Fang Da, listen to my advice, don't step into the grave of love, come back now

can it

Is it bad to be single, one person will eat enough and the whole family will not be hungry, no one will control you to play games, no

Someone will follow you, and no one will make trouble with you unreasonably~"

The group of fans advised Fangzheng to turn back to the shore under the news, and talk about Fangzheng for a while

The love affair was rumored to be hot, except for a group of fans who felt sad, most of the others

Points are more curious.

Who has such a big charm "Nine Five Seven" カ, can actually make Pipi Shrimp take the initiative

Got the idea of ​​falling in love.

However, Fangzheng was completely unaware of what was going on on the Internet.

Since he decided to give his fans a crit on Valentine's Day, and

Let them deeply appreciate the beauty of falling in love, so since yesterday, he has been busy

Today ー Fangzheng came to the company early in the morning, and the employees greeted him with expressions on the way

something is wrong

what happened?

Fang Zheng looked suspiciously at each employee, feeling a little puzzled.

On the way, Fang Zheng took the elevator to his office with doubts, but saw Chen Chen.

Xian Ting was already waiting at the door early.

Fang Dong, good morning.

Good morning

When Chen Xianting saw Fangzheng's arrival, she quickly opened the door of the office and let Fangzheng in.

Xianting, is there something wrong with the company? Why are you looking at each other this morning?


Fang Zheng took off his jacket and handed it to the other party, then walked to the office chair beside him.

Chen Xianting took Fangzheng's coat and skillfully hung it on the clothes rack on the side.

Fang Zheng's words made his face stunned for a moment.

Fang Dong, you don't know?

Chen Xianting looked at Fang Zheng, her tone paused, and she hesitated to say: "Fang Dong

I think it's time for you to find another assistant

Fang Zheng raised his head, his face became more and more suspicious, and his eyes were staring at Chen Xianting.

The rest of the company is okay to say, but even Chen Xianting is a little bit wrong today, which is why

Some explain the problem.

As his personal assistant, Xian Ting can say that she spends the most time with him.

He is a subordinate that Fangzheng trusts very much.

I am already familiar with Chen Xianting and Fangzheng. This is a similar person to Zhang Siyu.

strong woman.

It's just that Zhang Siyu, as the company's CEO, needs her to make up her mind on many things.

Compared with Zhang Siyu, he has his own ideas

But Chen Xianting is different, as a personal assistant, she doesn't need to think too much

It is enough to complete the characters represented by Founder step by step.

The rest is to help Fangzheng with some trivial matters, that's all.

But now Chen Xianting actually asked her to find another assistant, what is she going to do?


Tell me, what are you hiding from me, and why did you ask me to find a new one?

Assistant, do you want to resign if your work is not going well?

Fangzheng sat on the chair and looked at Chen Xianting in a relaxed manner.

If the company is just a few weird employees, it's fine, he won't be too much

Investigate, after all, who doesn't have a little secret yet~

As long as it doesn't affect the company or work, Fang Zheng is still very generous in this regard.

But even Chen Xianting is like this, then things are a bit abnormal.

Fang Dong, I just feel that if I follow you again, it may affect your future.

family harmony, so

Seeing Fangzheng asking, Chen Xianting reluctantly explained her reasons.

Although many bosses' personal assistants are now beautiful women, but for some ideas

For more traditional people, this effect is not very good after all.

Although Chen Xianting has nothing to do with herself, she doesn't want to influence Fang Zheng because of herself.

family harmony

What's the matter, I don't even have a partner, where is the family harmony, typical

People are fed and the whole family is not hungry. Fang Zheng frowned slightly and looked at Chen Xianting suspiciously.

You shouldn't fall in love by yourself, what did your partner say?

This is what Fangzheng thought of first, after all, although the profession of personal assistant is very

There are many companies, but everyone knows the reputation of this profession.

The general wind direction is like this, and it is no wonder that Fang Zheng is thinking wildly.

I? Fall in love?" When Chen Xianting heard Fang Zheng's words, she pointed to herself, and immediately became very dry.

crispy shake

"Isn't it Director Fang, are you in love? The company has spread all over the place.


Fang Zheng spit out a sip of tea, and the expression on his face was a little dumbfounded.

I'm in love?

I do not know how?

Later, Fangzheng and Chen Xianting learned about the incident in detail.

It was caused by my own winter yesterday, the corners of my mouth twitched involuntarily

What's wrong with this group of fans? Brain fills the first place?

Did you all watch Demiurge's direction after watching an "overlord"?


It's really hard to think of all the staff~

Forget it, let me clarify for a while.

Fang Zheng sighed helplessly, this group of fans is really able to make a living.

He is just watching his fans go further and further down the road of being single, and there are

Trends that don't want to go back

So he wanted to take this opportunity to wake up his fans.

Although the reality is sometimes cruel, you can't escape the reality.

For the sake of the reproduction of the human race, he endured the pain in his heart and decided to

Give your fans a backstab.

But he didn't expect this group of fans to give him a surprise in advance.

As we all know, his movements need hand speed, if not single for more than [-] years

The unicorn arm here, he can't do so much work alone.

What if I have a girlfriend and my hand speed drops?

His animation empire has not yet established 1.2, and the two-dimensional prosperous world he longs for is also

If it is not formed, how can the hand speed of eating be lost?

So it's impossible to say love

Besides, I talked about my girlfriend, I have to say good morning every morning and good night at night, there are

If you have nothing to do, you still need to chat, accompany you to eat, etc.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng's scalp felt numb.

Women are indeed the most troublesome creatures in the world.

A dedicated pioneer, he decided to stay away.

PS: Thanks to "Guo Ji", "Tora520Rem", "Netherworld Immortal", "438..97",

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