, looking forward to Shinomiya Kaguya playing with the silver master.

After watching the love showdown between Kaguya Shinomiya and Shirogane, many viewers said they were brushed

new view

This is like a final exam review, the second to last explains the question to the last one

Questions, one dares to speak and the other dares to learn, are prosperous and confused.

[Fight! This is the fate of the world, kill or be killed! Contact information is required

Ask, or be asked, it is not an exaggeration to say that the pros and cons of human beings depend on Yuci!

Listening to this imposing narration, many viewers are full of enthusiasm, one by one imitating

Buddha was beaten like chicken blood, and his whole body was unbearably hot.

It's so hot, the old man can't help it

Either kill or be killed, the sharpness and contradiction of this issue is simply


The 04 biggest problem of mankind in this century: is it the boy who asks the girl for contact information?

Or girls ask boys for contact information!

, all of you upstairs are so special

make it so hot

Just for a phone number?

Haha~ Is it so difficult to get a contact information?

At this time, the audience finally knew why the movie "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess"

Manga compares love to war.

This Nima is too real, just this magnificent narration gives people a sense of

The illusion of fighting on the battlefield

As long as your narration is a little bland, this is a normal romantic comedy.

True love is not a material match, but a spiritual match

Maybe this is what Fangzheng wants to convey to them through animation.

At this moment, the audience realizes that their idol, the hot man, is not only a skin

Besides, he was a great philosopher.

Committed to complicating simple problems and advocating the theory that everything is war

The first person in the hole!

That huh, as a person with female votes, let me remind those who have mastered tricks

's fans, if there was no such show, Baiyin and Kaguya would have been together long ago~

Same as above, so please don't study~

Tian オ mind stand? No no no, this is a sand sculpture showdown between the two!

This is a show that can be done as long as A goes up, but the two of them have to go crazy.

s story

The audience also complained wildly about Baiyin and Kaguya's show.

This is like two residual blood ADCs laning, obviously just raise your hand to A to solve the problem.

Fang, but he had to fight his wits and courage, not only did DF two even make full friends, but he also twisted his body crazily.

A set of QWER moves in one go.

The audience is also anxious about this.

At this time, the plot that made the audience speechless was still behind.

Shinomiya Kaguya received a love letter and opened it in front of Baiyin, as if it was

Talking about this issue with Fujiwara Chika, but his eyes are always looking to the side of Shirogane.

[The content is very enthusiastic, the other party hopes to have a meal with me

With a smile on Shinomiya Kaguya's face, she looked at Fujiwara Chika on the side.

And Fujiwara Chika is indeed the best assist and god-level tool person identified by Kaguya Shinomiya

As if unaware of Shinomiya Kaguya's trap at all, she stepped into it innocently.

go with

Is that an invitation to a date?

When Bai Yin heard this, the expression on his face was very flat, because he was very concerned about Shinomiya Kaguya's feelings.

Cognition is clear.

For the fourth house, other men are like talking weeds on the side of the road.

I won't care, so in Baiyin's view, it is impossible for the fourth house to agree to the invitation of the other party.

Did you agree to go on a date?


Hearing the conversation between Mika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shinomiya, the pen in Shirogane's hand was instantly broken.

Looking at Kaguya Shinomiya in disbelief, he suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Are you in a daze? How can you happily promise a home that you have never seen before?

guy's date invitation

After all, it is a love letter from someone who mustered up the courage to give it, and I should like him too~

Shinomiya Kaguya stared at Shirogane's increasingly nervous face from the corner of his eyes, Ruby

A sly streamer flashed in his eyes

The audience looked at Kaguya Shinomiya, who was obviously directed and acted by himself.

Yin first confessed, which is also extremely useful.

Afterwards, Shirogane went to 'sue the teacher' on the grounds of an unreasonable love, and Shinomiya Teru

Yea responded with 'Even if you drop out of school, you must respond to the other person's request'.

In this love showdown, Kaguya Shinomiya's offensive was very sharp, and once

Silver was forced to the edge of the precipice of life and death.

At this time, there are only two choices for silver, either continue to go high and choose not to be low.

Then he sat and watched Shinomiya Kaguya with the other men.

Either bow your head and admit defeat and tell Shinomiya Kaguya his heart, in order to save the other party's


But either way, silver seems destined to lose.

[It doesn't matter, if it's true love, I will accept even the punishment of dropping out of school


Drop out. Drop out? What nonsense are you talking about!

[It's not stupid, he conveyed such a passionate love to me, if I don't

It would be too insincere to reciprocate with the consciousness of learning!

[Open.. What a joke, since that's the case, why don't I want you to confess


Hearing that Bai Yin finally said these words, the audience in front of the screen were excited.

As if they were even happier than the party, Bai Yin, they almost jumped out of their seats.

Finally, A went up, I was so anxious to see it!"

I feel the same way, this is not a battle of wits at all, it is clearly a bunch of mental retardation


As we all know, human intelligence is limited, but these two put the limited intelligence

Force into the infinite battle

On the surface: master tricks, in fact: chickens peck each other

To be honest, watching Baiyin and Shinomiya Kaguya continue to fight brain-burning, many fans

Sidu felt anxious for them.

Obviously two people are interested in each other, but it is because of that sad self-esteem

Heart, no one would be the first to confess, so the battle of wits and courage began.

How to induce the other party to confess first without guaranteeing that you will not confess first

become their main task.

Seeing this, many viewers were speechless.

Even a lot of impatient old brothers said that they couldn't watch it anymore, they were obviously a

Tianhu card, you have to be suspicious.

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