianting's words, he was not a fool, the reason why he was broadcasting live

When you say that, it's just for hype

Now that the popularity is so high, he is too late to be happy, why should he stop it?

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!




Chapter [-] Lawyer Letter Warning (Seeking Support)

On the Internet, there was a lot of reports about Fangzheng's live broadcast time, and many people saw it.

In addition to being surprised, they also sighed at Fangzheng's ability to kill.

Why is this kind of rubbish a young entrepreneur in Magic Capital? Are entrepreneurs already degenerated

Have you fallen to such an unattractive level?"

What are you doing if you don't block it?

Just please go for tea, so as not to teach the next generation bad!

I have long seen that this person is not a serious person. I hope the relevant departments will deal with it sooner.

On the Internet, the crowd is excited, and the remarks made by Fangzheng during the live broadcast are not concealed at all.

, abhorred.

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