Chapter [-] Just ask if your face hurts? (For support)

A platform, the "overlord" animation play page, at this time presents an extremely

scary atmosphere

Looking at the colorful barrage on the screen, many people's eyes widened.

There are some old fans among these audiences, and they also follow the A club all the way, but

Look at any anime before A Club, even the most popular "Light Tone Girl"

In the series, there are not so many colorful bullet screens.

But today, the owners of these 'Unswerving' titles seem to have negotiated in advance

As usual, appeared on the platform of A company on time, and for the first time in history, with such a high-profile

Attitude ~ Appearance.

This gorgeous barrage special effect and the domineering rhetorical question are all shocking - the audience

's heart.

Holy crap, they are all the big brothers and seniors who are 'until death' - ah

Gan, the strongest ace in the battle of club A's fan club haunts, and the idlers retreat!!

6666, I remembered, these big guys were on the line with the whole network trolls

And so much more!!

Does our A club fan group still have such a strong fighting force? Mengxin shivered i

The fighters of the fighters, the sprayers have come out to the line!!!

When it comes to the title of 'unswerving to the death', maybe some of the fans who joined later are not so much

Yes, but some fans who started to follow A Club early in the morning definitely know this title.


It is no exaggeration to say that the title of "Unswerving" is not only an official reward from the A company to true love

In addition to the status and glory of fans, it is also an absolute symbol of combat effectiveness.

Back then, the company A was just starting out, and people were light-hearted.

The issue of its intention has also attracted a lot of controversy.

This debate intensified, and finally evolved into a whole network war.

The trolls of the whole network faced off against the earliest group of true fans of Club A, and the two sides were in various forums on the Internet.

The above is facing Gang, the online version of the decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City, which left many old fans behind


They still remember the original batch of true fans who turned into god-level keyboard warriors one by one.

One person in the forum forms an army, and one person scolds and fights thousands of troops.

You know, at that time, it was just the beginning of the A club, and the true love fans of that period were absolutely

It's huge for the fan group that doesn't have it now.

But these big guys just have the courage to stand up, fight against the trolls all over the network, and stay on the line

Company A, persisted without sleep for several days.

Later, in order to reward these users who have contributed to the maintenance of Club A, the official reward

It has the title of 'unchangeable until death', and it is out of print, and will not appear for the second time from now on.

At the beginning, many fans were dissatisfied with the official reward, but according to one winner at the time

The big guy who won the title said that when he changed three keyboards in the past few days, those noisy fans

Silk collectively fell silent.

To the death, these big men who have fought in the past really deserve this title.

It's what people deserve.

Afterwards, in order to avoid unbalanced hearts of others, it is also to maintain the harmony and self-esteem of Society A.

Due to the atmosphere, these bosses not only did not show off their titles in a high-profile manner, but

one is hidden.

On weekdays, it is no different from normal fans, talking about animation and surrounding.

After so long, many old fans have even forgotten the existence of these people, and even more

Not to mention some fans who joined later.

For these real ancient gods, fans who have never heard of them are full of confusion

Plus a look of envy.

Mengxin weakly asked, what kind of fan club is this ace army, and how to join it~”

Nima, this colorful font is too domineering, I want it too, how can I get it

"Don't think about the upstairs, this is an out-of-print title, there is no way to get it, go to the Internet for details.

Just search for 'Scarlet Red Incident' and you'll know."

The turbulent situation, the blood boiling, the collective return of the ancient gods, welcome the return of the boss

Keep the clouds open to see the sun, the tigers roar, the mountains and forests shake the sky, and the trolls come to fight!!

Watching these big bosses who used to be powerful in combat and formed an army by themselves, the fans of Club A

The silk ball exploded instantly.

With the leadership of these old seniors, they instantly felt high fighting spirit, eager to

I'm fighting with those sprays from before.

Weren't you clamoring for pride before?

Why don't you show up now

Bah~! Garbage

In this regard, those trolls who read unscrupulous media reports also want to cry but have no tears.

The fighting power of the two sides is not the same level at all, although they are numerous and powerful

, but you send a thousand natives with stone weapons to follow a squad of modern soldiers

Going to the line, isn't that courting death?

The screen is full of colorful barrages, and looking at the uniform appearance, it is very clear

Apparently it was negotiated in advance

ask for flowers

Looking back at them, as a troll, they don't even have the lowest membership barrage,

What do you use to match up with people?

What's more, although there are many of them, they are fighting each other, and there is no unity at all.

combat power.

Of course, these are just considerable factors, and it's the fact that these trolls are shut up

Find out what Fangzheng's so-called 'the most explicit anime' means.

It’s okay if they don’t understand, they can still stand on the moral high ground to blame,

Angrily scolded Fangzheng and Company A.

But after understanding this, they felt the pain on their faces, as if

It's like being swollen and swollen, so sour and sour.

33~Isn't this the most blatant anime~"

What Fang Da said is right, there is only a skeleton left in the explicitness~"

Explicit .emm~ The skin is still your skin. In terms of skin, I can be anyone except Fang Da and me.


Trolls, now I'm asking if your face hurts?

After the frenzy of the color barrage passed, the fan groups who had been suffocating for a long time came out one after another.

At the sound, many fans even clapped the table and laughed wildly, and the tears of laughter burst out.

On the other hand, looking at the trolls who follow the trend, watching the barrage that ridicules them on the screen

The corners of each mouth twitched

What's so special, this kind of IQ being pressed and rubbed on the ground is really bad.

They swore that they would no longer be involved in everything related to that man in the future.

It's an experience of being toyed with and they don't want to do it again

For these trolls, they can't stay in company A anymore, but they feel depressed in their hearts.

But nowhere to vent.

As a troll, they have always been the only ones who spit others, when have they ever been subjected to this kind of uselessness

After all, it's all the unscrupulous media that mislead them, so he

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