But Tanya didn't have the time to think so much, and directly faced Sherebria on the side.

Cove gave the order.

Second lieutenant, immediately release the evacuation pass, and use the international channel according to the regulations!

Tan Ya's adjutant heard this, put down the telescope in his hand, and looked at Tan Ya

But that.. is it really okay for me to do it?

Hearing the adjutant's words, Tan Ya was stunned for a moment and looked around at the watches of the soldiers under her command.

love, said helplessly

[Indeed, it is most appropriate for me to do it~

Tanya reached out and took the wireless walkie-talkie on the side, looking at the lights in the distance, because it was

With her back to the crowd, no one could see clearly what Tan Ya's expression was like at this time.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!




Chapter [-] Tanya's original voice? (For support)


We will uphold international law and swear to go to war with dignity

"Warning! The Empire will begin an attack on military installations

At this moment, Tan Ya's voice is full of the taste of loli, her voice is crisp and tender, anyone can listen to it

You will think it's a prank by a girl around seven or eight years old

What the hell, is this Tanya's voice?

This is the opening kneeling series, it is really kneeling

"This loli voice from the soul, this is definitely Tanya's original voice!

I got goosebumps, the person who speaks with this accent is a girl in the skin of a young girl

the monster~"

God is so special in international law, God is so dignified in war, who would believe this voice


Dark-bellied, sinister, cunning!

Hearing Tan Ya's tender voice, the audience in front of the screen were all excited.

If they didn't know Tanya's character before they mentioned "Six Five Three", just listening to the voice

would think that this is just a little girl who hasn't grown up yet.

But Tanya is an out-and-out devil, and this strong contrast makes many viewers

Unconsciously, a chill surged up, giving people a feeling of chills on the back.

Great, the other party completely thought it was a prank by a child

Tanya's adjutant, Serebryakov, held a telescope in his hand, and there was still no trace of light below.

The enemy munitions factory guarded by Bo, his face is full of admiration, and his eyes are also very sharp when he looks at Tan Ya.


In her opinion, Tan Ya's disguised voice change is very perfect, so they also

It can be regarded as a notice, giving the other side civilians time to evacuate, Sibo does not violate the wartime

international law.

On the other hand, Tanya's tender voice was very deceptive and paralyzing.

While caring for each other, the enemy will only think that this is a little girl who has mistakenly entered an international channel


Was your Excellency the Major originally a show?

Not only the adjutant, but even the other mages around Tan Ya looked incredible.

looking at Tanya

The scene of Tan Ya training them is still vivid in their minds. In everyone's mind, Tan Ya is the

Demon instructor, really practiced them to death

Cold-blooded, crazy, and powerful, this is the most intuitive impression Tanya gave them.

But as soon as Tanya opened her mouth, the mages were shocked.

It turns out that Major Tanya also has such a side, that voice is too deceptive

, If they weren't by Tanya's side, they would only think that it was a little loli shouting.

Hearing the words of Serebryakov and his soldiers, Tanya glanced at him badly

They glanced at each other, the warning in their eyes was quite serious.


Seeing Tanya's aggressive eyes, the mages around Tanya, including the adjutant

Inside, they all drifted away without a trace, for fear that Tan Ya would be unhappy.

They take a shot.

Tanya will give you a look and see for yourself

That must be high, you must know that Tanya trained them before, but they didn't have Sibo's subordinates

Have mercy~

233~Tanya is so terrifying to keep her subordinates away from her with just one look

"It is estimated that the adjutant's words with the others have touched Tan Ya's pain point.

A little girl

"emm~ is a loli, but a little cruel

The audience looked at Tan Ya and scared their subordinates away from them with just one look.


It seems that Tanya's deterrent power is not only aimed at the enemy, but even her own people.

I can't stand it

"Then, gentlemen, the obligations of international law are over, let's get to work

The crazy look on Tanya's face that impressed the audience again, but the pair

The sapphire-clear eyes were full of calmness.

Calmness and madness are supposed to be opposite attributes, but they are at the same time

The same place appears on the same person

At this moment, Tanya feels very contradictory.

All staff! Launch a long-range explosion technique to target the enemy arsenal!

When Tanya finished speaking, the magic bead on her chest radiated a fiery orange light.

The magic power spread all over Tanya's body through the magic bead, and the clear blue eyes also became more healed.

The hair grows wild and eventually turns completely golden.

In the name of God, judge the madmen who violated the country, God~ Show your mighty power in the lower realm

Tanya finished the prayer with a blank face, although the words of the prayer were very pious.

believers, but the expression on his face did not have any elements of faith, but rather flat

Quiet is scary!

After speaking, Tanya's golden eyes turned cold, and she was ready to face her without looking back.

The sorcerers ordered.

All! Shoot!

bang bang

Under the silent night sky, the moonlight on the horizon is extraordinarily bright, with blossoming white clouds in the moonlight.

Under the reflection of the light, it seems to be covered with a layer of gauze, exuding a silver light, giving people

a dreamlike feeling 0

In the deep night sky, there was a burst of neat gunshots, followed by a stream of shooting stars.

The beam of light streaks across the quiet night sky, heading straight towards the brightly lit arsenal below.

boom boom boom

The violent explosion sounded, and the originally very quiet night sky instantly became noisy.

The sound of explosions, screams, and calls for help came one after another, and in an instant, the originally quiet and peaceful scene

The scene instantly changed the taste of purgatory on earth

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