[Let me listen to your singing, dance and forget the time~

Qin Miaomiao's performance had only begun, and the audience at the scene was already too excited.

The tidy shouts seemed to overturn the roof of the venue.

The atmosphere of the scene also quickly became hot and dry, and the audience seemed to be affected by each and every one.

Like a mad believer in baptism, constantly waving the light stick in his hand

Fang Zheng looked at the excitement of the audience around him, but he didn't notice it at all.

facial expressions and movements, smiling with a smile

Sure enough, no one can resist the brainwashing of "The Purity of Elysium", as one of the few in the previous life

The magic song, it must have its own advantages.

Magic and brainwashing are the labels that this song and dance will never take off~!

If there is anyone else in the field who is more sober, I am afraid it is Fang Zheng, and the first few.

judges and host

Fangzheng himself has been baptized by this song in his previous life, so he has

After gaining a certain immunity, although there is still a feeling of toxin recurrence, but

Still barely able to calm down.

And next to her, Chen Xianting, a calm and rational girl on weekdays, but now

He had stood up long ago, waving a light stick in his hand, and his fair face was even more so because of the excitement.

Moving and red, completely lost himself.

As for the first few judges, they forced themselves because of their position.

Calm down.

They can't be like the audience, just give up the treatment and shake their own body there.


If Qin Miaomiao's performance is over, when it comes to their commenting session, what will be in their minds?

Apart from Qin Miaomiao's coordinated and even provocative dance moves, she couldn't say anything.

Substantial reviews, it will be laughed out of the teeth.

However, to say who is the calmest in this hot scene, it must be Duan Liu.

The better Qin Miaomiao's performance, the louder the cheers of the audience at the scene, the more desperate his heart will be.

At this time, Duan Liu had no longer cared about his image, and kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead,

There was a panicked expression on his face.

Fortunately, no one has time to pay attention to him now, everyone's attention is on the stage

Watching the graceful dance steps of Qin Miaomiao and the three of them, listening to the song with a strong sense of rhythm, watching

The blood of the crowd swelled, and the shouting was also hearty.

Finally, this irresistible song and dance came to an end, and the scene from the magical

The melody returned to its usual calm.

From extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, many people are still immersed in the change of the scene without realizing it.

In the melody that makes you unable to resist swaying to the rhythm


Qin Miaomiao stopped and looked slightly out of breath at the motionless and expressionless people under the stage.

Some dull audience.

Looking around, seeing everyone like this, Qin Miaomiao was a little excited because of the dance

His face suddenly turned pale.

Don't everyone like it?

Thinking of this, Qin Miaomiao stared at the dark crowd under the stage with anxious eyes.

When she performed for her just now, the stage lights were bright, and the corresponding lights under the stage

It got a little dark.

When the human eye sees a relatively dark place in a bright place, it will have a feeling of being unclear.

Qin Miaomiao is in this state.

Coupled with the fact that she has a headset on her ear, during the performance, she is very good to the live audience.

The reaction can be said to be unsympathetic, and he doesn't know what he has brought to the audience at all.


Qin Miaomiao stood in the center of the stage with a dazed expression, the audience's expressions were dull, and the judges were there.

No one spoke, and the most outrageous thing was that the host didn't even take the stage.

This made Qin Miaomiao a little stunned, that is, no matter how bad his performance was, it was unsatisfactory.

The bearer should show up

Just when Qin Miaomiao was complaining, the host rushed to the dance from one side of the stage.


Miss Qin, congratulations

When he came to Qin Miaomiao's side, the host looked at Qin Miaomiao with admiration.

Maybe the dance the other party just performed is very different from the traditional dance, but as

Qin Miaomiao said before the performance that the appeal of this dance is unparalleled.

It's a congratulation for the host to come up', Qin Miaomiao was a little confused, but she didn't wait.

She opened her mouth and heard the host continue to speak.

"Come on, let's hear what the judges have to say~"

The host used the Qin Miaomiao performance picture that was still flashing in his mind.

Go directly to the topic

As a professional supporter, or a supporter of CCTV, his professional quality is absolutely

For the excellent 690, the reason why there is no response like just オ, the end

It's all because "The Pure Land of Bliss" is really too demonic, it just keeps people sinking and sinking.


As the host's words fell, several judges in the commentary also reacted one after another.

Let me talk about it first." A judge on the far right looked at Qin Miaomiao, his eyes full of concealment.

Uncontrollable admiration and dumbfoundedness.

I am a professional dancer. Is the house dance you perform suitable for dance?

Taiwan, whether it counts as a genre or not, I don't make an evaluation myself, but for your

I admire the performance, there is no doubt that the appeal of this dance is unparalleled~!

Finally, Miss Qin, you really shocked me, especially the dance you just did

That unique dance step requires very good physical flexibility and coordination, strength

If it is heavier, it will appear stiff, but if it is lighter, it will not match the melody and style of the song.

You have really achieved the level of perfection, I am looking forward to your later performances

After finishing speaking, the judge pressed the button on his hand and said, "I'll give you the pass.

, and apologize to you, you are not without the professionalism and skill of a dancer, but

The previous secretary dance was too simple and didn't give you a chance to show yourself, so I

Sorry for what I said earlier!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!!




Chapter [-] It is difficult to climb the hall of elegance (seeking support)

Comments came to Duan Liu soon

As everyone knows about Duan Liu, this is the first time this person said the kind of stuff on the Internet.

Ugly words.

Seeing Duan Liu, the fans at the scene stared at him with malicious intent, and even some

The fingers of the fans crunched, as if they were going to go up and repay Duan Liu at any time.


Seeing this situation, Duan Liu secretly complained, and the younger generation felt a little colder.


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