In the front, the hype about krypton gold is thrown into the air, but when you tell me later, you will give a [-]% discount

Fang Da, you are so awesome, really, I have never seen someone like you オ

Want to deceive us for krypton gold? Coco. You TM succeeded

My wallet~ Fangzheng, you bastard, it's not people who are killed by God

God special krypton gold achievement supreme, as an African chief, never believe that krypton gold can change

Change fate, but I believe that krypton gold can increase the chance of changing fate.

"Krypton and gold are all heretics, only the Emperor of the Liver is the king, I haven't seen that the Supreme Lord is full of liver.

Are you bald?

Ship girl and wallet, I finally chose the former, but looking at the newly acquired ship

Mother. Really fragrant!!

Although fans hate Fangzheng's naked temptation,

All of them couldn't hold their hands.

No way, it's not that their consciousness is not firm enough, it's that those ship girls are so tempting

PS: I hope the big guys can support me, please!




Chapter [-] A mage who doesn't want to play melee is not a good mage (for support

With the broadcast of "overlord", many viewers were fascinated by Lao Gu's unique cup-filling skills

Attracted by skill

Nowadays, the Internet has long been popularized, and everyone watches movies and novels on weekdays.

It is convenient, logically speaking, the fans' actions towards Lao Gu, which is obviously a plot of the novel

Manga is very familiar.

But every time they watch "overlord", the audience feels that there is always a strong sense of novelty and


Everyone is already familiar with the cup-filling plot in these novels, and even many old bookworms

There is some disgust in it.

But looking at the old bones of "overlord", many people don't have this feeling at all


Why does the old bone classmates not feel disgusted by holding cups, but full of joy?

The answer is simple.

The normal routine of filling cups that everyone is familiar with: I wipe! The enemy is so strong?

Then, in the midst of everyone's dislike and ridicule, the protagonist shouted: Get out of the way! I want to pretend


And our old bone classmates are more novel, with those familiar coquettish bitches

This is not the same, it is simply a clear stream in the world of cups.

"I wipe, the enemy is coming?

Then Lao Gu looked at his little brother and waved his hand immediately: "Come on!

Then Lao Gu looked at the enemy and fell to the ground like chopping melons and vegetables, and touched it in disbelief.

Touch your own skull.

Is the enemy so weak?

You all get out of the way, this wave is coming!!

Compared with the traditional cup filling routine, it is obvious that the old bone classmates are also filling cups

He went further and further down the road, but he was different from others in that

Obviously he is the existence of the sky, but he is too cautious, even in the eyes of the audience

This is cowardice.

Watch Lao Gu's cup-filling routine, look at the overall situation, except that the enemy is too weak, other

Everything was within his expectations.

"Overlord" has been broadcast to this day, and the audience's behavior towards the old bone classmates has been

After figuring it out, I thought that the old bone classmate's sassy operation was just that.

But they never expected that the old bone classmates seemed to be bored in Nazarick and wanted to get out

Go yo.

So the audience sees another storyline that is familiar to them.

A mage who doesn't want to play melee is not a good mage

That's right, the old bone classmate actually turned to melee!

Wearing a luxurious and low-key but not restrained armor, swaggeringly carrying

Nabe went to the human city and became an adventurer.

233~Every Mage has a heart of being a warrior

Longevity, Lao Gu is actually ready to use a knife

This maid is too cold and glamorous, what should I do if it seems to be swollen~?

The old bone classmate is probably the only one who passively fills the cup.

666, I feel that Fang Da is very familiar with the plot of this kind of novel. This is too restoration.


Seeing Lao Gu and Nabe coming to the human city, many people laughed.

Especially Nabe, the battle maid from the Seven Stars of Angsue just appeared, and she was so cold and beautiful.

The appearance has conquered the hearts of many viewers.

Compared with Albedo, Shalltear and Nabe, who were ridiculed by the audience as the representative of Yan Yi before.

The character design is obviously more acceptable to fans.

Of course, it did not rule out that some people had a soft spot for Albedo and Shalltear.

After all, the world is full of wonders, and people's hobbies are different

And when the audience watched Nabe accosted by ordinary adventurers, they were called 'slugs'

Others, coupled with the extremely cold eyes and expressionless pretty face, many viewers

I feel like I'm shaking

Hiss~Ning is a famous entomologist

With a flat face and the harshest words, Nabe is simply my goddess~"

Upstairs, you know it's an old M as soon as you speak!

"Sao Nian, you are really a role model for our generation, Nabe, you dare to flirt?

233~You think Nabe will show you a joke again, but they are serious and extremely evil

Sex is not a joke~

The audience looked at Nabe's expressionless face throughout the whole process, and among them there were many gentlemen with an M tendency.

Can not extricate themselves.

For the warrior who dared to ridicule Nabe, the audience also gave their hearts

of admiration.

You must know that almost all of Nazarick's people belong to the evil camp, which is different from the previous episodes.

They have no sympathy for humans

Even the old bone classmates are like this. Although he was a good young man before crossing the road, he still wears it.

Echigo doesn't seem to have any rejection of murder.

This is the case with all the old bone classmates, not to mention Nabe from the battle maid troupe.

The audience's admiration from the heart for that young man's death-defying spirit

If it wasn't for the old bone classmates, it is estimated that Nabe would really kill that person, after all

In Nabe's eyes, the other party is just a low-level creature, an existence on the same level as a bug.

Would you be burdened with stepping on a bug yourself?

Or, do you think it's okay to do this before stepping on a bug?

Obviously not!

As a member of the Battle Maid Corps, Nabe's loyalty and maintenance to her old classmates is


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