Dog thief, you are not human

Losing conscience ~ What did the single dog do wrong?

Valentine's Day we have been hit enough, why do you want to force us

Stuffed dog food?

Ming, oh, I shouldn't believe you, I know you're a Pipi shrimp

Wouldn’t it be better to be less routine and more sincere? Why hurt us so much?

You will really lose us like this!!

Single dog eats your rice? Why beat us on Valentine's Day!

The single viewers who reacted at this time feel that they have been affected by both the mind and the IQ.

With a heavy blow, they ran to Fangzheng Weibo in a rage.

scolded Fangzheng for his conscience, not a human being

Valentine's Day is very unfriendly to single dogs, we all hide, why are you still

To trick us out to kill.

Coco, you really don't do anything that is related to people.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!




Chapter [-] I'm still single, so you miss my son? (please


Fang Zheng himself was also stunned when he saw his Weibo making a fuss.

Of course he himself knows what kind of anime "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" is

So he will push to his single fans on Valentine's Day.

Otherwise, these fans have never experienced the crit of love, and they will never experience it.

The true meaning of love.

Falling in love, what a beautiful thing, if you don't force them, they will all be

I don't know if I can find a girlfriend

Just imagine, when you were single, you were ridiculed as a single dog every day, this

At that time, will you be eager to have a goddess-level female ticket?

Then turn around and slap the faces of those who used to mock you?

Right, that's why he launched the action "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" on Valentine's Day

Manga, also for this purpose.

He wants to make fans feel through the anime "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess"

The sinister world in the world, and then become angry and try to be strong, know shame and then be brave, and get rid of the single as soon as possible

Even considering the future happiness of his fans, he is willing to be misunderstood by fans.

Willing to be scolded by fans~.

I'm so great, if you can feel my good intentions, scold me

Recognized too!

Looking at the fans' messages under his Weibo, Fang Zheng's mouth slightly raised.

Thinking of this, he was almost moved to tears by himself.

In these days, an idol like him who is selfless and wholeheartedly considers his fans

It's really not much, let's do it and cherish it

[I am very relieved to see many fans scold me for not being human, because it shows that you have

hurt and know how unfortunate it is to be a single dog so i hope

You can support and then be brave, and get rid of the single as soon as possible!

After Fangzheng edited the news, he clicked Send.

Regardless of whether the fans believed him or not, Fang Zheng himself believed it.

He definitely didn't launch it to simply crit his fans on Valentine's Day.

The anime "Miss Kaguya Wants Me To Confess".

he swears

Oops? Does Fang Da's words mean that he is for our own good?"

Emm, you believe that Pippi Shrimp as a person?

Although we appreciate your good intentions, I would like to say: you do not

it's human!

It turns out that Fang Da has worked so hard for us, thank you so much.

Feeding dog food on Valentine's Day, Fang Da, you are really our good idol!!!

I want to add a buff to you

Fans didn't believe Fang Zheng's righteous remarks at all.

I've been following you for so long, we don't know what kind of character you are

You say it so nicely, I'm afraid you won't believe it yourself

Admit it, you're doing it to give us single dogs secondary damage and a crit.

"Miss Kaguya Wants Me Confession" was specially released on Valentine's Day.

[I am very sad after reading your message, because you all misunderstood me, I just want to

Through this anime, I will tell you a truth about the loser who confesses first in love. This sentence

You're right, but you're just losing to someone, losing to someone, you

But won the world!!

Fangzheng continued to tell the audience about his good intentions, after all, he really did it for these fans

Silk is broken

He didn't believe it himself.

Lose to one person and win the world?

I'm afraid you don't know how a man with the surname Ito lost to a man and then lost


You say that you are all single, although you say that you like the second dimension and support Club A

I'm very happy, but have you ever thought about

【If you get rid of the single as soon as possible, get married and have children as soon as possible, does that mean that you are alone

Holding the role of the A society, your family of three supports the A society?

Even Fangzheng is still thinking, if his fans are arguing, he will be angry with him directly.

Lian, it is no exaggeration to say that this group of fans alone is enough to support the majority of the A club.

You said that you are all very smart on weekdays, how can you not get the

What about the long-term perspective?

Fans were dumbfounded when they watched a series of updates from Fangzheng.

Everyone feels that they are really not keeping up with the times.

What is the mind gap?

This is the mind gap

No wonder Fang Da has become a young entrepreneur in the magic capital at a very young age.

Company A is in full swing, and this long-term vision alone will throw them ten streets away.

0... ask for flowers

They are still thinking about how to work hard and then support Club A.

The results of it?

Fang Da Da stopped paying attention to them for a long time, and he beat him up early.

The family is even the idea of ​​future generations.

Strong or strong

Sorry for you!

Do you listen to what people say?!"

You bastard, it's okay if you fool us, why do you plan on fooling my son

Fang Da, really, please be sure to bring bodyguards when you go out in the future~"

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