One after another left the jury seat, away from Duan Liu

We all know that the anger of the fans is directed towards Duan Liu, and it goes with this guy.

Nothing good.

The host watched the chaos at the scene, and quickly asked the program team for instructions.

At the same time, the security guards at the scene also appeared on the scene urgently to maintain the order at the scene.

lest the angry fans really do anything drastic

However, the fans at the scene were obviously annoyed by Duan Liu's words, even if a security guard stopped them.

It is still difficult to stop, after all, there are only a few security guards, and it is difficult to resist so much rage

Fans of

Looking at these furious fans, let alone Duan Liu, even these big and three rude security guards

Andy is a little nervous

If there is a stampede, it will really kill people, so many angry fans can

Not kidding.

Fortunately, the fans at the scene still retained a trace of rationality, except for throwing

In addition to swearing at Duan Liu, Xi has not caused a bigger commotion.

Rao is so, the people in the program group are also frightened.

At this time, the fans at the scene are like a powder keg, as long as there is a little spark, it will detonate.

The person in charge of the program group scolded Duan Liu's ancestors all over the eighteenth generation, you

Let's settle the grievances and grievances between TT and Company A by ourselves, don't pull me on the back

Just when the program team was about to call the uniform uncle, a man wearing a mask and ink

The young man in the mirror took to the stage.

Watching the young man walk through the auditorium step by step, slowly walking towards the stage,

The audience was a little stunned, and the movements in their hands stopped temporarily.

People don't know, but Qin Miaoyao recognized the figure in front of him at a glance.

Fang Zheng came to the stage, nodded at the host, and then moved towards the words in the opponent's hand.

The barrel pointed.

The host was stunned, he didn't know whether he should give this microphone or not, Wan Wan

give him!

Just when the host was struggling, the voice of the person in charge of the program came from the headset.


And I don't know if it's the host's illusion, he always feels that the director of the program's language

Breath a little easier.

At this time, the program started from the office, and Chen Xianting nodded to the person in charge of the program group.

Xian Ting's arrival is also the main reason why the person in charge asked the host to hand over the microphone to Fang Zheng.

On the stage, Fang Zheng took the microphone handed over by the host, then turned around and looked at the scene.

the audience, glanced around.

all right, be quiet

Fangzheng's voice echoed throughout the venue through the microphone, and the audience at the scene was also quiet.

When I came down, I looked at this heavily armed figure on the stage in disbelief.

"I rub it, this voice is so familiar.

"emm~I think of a certain Pippi shrimp~!

This is not really Fang Da, is it?

Don't run away, the old man is too familiar with the voice of the Pipi shrimp

Even the tone of speech is sleazy, this Nima is definitely that dog thief!

As soon as Fangzheng opened his mouth, the fans below reacted, they were too familiar with Fangzheng.

You know, no one speaks with such a characteristic tone.

As soon as Nima opened his mouth, the smell of Pipi shrimp came to his face. In addition to the spicy man, he also

Who can be?

When the scene settled down, the people in the commentary slowly recovered and returned to themselves.

The act.

Especially Duan Liu, he looked at the fans behind him with lingering fears, while wiping cold sweat.

Go back to what you do, just look at the (aefd) appearance of the half-ass sitting on the chair,

seems ready to run away

Mr. Duan, you said that house dance is difficult to be elegant. I don't know what your reason is?

Fangzheng did not know that his identity had been exposed at this time, so he had not released it yet.

own armament.

He saw the scene when the fans were angry just now, but he didn't forget that he was

What the heck, if this is picked up by fans in this state, it is estimated that there will be more bad luck than good luck.

Who are you?!" Duan Liu heard Fang Zheng's voice before he returned to his seat.

Then, looking at Fang Zheng's clothes on the floor, he immediately became angry.

Qin Miaomiao doesn't even care about him or the audience. You are such a person that you can't even see your face.

man, how old are you?

What's the matter? Do you think I'm bullying someone, and they all ride on Lao Tzu's face?


I'm .emm~ー a hawker with keys

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the audience immediately burst into laughter.

This time, the audience who had a little bit of doubts before became more sure of Fangzheng's identity.

Except for that Pippi shrimp, no one can say such 'meaningful' words

Anyone can go on stage!" Duan Liu pouted when he heard Fang Zheng's words

Then he looked at Fangzheng and said, "Give me a reason? You are a key holder, you know art


Do you know what this stage is for? You know how to spell the word art

Go back with the key and sharpen your key, don't be embarrassed here, okay?

People must be self-aware, don't spend all their savings for a momentary impulse

You can't come to this stage with a key, you know?

Duan Liu wondered if he was venting all the shocks he received from the audience towards Fangzheng.

Come out, this opening has some irresistible trends, and the words are also more ugly.

How ugly, I completely forgot why I was thrown by fans just now.

Watching Duan Liu fire at himself, and the firepower is still very powerful, Fang Zheng is hiding in his mouth.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly under the hood.

Since he came to this world, Duan Liu was the first person to say these words to him, e

mm~ don't mention it, it's a little bit like that being regarded by the local tyrants

Coco~" Fang Zheng couldn't help laughing twice when he heard Duan Liu's words, and then slowly took off his

own mask and sunglasses.

Square.. Square.. Right?!

Seeing Fang Zheng showing his true face, Duan Liu, who was still chattering, suddenly seemed to be strangled.

Like a duck, all the words to be said are stuck in his throat, and his expression is very funny.

Do you understand art?

Fang Zheng asked Duan Liu with a smile on his face, his eyes smiling like a fox


PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!




Chapter [-] The end of the brush (seeking support)

Fang Zheng looked at Duan Liu with a smile, his slightly narrowed eyes filled with malicious intent.

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