But fans who are accustomed to reporting on the A's platform at [-] o'clock every day still come spontaneously.

A forum.

It is no exaggeration to say that today's A forum is the largest two-dimensional exchange in the whole network.

stream base

Here you don't have to worry about finding a reason to share your thoughts on watching anime with friends,

Don't worry about not having a buddy who likes you and really likes a certain anime.

People are different, although company A has launched a lot of animation works, but not

All fans love it.

Everyone has a masterpiece in their heart, and so do they

In reality, friends around you may not like the second dimension, and they may not like moving

manga, or not the same anime you like

But in the A club forum, you don't need to worry at all, because here is the biggest secondary

Yuan gathering place, here you will definitely find friends to talk to

Even the earliest work "Dream of the Stars" from Company A, in today's endless stream of new works

There are still many people who talk about it and like it.

Although it is more tear-jerking, it is undeniable that many fans regard it as a classic, and

And discuss tirelessly.

Seven o'clock every day is the busiest time of the A's forum, because many fans will meet

Come here, communicate with each other, talk to each other.

The manager of the A club forum is also very humane to help fans to divide the board of the forum

For the current works of Company A, these works are distinguished according to tags, which is convenient for use

users to find discussion threads about their favorite anime

"Overlord", as a recently completed anime by Company A, is also very popular.

Among them, the one that fans ridiculed the most is that Fang Zheng fooled them into krypton gold.

For Fangzheng, fans are full of admiration in their hearts. In order to make them gold, this

The goods did not hesitate to directly make an animation, telling them what the gold represents

It's like if you opened a cake shop to catch your own mice

General cake production

In order to fool them with kryptonite gold, Fangzheng can be said to have made a lot of money.

In the face of Fangzheng's relentless propaganda, these fans not only complained, but also

What can be said?

Even many people watch the anime "overlord" and suddenly feel that they have always

Is it a white prostitute? Is it a bit sorry for company A, I'm sorry Fang Da?

It is undeniable that the original intention of Fangzheng to make this animation is to make them kryptonite, and

Combined with the previous Jianniang animation and mobile games launched by Fangzheng.

Fans can easily understand that Fang Zheng's actions are for money

There are a lot of fans, and Fangzheng did not hide his intentions.

He said in public that he was just doing it for the money.

If it was someone else, fans might be extremely disgusted with this kind of money-making behavior.

But for 967 Founder, their fans can't hate it

It is no exaggeration to say that Fangzheng's reputation at this time and A company such an explosive public company.

Secretary, as long as he does animation step by step, he will never be short of money.

There is absolutely no need for Fangzheng to take the risk of ruining his reputation to make money

But Fangzheng did it, and made no secret of his purpose

Fans not only did not hate Fangzheng's 'candid' money-making behavior, but

Actively cooperate

Even some student parties or zero-krypton parties have supported more or less ー

Because they know why Fangzheng is getting money, all this is to create a more lively

The animation carnival, to create an unforgettable enough for their fans to look forward to and unforgettable

Two-dimensional festival

Therefore, fans have no disgust or resistance to Fangzheng's misappropriation of money.

They all expressed their support with practical actions.

After all, they are also looking forward to the animation carnival that is enough to make the whole two-dimensional circle boil.

This is their holiday!


sonless, LTFZS, Zhenshun Haiguo, ◇Waiting in place, 188..40

Next time definitely!, Ji ☆ snow, empty sister は Faith だ's monthly ticket support, thank you boss

Hope to see more support from the seniors, please!!




Chapter [-] What the hell is "overlord" talking about (please support

In the forum at this time, in addition to ridiculing Fangzheng and cheating them, the most discussed topic is

It's about the "overlord" thing.

Do you guys feel anything after watching "Overlord"?

There is no special feeling, it's just so-so, but I don't feel like I have seen any marks QAQ

Pfft~! Upstairs, why do you still want to watch it? How many episodes of anime do you want~”

Summary of "overlord": Lao Gu and the air battle wits and courage, and the novice village aborigines

Intrigue, fight with your own NPC at the top of the Forbidden City

I'm sorry, the big guy is the big guy, this summary is too incisive, I'm waiting for Mengxin to admire

Five-body cast!

In the forum, a group of fans are talking about the hype, but the meaning inside the words

Just a word.

"overlord" is too short to watch

And fans who have read the official novel know more about why they are vicious. Fans say they don't

It's addicting, because the special "overlord" anime can almost be said to be just the beginning.

The plot in the back is the biggest refreshing point, and the front is just an appetizer.

I have read the novels, and I am very concerned about the Vampire Princess, the Lolita Biography, and the Holy Kingdom.

Fans are looking forward to it even more.

The worldview setting in the novel is far larger and macroscopic than that in the anime, some

The cool point is that just reading the text makes people get goosebumps all over.

By the way, do you think the krypton gold that Fang Da said is correct?

Aren't you talking nonsense? Who doesn't want to be a moneymaker?

"You've seen Lao Gu fight Shalltear, don't you understand?

Lao Gu and Shalltear battle, the first couplet: kill with money! The second couplet: kill with money!

Approval: Krypton Gold Justice!

The Master said: The upstairs is right!

Some people say that money is not everything, but no money is everything

The same is true for fans. Whether a game is powerful or not depends to a large extent on the gameplay.

home state of mind.

If it is purely for entertainment and there is no comparison mentality, then you can absolutely not

Go to Krypton Gold and enjoy some fun by yourself.

But if you have strong self-esteem and a sense of comparison, then there are two paths to choose from.

Either rely on the liver, or rely on krypton gold.

Through Shalltear's battle with Lao Gu, fans also deeply understood this truth.

Shalltear is already considered a bug, but in the face of crazy digging out for kryptonite props

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