Shinomiya Kaguya is very aware of the family background of Fujiwara Chika, and the other party will never watch this kind of telegram.

And she is the best friend of Chika Fujiwara, the other party will naturally give her the movie ticket, and the most

Jia's transfer location is undoubtedly the student union room where several people are present after school.

In this way, all plans will fall into place, step by step as if it had come naturally


And she can watch the silver step by step into the trap she carefully prepared

Until the final fall completely and become a complete loser

Seeing that Kaguya Shinomiya secretly prepared so many small moves, the audience swarmed

Take a breath

If the battle of wits and courage between Shinomiya and Shirogane made them realize what a king is

The duel between the two, then the arrangement of Kaguya Sinomiya at this time will completely let them know.

The true meaning of the king.

"I rub, this preparation is too thoughtful! 々"

"The most terrifying thing is that Sinomiya's plan is really to follow her script.

So monstrous!

Zhuge in the girls' middle school~ Is this really the level of human intelligence?"

Fortunately, President Baiyin is not an ordinary person, or else he will really be succeeded by Kaguya Shinomiya.

"Made, the old man is getting goosebumps all over his body, how thrilling is this?


Many viewers felt incredible about Shinomiya Kaguya's arrangement.

Man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation, no matter how precise the plan is, it is impossible to guarantee [-]% success.

There are some unexpected elements that happen that you don't expect.

But Kaguya Shinomiya is scary at this point, the plan she laid out really works

Going on her script, it's downright chilling.

This cautious, sinister, and cunning mind made many viewers feel a chill in their hearts.

That's it~ I'm still very easy to believe this kind of thing.

As he spoke, Kaguya Shinomiya ended his memory and opened the ruby-like pure clarity.

Che's eyes looked at Bai Yin, and at the same time, he put his hands on his chest, and the expression on his face was different.

Fu just now was cold and wise, but unconsciously brought a touch of shyness unique to a girl.

【If you want to go together, I hope you can be more enthusiastic about Yaqing, the president.

Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya's sudden coquettish behavior, many viewers felt their own guilt.

It was as if the glass was covered with cracks.

After all, the fragile dam failed to withstand the impact of the flood, and the time to come finally came.

A woman's nirvana - pure and innocent skills are activated


Coquetry to one's male object

Withdrawing Jiao has always been a woman's trump card, under certain factors and certain occasions, for

In order to achieve their goals, women will sacrifice this killer copper.

Men inevitably have machismo, facing women so shy

Pleading, after the explosive satisfaction of self-esteem, in order to show their magnanimity

Will agree to the other party's request without hesitation.

And Shinomiya Kaguya is one of the best among them, the [Pure and Unsullied] skill is the Shinomiya family.

The unique art of negotiation.

To activate this skill, the facial micro-expressions and body movements are strictly controlled.

After all, even the voice and tone of voice have stood the test of time.

It is said that even the gods can't use the [Pure and Unsullied] skills of the women of the Shinomiya family.

Resist this temptation.


Watching Shigong Kaguya suddenly change from the former high-cold goddess to a coquettish girl who has fallen into the world

Shy woman, many viewers in front of the screen felt the scent of pink.

Sure enough. Confession is a man's mission, right?

Audiences fell for Kaguya Shinomiya's lovely offensive.

Gong Huiye, they really don't have the power to resist (King Nuo's) at all.

I'm also the age where I want to try to fall in love~!

Shinomiya Kaguya saw that there was an opportunity, and immediately increased his attack efforts. Such a thousand-year-old

A rare opportunity, she will never let it go

Fight for the silver in one go, and win this protracted love war!

Just when Shirogane was in a hard fight, when Kaguya Shinomiya thought his victory was in sight.

At that time, the fanmao secretary who was regarded as the real king by a few audiences appeared again.

Seeing the genuine smile of Chika Fujiwara, the very few viewers groaned in their hearts.

They knew that the true king was going to kill him.

After all, for Chika Fujiwara, it is more suitable for Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya to be evenly matched.

own interests

Only if these two fight wits and courage, can she watch dramas every day and be a melon eater with peace of mind


PS: I hope that the big guys will support a lot, please




Chapter [-] Fujiwara Chika, always drop God! (For support

If Kaguya Shinomiya wins so easily, where will she find such intentions in the future?

Si's Love Mind War Movie?

[If you don't like love movies, I also have "Tanya Wars" here

Oh ticket~


The two who were about to decide the winner and the loser, when they heard the words of Chika Fujiwara, their brains were like that.

Buddha flashed a bolt from the blue sky, causing the two brains to fall into chaos.

The love war is extremely sinister, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything, so both of you go away.

Watch three steps step by step, constantly guess the opponent's next move, in order to win for yourself

chance of victory.

Although both are genius brains, they have to deal with the vast number of possibilities and inconsistencies.

The certain factors also made the speed of the brains of the two people reach the limit.

At this moment, Chika Fujiwara's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Tired the already overwhelmed brains of the two

After listening to Fujiwara's words, whether it was Kaguya Shinomiya or Shirogane, they all felt

His brain was running too fast, causing the heat to explode, and one after another fell into a state of downtime.

And there is only one way to get the brain back to work, and that is to eat enough

Too much sugar allows the brain to get nutritional supplements and start working again.

In this case, whoever's brain starts working first will have the first chance.

In other words, whoever gets this steamed bun is the final winner!

Kaguya Shinomiya moved to the table at the same time with Shirogane, where there was a dish that was placed on a plate.

The white steamed buns in the child.

Bread = sugar

Thinking of this, Kaguya Shinomiya and Bai Yin reached out their hands at the same time, wanting to snatch this piece of the student council room.

A steamed bun that can replenish their energy.

However, Fujiwara Kanka didn't seem to notice the movements of the two, and looked at the wall.

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