If you want to take the initiative in love, you must not confess first!

For this narration, fans don't have to think to know that all this is arranged by Fangzheng

It is precisely because of (Zhao Liao's) that these single Wang fans will say these words of Fangzheng

It is cited as the dogma of love, and it is regarded as the criterion and bottom line for facing the war of love in the future.

At this moment, countless single Wang fans praised Fangzheng as a god, and the other party was seeing through love.

Love the sweet appearance The vision that recognizes the ugly essence, gives the highest affirmation and the highest admiration

After the opening of the anime narration, they have been determined.

Fangzheng is not only their idol, but also their life mentor.

Even many fans have made up their minds, if they encounter any troubles in love in the future

Annoyed, there is absolutely no judgment in finding Fangzheng for consultation.

The short narration of this anime is enough to prove the identity of Fangzheng's love master

Without the experience of [-] love affairs, this vicious vision, this profound

Awareness is impossible to form.

PS: I hope the big guys can support me, please!




Chapter [-] Love Mind Battle (For Support)

After seeing the wise words that Fangzheng conveyed to them through animation, these fans realized

The bottom of the epiphany.

It turns out that talking about a love story is no less than a battle of wits and courage on the battlefield, just like two armies.

In group combat, you lead your own army only to push when your enemy has already started

Learn the art of war.

Your enemy knows the art of war and you don't, so you are destined to be weak and deserve to be

to lose

And if you want to stand out in the war of love, you must firmly grasp the initiative

Set, while interspersed with the thirty-sixth level, frantically tossing and turning

In the case of ensuring that your position is not lost, then frantically output, use the most violent advance

Attack the opponent with a head turn and be caught off guard!

Sure enough, Fang Da is an expert in love

Fang Da, always drop God!

The anime continues to play in the narration that the audience takes as a wise saying, soothing

The music played, and the audience knew that the opening song OP was coming.


I long for all of you

"Surrounded by love!

I want to burn like this

When 420 heard this cheerful and soothing rhythm, many viewers' eyes lit up.

This OP is a bit magical

I rub it, there is something in this song

Did Zhang Yu sing the male part? It feels like the voice and the voice line are similar~"

Zhang Yu? Is he the big guy who sang "Cause of the Moon"?

I rub, you say so, I feel that way too.

It's so similar

Many viewers have an inexplicable sense of familiarity with the OP of this anime from the very beginning,

Many people feel a deja vu illusion.

When someone said Zhang Yu's name, many people suddenly realized and reacted instantly.


Speaking of Zhang Yu, that unique voice has kept people of their age firmly in their hearts

Maybe they can't remember for a while, when someone reminds them, the fans are also very quick

Just reacted.

Listen carefully to the voice line and voice of this OP male voice, it is really similar

Lovely caring, light onetwothree

It's cunning to look away at this time

It's like making fun of my (aefg) burning emotions~~

Persistence in chasing is simply not acceptable~!!

I have to say, this OP is still very good, not only the lyrics are very suitable for the anime

The story of the body, even the melody is very good

The audience in front of the screen hummed along unconsciously, and their bodies swayed rhythmically.

, I can't help but feel ashamed when I react.

But this also one-sidedly shows the excellence of this OP, which is really good

Nima can't do it anymore, I'm going to go back and listen to it again!

Up, really up!

Go to Kumao Soso to see if there is any?

233~A company can really change careers to make music, and the 0P of "overlord" is also very good

It's not bad, a song with heavy metal melody.

Upstairs, you are really smart, and you have changed your career, where are you going?


Qu OP succeeded in attracting the attention of fans, letting them unknowingly

It has been completely forgotten that today is a lover and when they are alone, outside can be

They are all paired mandarin ducks

But this is a very lucky thing for the fans, they today

Isn't watching anime just to temporarily forget those loving dogs in reality?

With the broadcast of the anime, the protagonists appear one after another

The private Shuchien Academy, an educational institution once established for wealthy families, has a long history

The famous school, many people who were born in wealthy families, study here more often.

And those who lead these students are definitely not ordinary mortals!

Ah~~! It's the two members of the student council!)

No matter how you look at it, they are two very right people~

You can even feel a sense of sanctity

Are these two dating? Does anyone ask?

In the clean and cool corridor, the male and female protagonists walk side by side, causing a large group of people to eat melons along the way.

The students screamed in envy.

At this time, the narration also appeared again intimately, introducing the two main characters to the audience today.

human identity.

"Vice President of the Student Union of Shuchien Academy - Kaguya Shimiya, with a total asset of [-] trillion, owns

One of the four major families with more than thousands of subsidiaries, the eldest daughter of the Siguan Group, is truly

the eldest

The excellent genes in the bloodline are in the same line, interpretation, music, samurai, all aspects

All of them have high attainments, there is no doubt about the talented girl, here is Kaguya Shinomiya!

And Shinomiya Kaguya was assisted by the student council president of Shuchien Academy, Shirogane Yuyuki, who had just

Simple, smart, and wise, he is firmly in the first place in the mock exams in school, and he is very close to the versatile Westerners.

Compared to Gong Huiye, he won the fear and admiration of the students just because of his studies!"

Listening to the narration's introduction to the male and female protagonists, the audience was dumbfounded

They suspect that they heard it wrong, why are all the characters in the anime so powerful?


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